Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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362 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />


We will create a new class, named CPFStudent, with the same member variables <strong>and</strong> property procedures<br />

as the class CStudent. The only change needed in the class module occurs in the SemGrade method. The<br />

new code for this method is<br />

Public Function SemGrade() As String<br />

Dim grade As Single<br />

grade = (m_midterm + m_final) / 2<br />

grade = Round(grade) ‘Round the grade<br />

If grade = 60 Then<br />

SemGrade = “Pass”<br />

Else<br />

SemGrade = “Fail”<br />

End If<br />

End Function<br />

The only change needed in the Form code is to replace the two occurrences of CStudent<br />

with CPFStudent. When the program is run with the same input as in Example 1, the output<br />

will be<br />

Adams, Al 123-45-6789 Pass<br />


The Object drop-down combo box in a class module window displays two items General <strong>and</strong><br />

Class. When you click on Class, the following template appears:<br />

Private Sub Class_Initialize()<br />

End Sub<br />

This event procedure is automatically invoked when an object is created from the class. Any<br />

code you type into the procedure is then executed. This procedure is used to set default values<br />

for member variables <strong>and</strong> to create other objects associated with this object.<br />

Since methods are created with ordinary Function or Sub procedures, arguments can be<br />

passed to them when they are called. The graphical program in Example 3 makes use of arguments.<br />

The program involves “twips,” which are a unit of screen measurement. (One inch is<br />

about 1440 twips.) The settings for the Top, Left, Height, <strong>and</strong> Width properties of a control<br />

are given in twips. For instance, the statements<br />

Image1.Width = 1440 ‘1 inch<br />

Image1.Height = 2160 ‘1.5 inch<br />

Image1.Top = 2880 ‘2 inches<br />

Image1.Left = 7200 ‘5 inches<br />

set the size of the image control as 1” by 1.5”, <strong>and</strong> place the control 2 inches from the top of<br />

the form <strong>and</strong> 5 inches from the left side of the form. (See Figure 6-6 in Section 6.3.) Programs<br />

using the Height property of the form should have the BorderStyle property of the form set to<br />

“0-None” since otherwise the height of the border is included in the height of the form.<br />

EXAMPLE 3<br />

Write a program containing a Circle object. The object should keep track of the center <strong>and</strong> radius of the<br />

circle. (The center is specified by two numbers, called the coordinates, giving the distance from the left<br />

side <strong>and</strong> top of the form. Distances <strong>and</strong> the radius should be measured in twips.) A Show method should<br />

display the circle on the form <strong>and</strong> a Move method should add 500 twips to each coordinate of the center<br />

of the circle. Initially, the circle should have its center at (500, 500) <strong>and</strong> radius 500. The form should have<br />

a comm<strong>and</strong> button captioned “Move <strong>and</strong> Show Circle” that invokes both methods.

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