Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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The Flags property influences certain features of the dialog box <strong>and</strong> should be set prior<br />

to setting the Show method. A complete discussion of the Flags property would be too great<br />

a digression. For our purposes, we will be well served by always setting the Flags property<br />

to 3 with the statement<br />

dlgBox.Flags = 3<br />

After selections are made from a common dialog box <strong>and</strong> the OK button is clicked, the values<br />

of the selections are stored in properties such as FileName, Color, FontName, FontItalic,<br />

FontSize <strong>and</strong> Copies. For instance, the following event procedure specifies the font for the<br />

contents of a text box.<br />

Private Sub cmdButton_Click()<br />

dlgFont.Flags = 3<br />

dlgFont.ShowFont ‘invoke Font common dialog box<br />

‘Select Font, Font style, <strong>and</strong> Size <strong>and</strong> then click on OK<br />

txtBox.Font.Name = dlgFont.FontName<br />

txtBox.Font.Bold = dlgFont.FontBold<br />

txtBox.Font.Italic = dlgFont.FontItalic<br />

txtBox.Font.Size = dlgFont.FontSize<br />

End Sub<br />

Table 10.2 gives the principal properties whose setting are garnered from the common<br />

dialog boxes.<br />

TABLE 10.2<br />

Principal Properties of the Common Dialog Boxes<br />

Type of Common<br />

Dialog Box Principal Properties<br />

Open FileName<br />

Save As FileName<br />

Color Color<br />

Font FontName, FontSize, FontBold, FontItalic<br />

Print Copies, FromPage, ToPage<br />

With Open <strong>and</strong> Save As common dialog boxes, a property is needed to specify what<br />

types of files should be displayed. A statement of the form<br />

dlgFile.Filter = “dscrpt1|filter1|dscrpt2|filter2|dscrpt3|filter3“<br />

provides verbal descriptions for the Type box <strong>and</strong> strings using wildcard characters (filters) to<br />

identify the files. A specific statement might be<br />

dlgFile.Filter = “Text Files|*.TXT|FRM Files|*.FRM|All Files|*.*”<br />

After the filter property is set, the FilterIndex property can be used to set the default filter. For<br />

instance, if the preceding statement is followed with<br />

dlgFile.FilterIndex = 1<br />

the default will be the first pair of filter items. That is, when the dialog box pops up, the Files<br />

of type box will display Text Files, <strong>and</strong> the large box will show only files with the extension<br />

TXT.<br />


1. In the Properties window of a FlexGrid control, one setting of the GridLines<br />

property is “0 – flexGridNone.” In code, this setting can be invoked with either<br />

Five Additional Objects 315

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