Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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picTax.Cls<br />

picTax.Print “Your FICA taxes for the current”<br />

picTax.Print “pay period are “; FormatCurrency(FicaTaxes)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Function FICA(ytdEarnings As Single, curEarnings As Single) As Single<br />

Dim socialSecurityBenTax As Single, medicare As Single<br />

‘Calculate Social Security benefits tax <strong>and</strong> Medicare tax<br />

‘for a single pay period in 1999<br />

socialSecurityBenTax = 0<br />

If (ytdEarnings + curEarnings) Val(txtSecondNum.Text) Then<br />

largerNum = Val(txtFirstNum.Text)<br />

Else<br />

largerNum = Val(txtSecondNum.Text)<br />

End If<br />

However, because indenting improves the readability of the block, it is regarded<br />

as good programming style. As soon as you see the word If, your eyes can<br />

easily scan down the program to find the matching End If <strong>and</strong> the enclosed Else<br />

<strong>and</strong> ElseIf clauses. You then immediately have a good idea of the size <strong>and</strong> complexity<br />

of the block.<br />

2. Constructs in which an If block is contained inside another If block are referred<br />

to as nested If blocks.<br />

3. Care should be taken to make If blocks easy to underst<strong>and</strong>. For instance, in Figure<br />

4.2, the block on the left is difficult to follow <strong>and</strong> should be replaced by the<br />

clearer block on the right.<br />

If Blocks 111

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