Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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dimensions an array of type varType corresponding to a table with rows labeled from m1 To<br />

n1 <strong>and</strong> columns labeled from m2 To n2. The entry in the jth row, kth column is arrayName (j,k).<br />

For instance, the data in Table 6.4 can be stored in an array named rm( ). The statement<br />

Dim rm(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single<br />

will dimension the array. Each element of the array has the form rm(row, column). The entries<br />

of the array are<br />

rm(1,1)=0 rm(1,2)=2054 rm(1,3)=802 rm(1,4)=738<br />

rm(2,1)=2054 rm(2,2)=0 rm(2,3)=2786 rm(2,4)=2706<br />

rm(3,1)=802 rm(3,2)=2786 rm(3,3)=0 rm(3,4)=100<br />

rm(4,1)=738 rm(4,2)=2706 rm(4,3)=100 rm(4,4)=0<br />

As with one-dimensional arrays, when a two-dimensional array is created using Dim in the<br />

(Declarations) section of (General), the array becomes a form-level subscripted variable, <strong>and</strong> is<br />

therefore accessible in all event procedures <strong>and</strong> general procedures <strong>and</strong> retains whatever values<br />

are assigned until the program is terminated. Two-dimensional arrays also can be created with<br />

Dim that are local to a procedure <strong>and</strong> cease to exist once the procedure is exited. When the<br />

range of the subscripts is given by one or more variables, the proper statement to use is<br />

ReDim arrayName(m1 To n1, m2 To n2) As varType<br />

The data in Table 7.10 can be stored in a two-dimensional string array named univ( ).<br />

The statement<br />

Dim univ(1 To 3, 1 To 5) As String<br />

will dimension the array as form-level. Some of the entries of the array are<br />

univ(1,1) = “U of PA”<br />

univ(2,3) = “UC Berk”<br />

univ(3,5) = “CO Sch. of Mines”<br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

Write a program to store <strong>and</strong> access the data from Table 6.4.<br />


Data are read from the data file DISTANCE.TXT into a two-dimensional form-level array using a pair of<br />

nested loops. The outer loop controls the rows <strong>and</strong> the inner loop controls the columns.<br />

Object Property Setting<br />

frmDist Caption Intercity Distances<br />

lblCh Caption 1. Chicago<br />

lblLA Caption 2. Los Angeles<br />

lblNY Caption 3. New York<br />

lblPh Caption 4. Philadelphia<br />

lblOrig Caption Origin<br />

txtOrig Text (blank)<br />

lblDest Caption Destination<br />

txtDest Text (blank)<br />

cmdShow Caption Show Mileage<br />

between Origin<br />

<strong>and</strong> Destination<br />

picMiles<br />

Dim rm(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single ‘In (Declarations) section of (General)<br />

Private Sub cmdShow_Click()<br />

Dim row As Integer, col As Integer<br />

‘Determine road mileage between cities<br />

row = Val(txtOrig.Text)<br />

col = Val(txtDest.Text)<br />

Two-Dimensional Arrays 197

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