Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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‘Program to compute employees’ weekly payroll<br />

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()<br />

Dim empName As String ‘Name of employee<br />

Dim hrWage As Single ‘Hourly wage<br />

Dim hrsWorked As Single ‘Hours worked this week<br />

Dim exemptions As Integer ‘Number of exemptions for employee<br />

Dim mStatus As String ‘Marital status: S for Single; M for Married<br />

Dim prevPay As Single ‘Total pay for year excluding this week<br />

Dim pay As Single ‘This week’s pay before taxes<br />

Dim totalPay As Single ‘Total pay for year including this week<br />

Dim ficaTax As Single ‘FICA taxes for this week<br />

Dim fedTax As Single ‘Federal income tax withheld this week<br />

Dim check As Single ‘Paycheck this week (take-home pay)<br />

‘Obtain data, compute payroll, display results<br />

Call InputData(empName, hrWage, hrsWorked, exemptions,<br />

mStatus, prevPay) ‘Task 0<br />

pay = Gross_Pay(hrWage, hrsWorked) ‘Task 1<br />

totalPay = Total_Pay(prevPay, pay) ‘Task 2<br />

ficaTax = FICA_Tax(pay, prevPay, totalPay) ‘Task 3<br />

fedTax = Fed_Tax(pay, exemptions, mStatus) ‘Task 4<br />

check = Net_Check(pay, ficaTax, fedTax) ‘Task 5<br />

Call ShowPayroll(empName, pay, totalPay, ficaTax, fedTax, check)<br />

End Sub<br />

‘Task 6<br />

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()<br />

‘Clear all text boxes for next employee’s data<br />

txtName.Text = “ “<br />

txtWage.Text = “ “<br />

txtHours.Text = “ “<br />

txtExempts.Text = “ “<br />

txtMarital.Text = “ “<br />

txtPriorPay.Text = “ “<br />

picResults.Cls<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()<br />

End<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Function Fed_Tax(pay As Single, exemptions As Integer, mStatus As String)<br />

Dim adjPay As Single<br />

‘Task 4.1: Compute federal income tax<br />

adjPay = pay - (51.92 * exemptions)<br />

If adjPay < 0 Then<br />

adjPay = 0<br />

End If<br />

If mStatus = “S” Then<br />

Fed_Tax = TaxSingle(adjPay) ‘Task 4.2<br />

Else<br />

Fed_Tax = TaxMarried(adjPay) ‘Task 4.3<br />

End If<br />

Fed_Tax = Round(Fed_Tax, 2) ‘Round to nearest cent<br />

End Function<br />

Private Function FICA_Tax(pay As Single, prevPay As Single, totalPay As Single)<br />

A Case Study: Weekly Payroll 123

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