Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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togram of 1994 levels, respectively. Write a program that allows the user to display<br />

any one of these tables as an option <strong>and</strong> quit as a fourth option.<br />

TABLE 5.4<br />

Bachelor Degrees Conferred in Certain Fields<br />

Field of Study 1980 1994<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> management 185,361 246,654<br />

<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>and</strong> info. science 11,154 24,200<br />

Education 118,169 167,600<br />

Engineering 68,893 62,220<br />

Social sciences 103,519 133,680<br />

Source: U.S. National Center of Educational Statistics<br />

TABLE 5.5<br />

Percentage Change in Bachelor Degrees Conferred<br />

Field of Study % Change (1980–1994)<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> management 33.1<br />

<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>and</strong> info. science 117.0<br />

Education 41.8<br />

Engineering –9.7<br />

Social sciences 29.1<br />

TABLE 5.6<br />

Bachelor Degrees Conferred in 1994 in Certain Fields<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> management ************************* 246,654<br />

<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>and</strong> info. science *** 24,200<br />

Education ***************** 167,600<br />

Engineering ****** 62,220<br />

Social sciences ************* 133,680<br />

5. Least-Squares Approximation. Table 5.7 shows the 1988 price of a gallon of fuel<br />

<strong>and</strong> the consumption of motor fuel for several countries. Figure 5-14 displays<br />

the data as points in the xy plane. For instance, the point with coordinates<br />

(1, 1400) corresponds to the USA. Figure 5-14 also shows the straight line that<br />

best fits these data in the least squares sense. (The sum of the squares of the distances<br />

of the 11 points from this line is as small as possible.) In general, if<br />

(xi, y1), (x2, y2), . . , (xn, yn) are n points in the xy coordinate system, then the<br />

least squares approximation to these points is the line y = mx + b, where<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

m =<br />

n * (sum of xi * yi) – (sum of xi) * *=(sum of yi)<br />

������<br />

n * (sum of xi * xi) – (sum of xi) 2<br />

b = ((sum of yi) – m * (sum of xi))/n<br />

Write a program that calculates <strong>and</strong> displays the equation of the least squares line, <strong>and</strong> then<br />

allows the user to enter a fuel price <strong>and</strong> uses the equation of the line to predict the corresponding<br />

consumption of motor fuel. (Place the numeric data from the table in a data file.) A<br />

sample run is shown in Figure 5-15.<br />

<strong>Programming</strong> Projects 155

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