Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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TABLE 11.5(B)<br />

TABLE 11.5(C)<br />

course section time<br />

CS102 1001 MWF 8–9<br />

CS102 1002 MWF 1–2<br />

CS102 1003 MWF 2–3<br />

CS102 1004 MWF 3–4<br />

CS105 1001 MWF 1–2<br />

course name credits prerequisite<br />

CS102 Intro to Databases 3 CS101<br />

CS105 <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 4 CS200<br />

Avoid tables with intentionally blank entries.<br />

Tables with entries that are intentionally left blank waste space <strong>and</strong> are inefficient to use.<br />

Table 11.6, which serves as a directory of faculty <strong>and</strong> students, has an excessive number of<br />

blank entries. The table should be split into two tables, each dealing with just one of the<br />

groups.<br />

TABLE 11.6<br />

A Table with an Excessive Number of Blank Entries<br />

name ssn classifi- date office credits<br />

cation hired dept number gpa earned<br />

Sarah Brown 816-34-9012 student 3.7 78<br />

Pat Riley 409-22-1234 faculty 9/1/90 biology Y-3014<br />

Joe Russo 690-32-1108 faculty 9/1/88 math T-2008<br />

Juan Lopez 509-43-4110 student 3.2 42<br />

Strive for table clarity.<br />

Each table should have a basic topic <strong>and</strong> all the data in the table should be connected to that<br />

topic.<br />

Don’t let a table get unnecessarily large.<br />

A bookstore might keep a permanent record of each purchase for the purpose of targeting<br />

mailings. A better solution is to add a couple of extra fields to the customer table that identify<br />

the types of books of interest to the customer.<br />

Avoid fields whose values can be calculated from existing fields.<br />

A calculated field is one whose value can be determined from other fields. For instance, if a<br />

table has fields for both the population <strong>and</strong> area of a state, then there is no need to include a<br />

field for the population density.<br />


Creating <strong>and</strong> Designing Databases 349<br />

1. <strong>Visual</strong> Data Manager can not create foreign keys.<br />

2. You can add additional fields to a database table, but you cannot rename, modify,<br />

or delete fields without deleting the entire table <strong>and</strong> rebuilding each field.<br />

For this reason, design your tables carefully.<br />

3. The total length of a record in a table is limited to 2000 bytes.<br />

4. Be careful if you create a database with empty tables. If you pull it into a program<br />

<strong>and</strong> try to move through it with the navigator arrows, an error will be generated.<br />

You must add at least one record before starting to navigate.

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