Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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274 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

picPop.CurrentX = .7 ‘Beginning horizontal position of<br />

label for CA<br />

picPop.Print “California”; ‘Beginning horizontal position of<br />

label for NY<br />

picPop.CurrentX = 1.7 picPop.Print “New York”;<br />

End Sub<br />

FIGURE 9-14 Coordinates of Principal Points of Example 1<br />

Any program that draws a line chart can be easily modified to produce a bar chart. Multiple<br />

line charts are converted into so-called clustered bar charts.<br />

EXAMPLE 2<br />

Display the 2-year college enrollments for males <strong>and</strong> females in a clustered bar chart. Use the data in<br />

Table 9.2 of Section 9.4.<br />


The output of the following program appears in Figure 9-15. This program is very similar to the program<br />

that produced Figure 9-11 of Section 9.4.<br />

Private Sub cmdDraw_Click()<br />

Dim numYears As Integer, maxEnroll As Single<br />

‘Bar Chart of Total Two-Year College Enrollments<br />

numYears = 5<br />

ReDim label(1 To numYears) As String<br />

ReDim male(1 To numYears) As Single<br />

ReDim female(1 To numYears) As Single<br />

Call ReadData(label(), male(), female(), numYears, maxEnroll)<br />

Call DrawAxes(numYears, maxEnroll)<br />

Call DrawData(male(), female(), numYears)<br />

Call ShowTitle(maxEnroll)<br />

Call ShowLabels(label(), numYears, maxEnroll)<br />

Call ShowLegend(maxEnroll)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub<br />

DrawAxes(numYears As Integer, maxEnroll As Single)<br />

‘Draw axes<br />

picEnroll.Scale (-1, 1.2 * maxEnroll)-(numYears + 1, -.2 * maxEnroll)<br />

picEnroll.Line (-1, 0)-(numYears + 1, 0)<br />

picEnroll.Line (0, -.1 * maxEnroll)-(0, 1.1 * maxEnroll)<br />

End Sub

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