Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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End Sub<br />

[Run, type White Sox into the text box, <strong>and</strong> click the comm<strong>and</strong> button.]<br />

We could have written the program in Example 2 with a For...Next loop beginning For<br />

n = 1 To 5. However, such a loop would unnecessarily search the entire list when the soughtafter<br />

item is found early. The wasted time could be significant for a large array.<br />

In some applications, arrays are needed only temporarily to help a procedure complete<br />

a task. <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> also allows us to create array variables that are local to a specific procedure<br />

<strong>and</strong> that exist temporarily while the procedure is executing. If the statement<br />

Dim arrayName(1 To n) As varType<br />

is placed inside an event procedure or general procedure, then space for n subscripted variables<br />

is set aside in memory each time the procedure is invoked <strong>and</strong> released when the procedure is<br />

exited.<br />

In Example 1, values were assigned to the elements of the array with assignment statements.<br />

However, data for large arrays are more often stored in a data file <strong>and</strong> read with Input<br />

# statements. Example 3 uses this technique. Also, because the task of the program is likely<br />

to be performed only once during a run of the program, a local array is used.<br />

EXAMPLE 3<br />

Table 6.1 gives names <strong>and</strong> test scores from a mathematics contest given in 1953. Write a program to display<br />

the names of the students scoring above the average for these eight students.<br />

TABLE 6.1<br />

The Top Scores on the Fourth Annual Mathematics Contest Sponsored by the<br />

Metropolitan NY Section of the MAA<br />

Richard Dolen 135 Paul H. Monsky 150<br />

Geraldine Ferraro 114 Max A. Plager 114<br />

James B. Fraser 92 Robert A. Schade 91<br />

John H. Maltby 91 Barbara M. White 124<br />

Source: The Mathematics Teacher, February 1953.<br />


The following program creates a string array to hold the names of the contestants <strong>and</strong> a numeric array to<br />

hold the scores. The first element of each array holds data for the first contestant, the second element of<br />

each array holds data for the second contestant, <strong>and</strong> so on. See Figure 6-3. Note that the two arrays can<br />

be dimensioned in a single Dim statement by placing a comma between the array declarations.<br />

Private Sub cmdShow_Click()<br />

Dim total As Integer, student As Integer, average As Single<br />

’Create arrays for names <strong>and</strong> scores<br />

Dim nom(1 To 8) As String, score(1 To 8) As Integer<br />

‘Assume the data has been placed in the file “SCORES.TXT”<br />

‘(The first line of the file is “Richard Dolen”, 135)<br />

Open “SCORES.TXT” For Input As #1<br />

For student = 1 To 8<br />

Input #1, nom(student), score(student)<br />

Next student<br />

Close #1<br />

Creating <strong>and</strong> Accessing Arrays 165

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