Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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to the SetupCheck Sub procedure, which is normally used to switch from deposit entry to<br />

check entry, but also can be called by the Form_Load event procedure to prepare the initial<br />

mode (check or deposit) for the form.<br />

TABLE 7.1<br />

Objects <strong>and</strong> Initial Properties for the Checkbook Management Program<br />

Object Property Setting<br />

frmCheckbook<br />

picBox<br />

lblName BackStyle 0 – Transparent<br />

txtNum BorderStyle 0 – None<br />

lblDate BackStyle 0 – Transparent<br />

Caption Date<br />

txtDate<br />

lblToFrom BackStyle 0 – Transparent<br />

txtToFrom<br />

lblAmount BackStyle 0 – Transparent<br />

Caption Amount $<br />

txtAmount<br />

lblMemo BackStyle 0 – Transparent<br />

Caption Memo<br />

txtMemo<br />

lblCurBal Caption Current Balance<br />

lblBalance<br />

cmdRecord<br />

cmdMode<br />

cmdPrint Caption &Print Report<br />

cmdQuit Caption &Quit<br />

The transactions are stored in a data file named CHKBOOK.TXT. The first four entries<br />

of the file are the name to appear on the check or deposit slip, the starting balance, the number<br />

of the first check, <strong>and</strong> the number of the first deposit slip. After that, each transaction is<br />

recorded as a sequence of eight items—the type of transaction, the contents of txtToFrom,<br />

the current balance, the number of the last check, the number of the last deposit slip, the<br />

amount of money, the memo, <strong>and</strong> the date.<br />


A Case Study: Recording Checks <strong>and</strong> Deposits 231<br />

The top row of Figure 7-8 shows the different events to which the program must respond.<br />

Table 7.2 identifies the corresponding event procedures <strong>and</strong> the general procedures they call.<br />

FIGURE 7-8 Hierarchy Chart for Checkbook Management Program

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