Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Dim yrs As String, pay As Single, pymnt As String<br />

‘Display monthly payment amount<br />

mRate = yearlyRate / 12 ‘monthly rate<br />

prn = FormatCurrency(prin)<br />

apr = FormatNumber(yearlyRate * 100)<br />

yrs = FormatNumber(numMs / 12, 0)<br />

pay = Payment(prin, mRate, numMs)<br />

pymnt = FormatCurrency(pay)<br />

picDisp.Cls<br />

picDisp.Print “The monthly payment for a “& prn & “loan at “<br />

picDisp.Print apr & “% annual rate of interest for “;<br />

picDisp.Print yrs & “years is “& pymnt<br />

End Sub<br />


1. Tasks 3.1 <strong>and</strong> 3.2 are performed by functions. Using functions to compute these<br />

quantities simplifies the computations in ShowAmortSched.<br />

2. Because the payment was rounded up to the nearest cent, it is highly likely that<br />

the payment needed in the final month to pay off the loan will be less than the<br />

normal payment. For this reason, ShowAmortSched checks if the balance of the<br />

loan (including interest due) is less than the regular payment, <strong>and</strong> if so, makes<br />

appropriate adjustments.<br />

3. The st<strong>and</strong>ard formula for computing the monthly payment cannot be used if<br />

either the interest rate is zero percent or the loan duration is zero months.<br />

Although both of these situations do not represent reasonable loan parameters,<br />

provisions are made in the function Payment so that the program can h<strong>and</strong>le<br />

these esoteric situations.<br />


1. A Do loop repeatedly executes a block of statements either as long as or until a<br />

certain condition is true. The condition can be checked either at the top of the<br />

loop or at the bottom.<br />

2. The EOF function tells us if we have read to the end of a file.<br />

3. As various items of data are processed by a loop, a counter can be used to keep<br />

track of the number of items, <strong>and</strong> an accumulator can be used to sum numerical<br />

values.<br />

4. A flag is a Boolean variable, used to indicate whether or not a certain event has<br />

occurred.<br />

5. A For...Next loop repeats a block of statements a fixed number of times. The<br />

control variable assumes an initial value <strong>and</strong> increments by one after each pass<br />

through the loop until it reaches the terminating value. Alternative increment<br />

values can be specified with the Step keyword.<br />


1. Write a program to display a company’s payroll report in a picture box. The program<br />

should read each employee’s name, hourly rate, <strong>and</strong> hours worked from a<br />

<strong>Programming</strong> Projects 153

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