Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Unlock statement is used to remove locks from files. All locks should be removed before a<br />

file is closed or the program is terminated. [binary file]<br />

LOF After a file has been opened with reference number n, the number of characters in the<br />

file (that is, the length of the file) is given by LOF(n). For communications, the value of<br />

LOF(n) equals the number of bytes waiting in the communications buffer with reference<br />

number n.<br />

LOG If x is a positive number, the value of Log(x) is the natural logarithm (base e) of x.<br />

LONG A variable of type Long requires 4 bytes of memory <strong>and</strong> can hold the whole numbers<br />

from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Long values <strong>and</strong> variables may be indicated by<br />

the type tag &: 12345678&, Population&.<br />

LOSTFOCUS A LostFocus event occurs when an object loses the focus, either through a<br />

user action or through code, via the SetFocus method.<br />

LSET If strVar is a string variable, then the statement LSet strVar = str replaces the value of<br />

strVar with a string of the same length consisting of str truncated or padded on the right with<br />

spaces. LSet also can be used to assign a record of one user-defined type to a record of a different<br />

user-defined type.<br />

LTRIM The value of the function LTrim(str) is the string obtained by removing all the<br />

spaces from the beginning of the string str. The string str may be either of fixed or variable<br />

length.<br />

MAX <strong>and</strong> MIN The Max <strong>and</strong> Min properties of scroll bars give the values of horizontal (vertical)<br />

scroll bars when the thumb is at the right (bottom) <strong>and</strong> left (top) arrows, respectively.<br />

MAXBUTTON The MaxButton property determines whether or not a form has a Maximize<br />

button in the upper-right corner. If the value of the MaxButton property is set to True (the<br />

default), a Maximize button is displayed when the program is run. The user then has the<br />

option to click on the Maximize button to cause the form to enlarge <strong>and</strong> fill the entire screen.<br />

If the value of the MaxButton property is set to False, the maximize button is not displayed<br />

when the program is run, <strong>and</strong> the user is thus unable to “maximize” the form.<br />

MAXLENGTH The property MaxLength determines the maximum number of characters<br />

that a text box will accept. If the MaxLength property for a text box is set to 0 (the default),<br />

an unlimited number of characters may be entered in the text box.<br />

MID The value of the function Mid(str, m, n) is the substring of str beginning with the mth<br />

character of str <strong>and</strong> containing up to n characters. If the parameter n is omitted, Mid(str, m)<br />

is all the characters of str from the mth character on. The statement Mid(str, m, n) = str2<br />

replaces the characters of str, beginning with the mth character, by the first n characters of<br />

the string str2.<br />

MINBUTTON The MinButton property determines whether or not a form has a Minimize<br />

button in the upper-right corner. If the value of the MinButton property is set to True (the<br />

default), a Minimize button is displayed when the program is run. The user then has the<br />

option to click on the Minimize button to cause the form to be replaced by a small icon in<br />

the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. If the value of the MinButton property is set to False,<br />

the Minimize button is not displayed when the program is run, <strong>and</strong> the user is thus unable to<br />

“minimize”the form.<br />

MINUTE The function Minute extracts the minutes from a serial date. If d is any valid serial<br />

date, the value of Minute(d) is a whole number from 0 to 59 giving the minutes recorded<br />

as part of the date <strong>and</strong> time stored in d. [date]<br />

MKDIR The statement MkDir path\dirName creates a subdirectory named dirName~ in the<br />

directory specified by path. [directories]<br />

Appendix C 441

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