Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Call InputData(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

Call ShowAmortSched(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdPayment_Click()<br />

Dim principal As Single ‘Amount of loan<br />

Dim yearlyRate As Single ‘Annual rate of interest<br />

Dim numMonths As Integer ‘Number of months to repay loan<br />

Call InputData(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

Call ShowPayment(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()<br />

End<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdRateTable_Click()<br />

Dim principal As Single ‘Amount of loan<br />

Dim yearlyRate As Single ‘Annual rate of interest<br />

Dim numMonths As Integer ‘Number of months to repay loan<br />

Call InputData(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

Call ShowInterestChanges(principal, yearlyRate, numMonths)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub InputData(prin As Single, yearlyRate As Single, numMs As Integer)<br />

Dim percentageRate As Single, numYears As Integer<br />

‘Input the loan amount, yearly rate of interest, <strong>and</strong> duration<br />

prin = Val(txtAmt.Text)<br />

percentageRate = Val(txtApr.Text)<br />

numYears = Val(txtYrs.Text)<br />

yearlyRate = percentageRate / 100<br />

numMs = numYears * 12<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Function Payment(prin As Single, mRate As Single, numMs As Integer) As Single<br />

Dim payEst As Single<br />

If numMs = 0 Then<br />

payEst = prin<br />

ElseIf mRate = 0 Then<br />

payEst = prin / numMs<br />

Else<br />

payEst = prin * mRate / (1 - (1 + mRate) ^ (-numMs))<br />

End If<br />

If payEst Round(payEst, 2) Then<br />

Payment = Round(payEst + .005, 2) ‘round up to nearest cent<br />

End If<br />

End Function<br />

Private Sub ShowAmortSched(prin As Single, yearlyRate As Single, numMs As Integer)<br />

Dim msg As String, startMonth As Integer, mRate As Single<br />

Dim monthlyPayment As Single, totalInterest As Single<br />

Dim yearInterest As Single, oldBalance As Single<br />

Dim monthNum As Integer, newBalance As Single<br />

Dim principalPaid As Single, interestPaid As Single<br />

Dim reducPrin As Single, loanYears As Integer<br />

‘Display amortization schedule<br />

A Case Study: Analyze a Loan 151

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