Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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DEFBOOL, DEFDATE, DEFOBJ A variable can be assigned a type by either a type-declaration<br />

tag or an As clause. A statement of the form DefInt letter specifies that any “untyped”<br />

variable whose name begins with the specified letter will have integer type. A statement of<br />

the form DefInt letter1-letter2 specifies that all “untyped” variables whose names begin with<br />

a letter in the range letter1 through letter2 will have integer type. The statements DefLng,<br />

DefSng, DefDbl, DefStr, DefCur, DefVar, DefByte, DefBool, DefDate, <strong>and</strong> DefObj specify<br />

the corresponding types for long integer, single-precision, double-precision, string, currency,<br />

variant, byte, boolean, date, <strong>and</strong> object variables, respectively. DefType statements are<br />

placed in the (Declarations) section of (General). [variant]<br />

DELETE The Delete method for a data control deletes the current record.<br />

DIM The statement Dim arrayName(m To n) As variableType declares an array with subscripts<br />

ranging from m to n, inclusive, where m <strong>and</strong> n are in the normal integer range of<br />

–32768 to 32767. The variableType must be Integer, Long, Single, Double, Currency, String,<br />

String*n, Variant, Boolean, Byte, Date, or a user-defined type. A statement of the form Dim<br />

arrayName(m To n, p To q) As variableType declares a doubly subscripted, or two-dimensional,<br />

array. Three- <strong>and</strong> higher-dimensional arrays are declared similarly. If m <strong>and</strong> p are<br />

zero, the preceding Dim statements may be changed to Dim arrayName(n) As variableType<br />

<strong>and</strong> Dim arrayName(n, q) As variableType. The statement Dim arrayName( ) As variable-<br />

Type defines an array whose size is initially unknown but must be established by a ReDim<br />

statement before the array can be accessed. The statement Dim variableName As variable-<br />

Type specifies the type of data that will be stored in variableName. Variables <strong>and</strong> arrays<br />

Dimmed in the (Declarations) section of (General) are available to all procedures. In procedures,<br />

Dim is used to declare variables, but ReDim is often used to dimension arrays.<br />

[dynamic vs. static] [variant]<br />

DIR If fileTemplate specifies a file (or a collection of files by including ? or *), then the<br />

value of the function Dir(fileTemplate) is the filename of the first file matching the pattern<br />

specified by fileTemplate. If this value is not the null string, the value of the function Dir is<br />

the name of the next file that matches the previously specified pattern. For example, the<br />

value of Dir(“*.VBP”) will be the name of the first file in the current directory of the default<br />

drive whose name has the .VBP extension. [directories] [filespec]<br />

DO/LOOP A statement of the form Do, Do While cond, or Do Until cond is used to mark<br />

the beginning of a block of statements that will be repeated. A statement of the form Loop,<br />

Loop While cond, or Loop Until cond is used to mark the end of the block. Each time a<br />

statement containing While or Until followed by a condition is encountered, the truth value<br />

of the condition determines whether the block should be repeated or whether the program<br />

should jump to the statement immediately following the block. A Do loop may also be exited<br />

at any point with an Exit Do statement.<br />

DOEVENTS Executing the statement DoEvents permits <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to act on any events<br />

may have occurred while the current event procedure has been executing.<br />

DOUBLE A variable of type Double requires 8 bytes of memory <strong>and</strong> can hold 0, the numbers<br />

from 4.9406520 � 2010 –324 to 1.797693134862316 � 10308 with at most 17 significant<br />

digits <strong>and</strong> the negatives of these numbers. Double values <strong>and</strong> variables may be indicated by<br />

the type tag #: 2.718281828459045#, Pi#.<br />

DRAWMODE The property DrawMode determines whether graphics are drawn in black,<br />

white, foreground color, or some interaction of these colors with the current contents of the<br />

form or picture box. The following table lists the allowed values for the DrawMode property<br />

<strong>and</strong> the rules for what RGB color number will be assigned at a given point when the RGB<br />

color number for the color currently displayed at that point is display <strong>and</strong> the RGB color<br />

number for the draw color is draw. [color]<br />

Appendix C 429

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