Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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’Determine amount of data to be processed<br />

numStudents = 0<br />

Open “SCORES.TXT” For Input As #1<br />

Do While Not EOF(1)<br />

Input #1, nTemp, sTemp<br />

numStudents = numStudents + 1<br />

Loop<br />

Close #1<br />

‘Create arrays for names <strong>and</strong> scores<br />

ReDim nom(1 To numStudents) As String, score(1 To numStudents) As Integer<br />

Open “SCORES.TXT” For Input As #1<br />

For student = 1 To numStudents<br />

Input #1, nom(student), score(student)<br />

Next student Close #1<br />

‘Analyze exam scores<br />

total = 0<br />

For student = 1 To numStudents<br />

total = total + score(student)<br />

Next student<br />

average = total / numStudents<br />

‘Display all names with above-average grades<br />

picTopStudents.Cls<br />

For student = 1 To numStudents<br />

If score(student) > average Then<br />

picTopStudents.Print nom(student)<br />

End If<br />

Next student<br />

End Sub<br />

An alternative approach to program flexibility that does not require reading the data file twice<br />

is to require that the data file begin with a line that holds the number of records to be processed.<br />

If SCORES.TXT is modified by adding a new first line that gives the number of students,<br />

then the fourth through eighteenth lines of Example 4 can be replaced with<br />

’Create arrays for names <strong>and</strong> scores<br />

Open “SCORES.TXT” For<br />

Input As #1<br />

Input #1, numStudents<br />

ReDim nom(1 To numStudents) As String, score(1 To numStudents) As Integer<br />

For student = 1 To numStudents<br />

Input #1, nom(student), score(student)<br />

Next student<br />

Close #1<br />

In Example 4, the ReDim statement allowed us to create arrays whose size was not<br />

known before the program was run. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the arrays that were created were local<br />

to the event procedure cmdShow_Click. Many applications require form-level arrays whose<br />

size is not known in advance. Unfortunately, Dim statements cannot use variables or expressions<br />

to specify the subscript range. The solution offered by <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> is to allow the<br />

(Declarations) section of (General) to contain Dim statements of the form<br />

Dim arrayName() As varType<br />

Creating <strong>and</strong> Accessing Arrays 167<br />

where no range for the subscripts of the array is specified. An array created in this manner will<br />

be form-level but cannot be used until a ReDim statement is executed in a procedure to establish<br />

the range of subscripts. The “As varType” clause can be omitted from the ReDim statement.

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