Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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266 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

2. The following technique can be used to determine a good range of values for a<br />

Scale method when graphs with only positive values are to be drawn.<br />

(a) Let r be the x coordinate of the rightmost point that will be drawn by any<br />

Line, PSet, or Circle method.<br />

(b) Let h be the y coordinate of the highest point that will be drawn by any Line,<br />

PSet, or Circle method.<br />

(c) Let the numbers on the x axis range from about –[20% of r] to about r +<br />

[20% of r]. Let the numbers on the y axis range from about –[20% of h] to<br />

about h + [20% of h]. That is, use<br />

picOutput.Scale (-.2 * r, 1.2 * h)-(1.2 * r, -.2 * h)<br />

3. Usually one unit on the x axis is a different length than one unit on the y axis.<br />

The statement picBox.Circle (x, y), r draws a circle whose radius is r<br />

x-axis units.<br />

4. If one or both of the points used in the Line method fall outside the picture box,<br />

the computer only draws the portion of the line that lies in the picture box. This<br />

behavior is referred to as line clipping <strong>and</strong> is used for the Circle method also.<br />

5. A program can execute a picOutput.Scale statement more than once. Executing<br />

a new picOutput.Scale statement has no effect on the text <strong>and</strong> graphics already<br />

drawn; however, future graphics statements will use the new coordinate system.<br />

This technique can be used to produce the same graphics figure in different<br />

sizes <strong>and</strong>/or locations within the picture box. The output from the following<br />

event procedure is shown in Figure 9-8.<br />

Private Sub cmdDraw_Click()<br />

Dim i As Integer<br />

picOutput.Cls<br />

For i = 0 To 3<br />

picOutput.Scale (0, 2 ^ i)-(2 ^ i, 0)<br />

picOutput.Line (0, 0)-(.5, 1)<br />

picOutput.Line (.5, 1)-(.8, 0)<br />

picOutput.Line (.8, 0)-(0, .8)<br />

picOutput.Line (0, .8)-(1, .5)<br />

picOutput.Line (1, .5)-(0, 0)<br />

Next i<br />

End Sub<br />

FIGURE 9-8 Output from Comment 5<br />

6. The programs in this section can be modified to produce colorful displays.<br />

Lines, points, <strong>and</strong> circles can be drawn in color through use of the vbColor constants.<br />

To use color, place “, vbColor” at the end of the corresponding graphics<br />

statement. For instance, the statement<br />

picBox.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), vbRed<br />

draws a red line.

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