Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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4. Methods can be either Function or Sub procedures. A method that returns a<br />

value must be a Function procedure; otherwise it can be a Sub procedure.<br />

5. A program with a class module has at least three components: a form, form<br />

code, <strong>and</strong> class module code. Although the View menu gives you access to the<br />

form (Alt/V/B) <strong>and</strong> the form code (Alt/V/C), only the Project Explorer gives<br />

access to all three. To view the code for a class module, double-click on the<br />

name of the class in the Project Explorer.<br />

6. A class module is saved in a file whose file name has the extension .cls. Therefore,<br />

classes have both a name (Csomething) <strong>and</strong> a file name (something.cls).<br />

7. To insert an existing (saved) class module into a program, click on Add Class<br />

Module in the Project menu, click on the Existing tab, <strong>and</strong> enter the filespec for<br />

the class module.<br />

8. To delete a class from a program, right click on the class name in the Project<br />

Explorer <strong>and</strong> click on Remove className.<br />

9. An object also can be declared with a statement of the form<br />

Private pupil As Object<br />

However, objects so declared require more time <strong>and</strong> effort for <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to<br />

access.<br />

10. The set of properties, methods, <strong>and</strong> events for a class is called the class interface.<br />

The classes CStudent <strong>and</strong> CPFStudent have the same interface, even<br />

though they carry out the task of computing a grade differently. The programmer<br />

need only be aware of the SemGrade method <strong>and</strong> needn’t be concerned<br />

about its implementation. The feature that two classes can have behaviors that<br />

are named the same <strong>and</strong> have essentially the same purpose but different implementations<br />

is called polymorphism.<br />

11. Sometimes you will have difficulty deciding whether an interface item should<br />

be a property or a method. As a rule of thumb, properties should access data <strong>and</strong><br />

methods should perform operations.<br />

12. The ByVal (which st<strong>and</strong>s for “by value”) keyword is automatically inserted<br />

before parameters in Property Let statements invoked from the Tools menu.<br />

However, this keyword is optional. The default way of passing an argument to<br />

a parameter is ByRef (which st<strong>and</strong>s for “by reference”). Usually, passing by<br />

value is more efficient than passing by reference.<br />

13. The default parameter name in a Property Let procedure is vNewValue.<br />

Although we usually substitute a meaningful name, we retain the convention of<br />

beginning the name with the prefix v.<br />

14. We could have preceded our member variables with the keyword Public <strong>and</strong><br />

allowed direct access to the variables. However, this is considered poor programming<br />

practice. By using Property Let procedures to update the data, we<br />

can enforce constraints <strong>and</strong> carry out validation.<br />

15. In a class module, a property is implemented by two procedures, one to set <strong>and</strong><br />

the other to retrieve the property value. These procedures that access properties<br />

are sometimes referred to as accessor methods.<br />


Collections <strong>and</strong> Events 365<br />

“An object without an event is like a telephone without a ringer.”<br />

Anonymous<br />

A collection is an entity, similar to an array, that is especially well-suited to working with sets<br />

of objects. This section discusses collections of objects <strong>and</strong> user-defined events for classes.

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