Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Records provide a convenient way of packaging as a single unit several related variables of different<br />

types. Before we can explore this powerful variable type, we must first explore a new<br />

category of variable, the fixed-length string.<br />


Fixed-length string variables are named following the same rules as other variable types.<br />

They are declared by statements of the form<br />

Dim var As String * n<br />

where n is a positive integer. After such a declaration, the value of var will always be a string<br />

of length n. Suppose info is an ordinary string <strong>and</strong> a statement of the form<br />

var = info<br />

is executed. If info has more than n characters, then only the first n characters will be assigned<br />

to var. If info has less than n characters, then spaces will be added to the end of the string to<br />

guarantee that var has length n.<br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

The following program uses fixed-length strings. In the output, San Francisco is truncated to a string of<br />

length 9 <strong>and</strong> Detroit is padded on the right with two blank spaces.<br />

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()<br />

Dim city As String * 9<br />

‘Illustrate fixed-length strings<br />

picOutput.Cls<br />

picOutput.Print “123456789”<br />

city = ”San Francisco”<br />

picOutput.Print city<br />

city = “Detroit”<br />

picOutput.Print city; “MI”<br />

picOutput.Print Len(city)<br />

End Sub<br />

[Set picOutput’s Font property to Courier. Run, <strong>and</strong> click the comm<strong>and</strong> button.]<br />


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