Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()<br />

Dim pop As Single, yr As Integer<br />

‘Display population from 1998 to 2002<br />

picTable.Cls<br />

pop = 300000<br />

For yr = 1998 To 2002<br />

picTable.Print yr, FormatNumber(pop, 0)<br />

pop = pop + .03 * pop<br />

Next yr<br />

End Sub<br />

[Run, <strong>and</strong> click the comm<strong>and</strong> button.]<br />

The initial <strong>and</strong> terminating values can be constants, variables, or expressions. For<br />

instance, the For statement in the preceding program can be replaced by<br />

firstYr = 1998<br />

lastYr = 2002<br />

For yr = firstYr To lastYr<br />

In Example 1, the control variable was increased by 1 after each pass through the loop.<br />

A variation of the For statement allows any number to be used as the increment. The statement<br />

For i= m To n Step s<br />

instructs the Next statement to add s to the control variable instead of 1. The numbers m, n,<br />

<strong>and</strong> s do not have to be whole numbers. The number s is called the step value of the loop.<br />

EXAMPLE 2<br />

The following program displays the values of the index of a For...Next loop for terminating <strong>and</strong> step values<br />

input by the user.<br />

Object Property Setting<br />

frm6_3_2 Caption For index = 0 To n Step s<br />

lblN Caption n:<br />

txtEnd Text (blank)<br />

lblS Caption s:<br />

txtStep Text (blank)<br />

cmdDisplay Caption Display Values of index<br />

picValues<br />

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()<br />

Dim n As Single, s As Single, index As Single<br />

‘Display values of index ranging from 0 to n Step s<br />

picValues.Cls<br />

n = Val(txtEnd.Text)<br />

s = Val(txtStep.Text)<br />

For index = 0 To n Step s<br />

For...Next Loops 143

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