Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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The shape control assumes one of six possible predefined shapes depending on the value of<br />

its Shape property. Figure 10-5 shows the six shapes <strong>and</strong> the values of their corresponding<br />

Shape properties. Shapes are usually placed on a form at design time for decoration or to highlight<br />

certain parts of the form. By convention, names of shape controls have the prefix shp.<br />

FIGURE 10-5 The Six Possible Shapes for a Shape Control<br />

The most useful properties of shapes are BackStyle (transparent vs. opaque; see<br />

Figure 10-6), BorderWidth (thickness of border), BorderStyle (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.),<br />

BackColor (background color), FillStyle (fill-in pattern: horizontal lines, upward diagonal<br />

lines, etc., as in Figure 9.20), FillColor (color used by FillStyle), <strong>and</strong> Visible.<br />

FIGURE 10-6 Effect of the Value of the BackStyle Property<br />

Nine Elementary Controls 301<br />

Figure 10-7 shows several effects that can be achieved with shapes. In the first effect, a<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> button is set off by placing it on top of a rounded rectangle shape whose BackStyle<br />

is opaque, BackColor is blue, FillStyle is downward diagonal, <strong>and</strong> FillColor is yellow. In the<br />

second effect, the TRFFC20.ICO icon (displayed in an appropriately sized, borderless picture<br />

box) is “framed” by placing it on top of an oval shape whose BackStyle is opaque <strong>and</strong> Back-<br />

Color is the same as the background color of the icon. In the last effect, two comm<strong>and</strong> buttons<br />

are tied together by surrounding them with a circle shape whose FillStyle is transparent,<br />

BorderWidth is 8, <strong>and</strong> BorderColor is green, <strong>and</strong> by placing behind the comm<strong>and</strong> buttons an<br />

oval shape whose FillStyle is transparent, BorderWidth is 3, <strong>and</strong> BorderColor is blue.

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