Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Figure 6-9 contains an example of a spreadsheet used to analyze a student’s financial projections<br />

for the four quarters of a year. Column F holds the sum of the entries in columns B<br />

through E, rows 6 <strong>and</strong> 14 hold sums of the entries in rows 3 through 5 <strong>and</strong> 9 through 13, respectively,<br />

<strong>and</strong> row 16 holds the differences of the entries in rows 6 <strong>and</strong> 14. Because the total<br />

balance is negative, some of the amounts in the spreadsheet must be changed <strong>and</strong> the totals <strong>and</strong><br />

balances recalculated.<br />

A B C D E F<br />

1 Fall Winter Spring Summer Total<br />

2 Income<br />

3 Job 1000 1300 1000 2000 5300<br />

4 Parents 200 200 200 0 600<br />

5 Scholarship 150 150 150 0 450<br />

6 Total 1350 1650 1350 2000 6350<br />

7<br />

8 Expenses<br />

9 Tuition 400 0 400 0 800<br />

10 Food 650 650 650 650 2600<br />

11 Rent 600 600 600 400 2200<br />

12 Books 110 0 120 0 230<br />

13 Misc 230 210 300 120 860<br />

14 Total 1990 1460 2070 1170 6690<br />

15<br />

16 Balance –640 190 –720 830 –340<br />

FIGURE 6-9 Spreadsheet for Student’s Financial Projections<br />

The 96 locations in the spreadsheet that hold information are called cells. Each cell is<br />

identified by its row number <strong>and</strong> column letter. For instance, cell 14, C contains the amount<br />

1460. For programming purposes, each column is identified by a number, starting with 1 for<br />

the leftmost column. Thus cell 14, C will be cell 14, 3 in our program.<br />

This case study develops a program to produce a spreadsheet with the five columns of<br />

numbers shown in Figure 6-11, three user-specified categories of income, <strong>and</strong> five user-specified<br />

categories of expenses. The following tasks are to be selected by comm<strong>and</strong> buttons:<br />

1. Start a new spreadsheet. All current category names <strong>and</strong> values are erased <strong>and</strong><br />

the cursor is placed in the text box of the first income category.<br />

2. Quit.<br />

Three additional tasks need to be performed as the result of other events:<br />

1. Create the spreadsheet when the form is loaded.<br />

2. Limit the user to editing category names <strong>and</strong> quarterly values.<br />

3. Display totals after a change is made in the spreadsheet.<br />


A Case Study: Calculating with a Spreadsheet 201<br />

Each cell in the spreadsheet will be an element of a text box control array. A control array of<br />

labels is needed for the numeric labels to the left of each row <strong>and</strong> another control array of labels<br />

for the alphabetic labels at the top of each column. Finally, two comm<strong>and</strong> buttons are required.<br />

The task of controlling which cells the user can edit will be h<strong>and</strong>led by a GotFocus<br />

event. The task of updating the totals will be h<strong>and</strong>led by a LostFocus event. Figure 6-10 shows<br />

one possible form design with all control elements loaded. For this application of a spreadsheet,<br />

the headings that have been assigned to cells in rows 1, 2, 6, 8, 14, <strong>and</strong> 16 are fixed; the user<br />

will not be allowed to edit them. The other entries in column A, the category names, may be<br />

edited by the user, but we have provided the set from Figure 6-9 as the default.

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