Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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434 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

FOR/NEXT The statement For index = a To b Step s sets the value of the variable index to<br />

a <strong>and</strong> repeatedly executes the statements between itself <strong>and</strong> the statement Next index. Each<br />

time the Next statement is reached, s is added to the value of index. This process continues<br />

until the value of index passes b. Although the numbers a, b, <strong>and</strong> s may have any numeric<br />

type, the lower the precision of the type, the faster the loop executes. The statement For index<br />

= a To b is equivalent to the statement For index = a To b Step 1. The index following the<br />

word Next is optional.<br />

FORECOLOR The property ForeColor determines the color used to display text, captions,<br />

graphics, <strong>and</strong> Printed characters. If the ForeColor property of a form or picture box is<br />

changed, subsequent characters will appear in the new color. For a text box, comm<strong>and</strong> button,<br />

or label, text or caption is immediately changed to the new color. [color]<br />

FORMAT The value of the function Format(expression, str) is a string representing expression<br />

(a number, date, time, or string) formatted according to the rules given by str. Format is<br />

useful when assigning values to the Text property <strong>and</strong> when Printing to a form, picture box,<br />

or the printer.<br />

Numeric output can be formatted with commas, leading <strong>and</strong> trailing zeros, preceding or<br />

trailing signs (+ or –), <strong>and</strong> exponential notation. This is accomplished either by using for str<br />

the name of one of several predefined numeric formats or by combining in str one or more<br />

of the following special numeric formatting characters: #, 0, decimal point (period), comma,<br />

%, E–, <strong>and</strong> E+. The expression to be formatted can evaluate to one of the numeric types or a<br />

string representing a number.<br />

Predefined numeric formats include “General Number,”which displays a number as is;<br />

“Currency,”which displays a number with a leading dollar sign <strong>and</strong> with commas every three<br />

digits to the left of the decimal, displays two decimal places, <strong>and</strong> encloses negative numbers<br />

in parentheses; “Fixed,” which displays two digits to the right <strong>and</strong> at least one digit to the left<br />

of the decimal point; “St<strong>and</strong>ard,”which displays a number with commas <strong>and</strong> two decimal<br />

places but does not use parentheses for negative numbers; “Percent,” which multiplies the<br />

value by 100 <strong>and</strong> displays a percent sign after two decimal places; <strong>and</strong> “Scientific,”which<br />

displays numbers in st<strong>and</strong>ard scientific notation. For example, Format(–5432.352, “Currency”)<br />

gives the string “($5,432.35)”.<br />

The symbol # designates a place for a digit. If the number being formatted does not need<br />

all the places provided by the #’s given in str, the extra #’s are ignored. The symbol 0, like #,<br />

designates a place for a digit. However, if the number being formatted does not need all the<br />

places provided by the 0’s given in str, the character 0 is displayed in the extra places. If the<br />

number being converted has more whole part digits than there is space reserved by #’s <strong>and</strong><br />

0’s, additional space is used as if the format string had more #’s at its beginning. For example,<br />

Format(56, “####”) yields “56”, Format(56, “#”) yields “56”, Format(0, “#”) yields “”,<br />

Format(56, “0000”) yields “0056”, Format(56, “0”) yields “56”, <strong>and</strong> Format(0, “0”) yields<br />

“0”.<br />

The decimal point symbol (.) marks the location of the decimal place. It separates the<br />

format rules into two sections, one applying to the whole part of the number <strong>and</strong> the other to<br />

the decimal part. When included in the format string, a decimal point will always appear in<br />

the resulting string. For example, Format(56.246, “#.##”) yields “56.25”, Format(.246,<br />

“#.##”) yields “.25”, Format(.246, “0.##”) yields “0.25”, <strong>and</strong> Format(56.2, “0.00”) yields<br />

“52.20”.<br />

The comma symbol (,) placed to the left of the decimal point between #’s <strong>and</strong>/or 0’s causes<br />

commas to be displayed to the left of every third digit to the left of the decimal point, as<br />

appropriate. If commas are placed to the immediate left of the decimal point (or to the right<br />

of all #’s <strong>and</strong> 0’s when the decimal-point symbol is not used), then before the number is formatted,<br />

it is divided by 1000 for each comma, but commas will not appear in the result. In<br />

order to divide by201000’s <strong>and</strong> display commas in the result, use format strings like<br />

“#,#,.00”, which displays the number with commas in units of thous<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> “#,#,,.00”,<br />

which displays the number with commas in units of millions. For example, Format(1234000,<br />

“#,#”) yields “1,234,000”, Format(1234000, “#,”) yields “1234”, Format(1234000, “#,.”)

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