Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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154 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

file <strong>and</strong> produce a report in the form of the sample run shown in Figure 5-11.<br />

Employees should be paid time-<strong>and</strong>-a-half for hours in excess of 40.<br />

Payroll Report for Week ending 4/15/99<br />

Employee Hourly Rate Hours Worked Gross Pay<br />

Al Adams $6.50 38 $247.00<br />

Bob Brown $5.70 50 $313.50<br />

Carol Coe $7.00 40 $280.00<br />

FinalTotal $840.50<br />

FIGURE 5-11 Sample Output from <strong>Programming</strong> Project 1<br />

2. Table 5.3 shows the st<strong>and</strong>ard prices for items in a department store. Suppose<br />

prices will be reduced for the annual George Washington’s Birthday Sale. The<br />

new price will be computed by reducing the old price by 10 percent, rounding<br />

up to the nearest dollar, <strong>and</strong> subtracting 1 cent. If the new price is greater than<br />

the old price, the old price is used as the sale price. Write a program to display<br />

in a picture box the output shown in Figure 5-12.<br />

TABLE 5.3<br />

Washington’s Birthday Sale<br />

Sale<br />

Item Original Price Item Price<br />

GumShoes 39.00 GumShoes 35.99<br />

SnugFoot S<strong>and</strong>als 21.00 SnugFoot S<strong>and</strong>als 18.99<br />

T-Shirt 7.75 T-Shirt 6.99<br />

Maine H<strong>and</strong>bag 33.00 Maine H<strong>and</strong>bag 29.99<br />

Maple Syrup 6.75 Maple Syrup 6.75<br />

Flaked Vest 24.00 Flaked Vest 21.99<br />

Nightshirt 26.00 Nightshirt 23.99<br />

FIGURE 5-12 Output of Project 2<br />

3. The Rule of 72 is used to make a quick estimate of the time required for prices<br />

to double due to inflation. If the inflation rate is r percent, then the Rule of 72<br />

estimates that prices will double in 72/r years. For instance, at an inflation rate<br />

of 6 percent, prices double in about 72/6 or 12 years. Write a program to test<br />

the accuracy of this rule. The program should display a table showing, for each<br />

value of r from 1 to 20, the rounded value of 72/r <strong>and</strong> the actual number of years<br />

required for prices to double at an r percent inflation rate. (Assume prices<br />

increase at the end of each year.) Figure 5-13 shows the first few rows of the<br />

output.<br />

FIGURE 5-13 Rule of 72<br />

Interest Rule<br />

Rate (%) of 72 Actual<br />

1 72 70<br />

2 36 36<br />

3 24 24<br />

4. Table 5.4 shows the number of bachelor degrees conferred in 1980 <strong>and</strong> 1994 in<br />

certain fields of study. Tables 5.5 <strong>and</strong> 5.6 show the percentage change <strong>and</strong> a his-

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