Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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290 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

hidden contents of lstBox.ItemData( ) can be used by the programmer to index records. As illustrated<br />

in Example 2, they can also be used to set up parallel arrays that hold other data associated<br />

with each item displayed in the list box.<br />

EXAMPLE 2<br />

The following program uses NewIndex <strong>and</strong> ItemData to provide data about inventions. When an item is<br />

highlighted, its ItemData value is used to locate the appropriate entries in the inventor( ) <strong>and</strong> date( ) arrays.<br />

Assume the file INVENTOR.TXT contains the following three lines:<br />

“Ball-point pen”, “Lazlo <strong>and</strong> George Biro”, 1938<br />

“Frozen food”, “Robert Birdseye”, 1929<br />

“Bifocal lenses”, “Ben Franklin”, 1784<br />

‘In the (Declarations) section of (General)<br />

Dim inventor(0 To 10) As String<br />

Dim yr(0 To 10) As Integer<br />

Object Property Setting<br />

frmInvent Caption Inventions<br />

lstInvents Sorted True<br />

lblInventor Caption Inventor<br />

lblWho Caption (none)<br />

lblYear Caption Year<br />

lblWhen Caption (none)<br />

Private Sub Form_Load()<br />

Dim what As String, who As String, when As Integer, index As Integer<br />

Open “INVENTOR.TXT” For Input As #1<br />

index = 0<br />

Do While (index [[ UBound(inventor)) And (Not EOF(1))<br />

Input #1, what, who, when<br />

index = index + 1<br />

lstInvents.AddItem what<br />

lstInvents.ItemData(lstInvents.NewIndex) = index<br />

inventor(index) = who<br />

yr(index) = when<br />

Loop<br />

Close #1<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub lstInvents_Click()<br />

lblWho.Caption = inventor(lstInvents.ItemData(lstInvents.ListIndex))<br />

lblWhen.Caption = Str(yr(lstInvents.ItemData(lstInvents.ListIndex)))<br />

End Sub<br />

[Run, <strong>and</strong> then highlight the second entry in the list.]<br />


A combo box is best thought of as a text box with a help list attached. With an ordinary text<br />

box, the user must type information into the box. With a combo box, the user has the option of

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