Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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A Case Study: Recording Checks <strong>and</strong> Deposits 235<br />

Private Sub cmdRecord_Click()<br />

Dim amt As String, amount As Single, itemNum As Integer<br />

‘Check to ensure all required fields are filled<br />

If AllDataGiven Then<br />

amt = txtAmount.Text ‘Amount of transaction as string<br />

amount = Val(amt) ‘Amount of transaction as number<br />

amt = FormatCurrency(amt) itemNum = Val(txtNum.Text)<br />

If transType = “Check” Then<br />

curBal = curBal - amount<br />

lastCkNum = itemNum<br />

Else ‘transType = “Deposit”<br />

curBal = curBal + amount<br />

lastDpNum = itemNum<br />

End If<br />

lblBalance.Caption = FormatCurrency(curBal)<br />

Open fileName For Append As #1<br />

Write #1, transType, txtToFrom.Text, curBal, lastCkNum, lastDpNum, amt, _<br />

txtMemo.Text, txtDate.Text<br />

Close #1<br />

Call InitializeFields<br />

txtToFrom.SetFocus<br />

End If<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub CreateDataFile()<br />

Dim startBal As Single, ckNum As integer<br />

‘The first time the program is run, create a data file<br />

Open fileName For Output As #1<br />

nameOnChk = InputBox(“Name to appear on checks:”)<br />

startBal = Val(InputBox(“Starting balance:”))<br />

ckNum = Val(InputBox(“Number of the first check:”))<br />

lastCkNum = ckNum - 1 ‘Number of “last” check written<br />

ckNum = Val(InputBox(“Number of the first deposit slip:”))<br />

lastDpNum = ckNum - 1 ‘Number of “last” deposit slip processed<br />

curBal = startBal ‘Set current balance<br />

‘First record in data file records name to appear on checks<br />

‘plus initial data for account<br />

Write #1, nameOnChk, startBal, lastCkNum, lastDpNum<br />

Close #1<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Form_Load()<br />

Dim drive As String, today As String<br />

‘If no data file exists, create one. Otherwise, open the<br />

‘data file <strong>and</strong> get the user’s name, last used check <strong>and</strong><br />

‘deposit slip numbers, <strong>and</strong> current balance.<br />

‘In next line adjust drive as necessary drive = “A:”<br />

‘Drive (or path) for data file<br />

fileName = drive & “CHKBOOK.TXT” ‘Program uses one data file<br />

If Dir(fileName) = “” Then<br />

‘Data file does not exist, so create it <strong>and</strong> obtain initial data<br />

Call CreateDataFile<br />

Else<br />

Call ReadDataFile<br />

End If

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