Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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ISNUMERIC The value of the function IsNumeric(v) is True if v is a number, numeric variable,<br />

or a variant variable that has been assigned a number or a string that could be obtained<br />

by Formatting a number. In all other cases the value of IsNumeric is False. [variant]<br />

ITEM The value of collectionName.Item(n) is the nth object in the named collection. The<br />

value of collectionName.Item(keyString) is the nth object in the named collection, where<br />

keyString is the key given to the object when it was added to the collection. If the value of n<br />

or keyString doesn’t match an existing object of the collection, an error occurs.<br />

ITEMDATA When you create a list or combo box, <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> automatically creates a long<br />

integer array referred to as ItemData. The statement List1. ItemData(m) = n assigns the value<br />

n to the mth subscripted variable of the array. It is commonly used with the NewIndex property<br />

to associate a number with each item in a list, <strong>and</strong> thereby create a minidatabase. The<br />

ItemData property is especially useful for lists in which Sorted = True.<br />

KEYPRESS The KeyPress event applies to comm<strong>and</strong> buttons, text boxes, <strong>and</strong> picture boxes.<br />

A KeyPress event occurs whenever the user presses a key while one of the preceding controls<br />

has the focus. A code identifying which key was pressed will be passed to the event procedure<br />

in the KeyAscii parameter. This information can then be used to determine what<br />

action should be taken when a given key is pressed.<br />

KILL The statement Kill “filespec”deletes the specified disk file. [filespec]<br />

LARGECHANGE When a scroll bar is clicked between the thumb <strong>and</strong> one of the arrow buttons,<br />

the Value property of the scroll bar changes by the value of the LargeChange property<br />

<strong>and</strong> the thumb moves accordingly.<br />

LBOUND For a one-dimensional array arrayName, the value of the function LBound(array-<br />

Name) is the smallest subscript value that may be used. For any array arrayName, the value<br />

of the function LBound(arrayName, n) is the smallest subscript value that may be used for<br />

the nth subscript of the array. For example, after the statement Dim example(1 To 31, 1 To<br />

12, 1990 To 1999) is executed, the value of LBound(example, 3) is the smallest value allowed<br />

for the third subscript of example( ), which is 1990.<br />

LCASE The value of the string function LCase(str) is a string identical to str except that all<br />

uppercase letters are changed to lowercase.<br />

LEFT The property Left determines the position of the left edge of a form or control. The<br />

units of measure are twips for forms. The units of measure for a control are determined by<br />

the ScaleMode property of the container (form, picture box, etc.) upon which the control has<br />

been placed, with the position of the control measured from the edge of its container using<br />

the coordinate system established by the various Scale. . . properties for the container. By<br />

default, the unit of measure for a container is twips, with a value of 0 for the Left property<br />

placing the control against the left edge of the container.<br />

LEFT The value of the function Left(str, n) is the string consisting of the leftmost n characters<br />

of str. If n is greater than the number of characters in str, the value of the function is<br />

str.<br />

LEN The value of Len(str) is the number of characters in the string str. If var is not a variable-length<br />

string variable, the value of Len(var) is the number of bytes needed to hold the<br />

value of the variable in memory. That is, Len(var) is 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, or 8 for byte, Boolean,<br />

integer, long integer, single-precision, double-precision, <strong>and</strong> currency variables. Len(var),<br />

when var is a variable with a user-defined record type, is the number of bytes of memory<br />

needed to store the value of the variable. If var is a variant variable, Len(var) is the number<br />

of bytes needed to store var as a string. [variant]<br />

LET The statement Let var = expr assigns the value of the expression to the variable. If var<br />

is a fixed-length string variable with length n <strong>and</strong> Len(expr) is greater than n, then just the<br />

first n characters of expr are assigned to var. If Len(expr) < n, then expr is padded on the<br />

Appendix C 439

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