Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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28 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

Code consists of statements that carry out tasks. <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> has a repertoire of over<br />

200 statements <strong>and</strong> we will use many of them in this text. In this section, we limit ourselves<br />

to statements that change properties of objects while a program is running.<br />

Properties of an object are changed in code with statements of the form<br />

objectName.property = setting<br />

where objectName is the name of the form or a control, property is one of the properties of<br />

the object, <strong>and</strong> setting is a valid setting for that object. Such statements are called assignment<br />

statements. They assign values to properties. Here are three other assignment statements.<br />

The statement<br />

txtBox.Font.Size = 12<br />

sets the size of the characters in the text box named txtBox to 12.<br />

The statement<br />

txtBox.Font.Bold = True<br />

converts the characters in the text box to boldface.<br />

The statement<br />

txtBox.Text = “”<br />

clears the contents of the text box; that is, it invokes the blank setting.<br />

Most events are associated with objects. The event clicking cmdButton is different from<br />

the event clicking picBox. These two events are specified cmdButton_Click <strong>and</strong><br />

picBox_Click. The statements to be executed when an event occurs are written in a block of<br />

code called an event procedure. The structure of an event procedure is<br />

Private Sub objectName_event()<br />

statements<br />

End Sub<br />

The word Sub in the first line signals the beginning of the event procedure, <strong>and</strong> the first line<br />

identifies the object <strong>and</strong> the event occurring to that object. The last line signals the termination<br />

of the event procedure. The statements to be executed appear between these two lines.<br />

(Note: The word Private indicates that the event procedure cannot be invoked by an event from<br />

another form. This will not concern us until much later in the text. The word Sub is an abbreviation<br />

of Subprogram.) For instance, the event procedure<br />

Private Sub cmdButton_Click()<br />

txtBox.Text = “”<br />

End Sub<br />

clears the contents of the text box when the comm<strong>and</strong> button is clicked.<br />


The form in Figure 2-13, which contains a text box <strong>and</strong> a comm<strong>and</strong> button, will be used to<br />

demonstrate what event procedures are <strong>and</strong> how they are created. Three event procedures will<br />

be used to alter the appearance of a phrase that is typed into the text box. The event procedures<br />

are txtPhrase_LostFocus, txtPhrase_GotFocus, <strong>and</strong> cmdBold_Click.<br />

Object Property Setting<br />

frmWalkthrough Caption Demonstration<br />

txtPhrase Text (blank)<br />

cmdBold Caption Make Phrase Bold<br />

FIGURE 2-13 The Interface for the Event Procedure Walkthrough

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