Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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252 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

The following program creates <strong>and</strong> writes records to the r<strong>and</strong>om-access file COLLEGES.TXT.<br />

`In BAS Module<br />

Public Type collegeData<br />

nom As String * 30 ‘Name of college<br />

state As String * 2 ‘State where college is located<br />

yrFounded As Integer ‘Year college was founded<br />

End Type<br />

’In Form code<br />

Dim recordNum As Integer<br />

Private Sub cmdAddCollege_Click()<br />

‘Write a record into the file COLLEGES.TXT<br />

Dim college As collegeData<br />

college.nom = txtCollege.Text<br />

college.state = txtState.Text<br />

college.yrFounded = Val(txtYear.Text)<br />

recordNum = recordNum + 1<br />

Put #1, recordNum, college<br />

txtCollege.Text = “”<br />

txtState.Text = “”<br />

txtYear.Text = “”<br />

txtCollege.SetFocus<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdDone_Click()<br />

Close #1<br />

End<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Form_Load()<br />

‘Create COLLEGES.TXT<br />

Dim college As collegeData<br />

Open “COLLEGES.TXT” For R<strong>and</strong>om As #1 Len = Len(college)<br />

recordNum = 0<br />

End Sub<br />

[Run, <strong>and</strong> type into the text boxes the data shown in the following first window. Click the “Add College<br />

to File” comm<strong>and</strong> button. Record number 1 is added to COLLEGES.TXT <strong>and</strong> the text boxes are cleared.<br />

Proceed to record the data shown for the other two colleges <strong>and</strong> then click the “Done” comm<strong>and</strong> button.]

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