Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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(a) Often a large portion of the file must be read in order to find one specific<br />

item.<br />

(b) An individual item of the file cannot be changed or deleted easily.<br />

Another type of file, known as a r<strong>and</strong>om-access file, has neither of the disadvantages<br />

of sequential files; however, r<strong>and</strong>om-access files typically use more<br />

disk space, require greater effort to program, <strong>and</strong> are not flexible in the variety<br />

<strong>and</strong> format of the stored data. R<strong>and</strong>om-access files are discussed in Section 8.<br />

2. Consider the sequential file shown in Figure 7-1 at the end of Example 2. This<br />

file is said to consist of three records of two fields each. A record holds all the<br />

data about a single individual. Each item of data is called a field. The three<br />

records are<br />

“Barbra”, 1942<br />

“Ringo”, 1940<br />

“Sylvester”, 1946<br />

<strong>and</strong> the two fields are<br />

name field, year of birth field<br />


In addition to being accessed for information, sequential files are regularly updated by modifying<br />

certain pieces of data, removing some records, <strong>and</strong> adding new records. These tasks<br />

can be performed most efficiently if the files are first sorted.<br />


The records of a sequential file can be sorted on any field by first reading the data into parallel<br />

arrays <strong>and</strong> then sorting on a specific array.<br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

The following program sorts the sequential file YOB.TXT of the previous section by year of birth.<br />

Private Sub cmdSort_Click()<br />

Dim numPeople As Integer<br />

‘Sort data from YOB.TXT file by year of birth<br />

numPeople = NumberOfRecords(“YOB.TXT”)<br />

ReDim nom(1 To numPeople) As String<br />

ReDim yearBorn(1 To numPeople) As Integer<br />

Call ReadData(nom(), yearBorn(), numPeople)<br />

Call SortData(nom(), yearBorn(), numPeople)<br />

Call ShowData(nom(), yearBorn(), numPeople)<br />

Call WriteData(nom(), yearBorn(), numPeople)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Function NumberOfRecords(filespec As String) As Integer<br />

Dim nom As String, yearBorn As Integer<br />

Dim n As Integer ‘Used to count records<br />

n = 0<br />

Open filespec For Input As #1<br />

Do While Not EOF(1)<br />

Input #1, nom, yearBorn<br />

n = n + 1<br />

Loop<br />

Close #1<br />

Using Sequential Files 223

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