

wednesdayDhAkA: February 19, 2020; Falgun 6, 1426 BS; Jamadi-us Sanni 24,1441 hijriwww.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.netRegd.No.DA~2065, Vol.17; No.24; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00internationalIran sentences allegedUS spies to up to 10years in prison>Page 7art & culture‘Bunty Aur Babli2’ to shoot inAbu Dhabi>Page 8sportNeed to beat Zimbabweto regain the lostconfidence: Taijul>Page 9Nepal to use Saidpur Airport;greater trade expected26 days to goKhaleda Zismoves HC againseeking bailDHAKA : BNP Chairperson KhaledaZia on Tuesday filed a fresh petitionwith the High Court seeking bail in theZia Charitable Trust corruption case,citing illness, reports UNB.The petition was moved before thebench of Justice Obaidul Hassan andJustice AKM Zahirul Huq, said Khaleda'slawyer Advocate Sagir Hossain Leon.It was mentioned in the petition thatthe BNP chairperson is seriously ill andshe needs advanced treatment."Khaleda is not getting proper treatmentat Bangabandhu Sheikh MujibMedical University (BSMMU). Shewants to go to London for better treatmentif she gets bail."On December 12, 2019, the AppellateDivision of the Supreme Court turneddown the bail petition of Khaleda Zia in thegraft case. A special court jailed the BNPchief and three others for seven years in thecorruption case on October 29, 2018.On August 8, 2011, the Anti-CorruptionCommission filed the Zia Charitable Trustcase with Tejgaon police against four people,including Khaleda. They wereaccused of abusing power in raising fundsfor the trust from unknown sources.The former prime minister has beenin prison since February 8, 2018 aftershe was sentenced to jail for five yearsin a separate corruption case.Mother, son reunite inPatuakhali after 17 yearsPATUAKHALI : Seventeen years ago,Bakul Bala left home without sayinganything in search of her daughter AloRani, who was then 16. She never cameback to her son Thakur Krishna Halder,who was then 28. Nor did the sister shewent out looking for. In one evening,Krishna lost them both.But, as fate would have it, Krishnafinally got back his mother after 17 longyears last Sunday - at Tital Intersectionin Sabujbagh area of Patuakhali districttown, reports UNB.Bakul Bala was a resident of Talbariavillage in Galachipa upazila of the district.She has two sons and two daughters inher family. Her elder daughter, Alo Rani,was married off at the age of 16.After several months, the husbandleft Alo and fled to India. After that, Aloalso left home in search of her husbandand did not return home.Ripon Chandara Halder, the grandsonof Bakul, is studying at master's level atPatuakhali Government College. He isstaying at a hostel in the district town forhis study purpose. He grew up hearingthe stories of his grandmother.On Sunday, he found an elderlywoman in Sabujbagh area when he wasgoing to the district town. Interestinglyenough, he found the woman resemblinghis grandmother as per thedescription that he heard from his parentsin his childhood.Zohr05:16 AM12:15 PM04:16 PM05:58 PM07:15 PM6:30 5:55DHAKA : Bangladesh has agreed to allowNepal to use its Saidpur Airport as part ofstrengthening trade and connectivitybetween the two countries, reports UNB.Welcoming the Nepalese proposal,Bangladesh says a technical expert committeewill now look into what types offlights can be operated between Nepaland Bangladesh though Saidpur Airport."We're expanding the airport.Currently, 12-14 flights go to SaidpurAirport (from Dhaka). So, people (whowill be coming from Nepal) can come toDhaka easily," Foreign Minister Dr AKAbdul Momen told reporters while briefingon the outcome of the bilateral talksbetween the two countries on Tuesday.Earlier, Foreign Minister Dr Momenhad a bilateral meeting with his Nepalesecounterpart Pradeep Kumar Gyawali atstate guesthouse Meghna and discussedhow the two countries can enhancetrade, investment and connectivity,including use of seaports.The airport situated on 136.59 acres ofland started its journey as a domestic airportin 1979. Saidpur Airport is managedby the Civil Aviation Authority ofBangladesh, according to Civil AviationAuthority of Bangladesh (CAAB).This Airport is located at 2 kms offSaidpur town and 350 kms off Dhaka,the capital city of Bangladesh. BimanBangladesh Airlines, Novoair and US-Bangla Airlines are presently operatingtheir passenger flights from and toSaidpur Airport, according to CAAB.Talking to reporters, Nepal ForeignMinister Pradeep Kumar said they discussedhow the two countries can developconnectivity, transit, transport andpower sector cooperation. "We'll form ataskforce which will discuss ways todevelop trade and connectivity."He said Bangladesh has recently permittedIndian company GMR to invest inhydropower in Nepal that will provide500 MW of power from Nepal toBangladesh through Indian companyGMR group. "It'll open a new chapter inpower sector cooperation," he saidadding that Nepal has made everyarrangement to facilitate smooth constructionof the mega project.Bangladesh and Nepal signed an MoUon power cooperation last year.Responding to a UNB question, theNepalese Foreign Minister said the twocountries are exploring to sign a preferentialtrade agreement (PTA)."Draft of the PTA is under discussion.We hope we'll finalise it. Bilateral agreementon protection of investment is alsoon the table. We're expecting that we'll doit at the earliest," Minister PradeepKumar said adding that it is very importantto protect the foreign investment.Foreign Minister Dr Momen said theyhave discussed connectivity, tourism, climateand Rohingya issues and ways toremove trade barriers specially non-tariffbarriers.Dhaka's five more areas likely toget prepaid gas metres from JulyDHAKA : The household consumers offive more areas in the capital are going toget prepaid gas metres within this year asJapan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) has approved an additional fundingfor an ongoing project of Titas Gas."We've already received JICA approvalfor funding installation of 120,000 additionalprepaid gas metres of the project,"Ali Mohammad Al Mamun, managingdirector of Titas Gas Transmission andDistribution Company Ltd, told UNB.He said now a process is underway toreceive necessary approval of thePlanning Commission through a reviseddevelopment project profile (DPP).Titas Gas officials said the organisationis getting ready to implement the prepaidgas metre project in new five areas ofDhaka aimed at reducing the wastage ofnatural gas. The areas are Paltan, Ramna,New Market, Khilgaon and Segunbagichawhich are mainly located in the centralpart of the city under the DSCC."We hope we would be able to get thePlanning Commission's approval onrevised DPP of the project," Mamun saidadding that the Titas Gas has a plan toinstall additional 100,000 prepaid gasmetres within the next two years beginningin July next.The officials said the Titas Gas, responsiblefor natural gas transmission anddistribution across Dhaka city andadjoining areas, has already installed200,000 prepaid meters for householdconsumers, with an aim to check gas pilferageand misuse. Under the existingproject, prepaid metres have beeninstalled in areas mainly under DNCC,including Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara,Bashundhara, Badda, Tejgaon,Cantonment, Kafrul, Khilkhet, Uttara,and Mirpur. Many consumers of theseareas informed that they have been gettingbenefit of the prepaid gas metres asthey now pay less than one-third of theamount which they paid under nonmeteringsystem monthly.As per official data from Titas Gas,the company has about 2.783 millionconsumers in its command area, ofwhich 2.764 million are householdconsumers.A sand laden-truck drowned in the Garamara canal of Bogura-Sirajganj local highway as the bridgecollapsed on Tuesday.Photo : TBTOn the occasion of celebrating International Mother Language Day, a painter painting on thewall adjacent to Central Shaheed Minar.Photo : TBTSet up breastfeedingcorners at all factorieswithin 2 months: HCDHAKA : The High Court on Tuesdaydirected the authorities concerned toset up breastfeeding corners at all millsand factories across the country withintwo months, reports UNB.The HC bench of Justice M EnayeturRahim and Justice M MostafizurRahman passed the order.Labour secretary and Chairman ofDepartment of Labour were directed tosubmit report within 60 days on implementationof the order, said AdvocateIsrat Hasan, who filed a petition in thisregard on October last. On October 24last year, nine-month-old baby UmairBin Sadi and his mother Advocate IsratHasan filed the writ seeking a safeatmosphere for breastfeeding.Following the writ on October 27, TheHigh Court issued a rule asking theauthorities concerned to explain as towhy directives should not be given toset up breastfeeding and baby-care cornersat workplaces, airports, bus stops,railway stations and shopping malls.It also wanted to know why the Womenand Children Affairs Ministry should notbe directed to formulate guidelines toestablish breastfeeding corners in publicplaces and private institutions.Israt Hasan said that there is a provisionin the Bangladesh Labour Act-2006for setting up breastfeeding corner inworkplaces, but there is no implementation.She also said mothers often faceembarrassing situation to breastfeed theirchildren at public places. So breastfeedingcorners need to be set up in such places sothat they do not feel discomfort to breastfeedtheir children.Coronavirus deals serious blow toprinting industry in high seasonDHAKA : The printing industry inBangladesh is facing a serious setbackduring the peak time of Ekushey BookFair as the prices of production materialsand chemicals have gone up followinga supply crunch due to the coronavirusoutbreak in China.Talking to UNB, publishers saidBangladesh largely depends on Chinafor importing most printing materials,but the export of these items remainssuspended in the wake of the prevalenceof deadly coronavirus that led tothe unusual hike in their prices.They said the production cost of everybook has increased by 20-30 percent asthe prices imported papers, printingcolours, plates, plastics and most chemicalshave almost doubled.Vice president of Bangladesh Gyanand Srijonshil Prokashak Samiti(BGSPS) Mohammad Gafur Hossainsaid the production cost of books duringthe country's biggest book fair haveincreased due to the hike in printingmaterials since China has shut downits market.He said they are now buying eachprinting plate at Tk 350 against its previousprice of Tk 200. "Now, we've topurchase printing colour at Tk 250-300which was earlier Tk 180-200. Theprices of most of the imported printingmaterials and chemicals have shot upsignificantly due to their shortage in themarket."Gafur, also the owner of RhythmPrakashan Sangstha, said they are currentlypublishing at least 30 differenttypes of new books targeting the book fair."We've to spend additional Tk 2,000-3,000 for each title just because ofincreased prices of the printing materials."He said the government needs toexplore suitable alternative markets toimport the printing materials as it isuncertain when China will reopen itsmarket.Monirul Hoque, owner of AnanyaProkashoni, one of the biggest publicationhouses in Bangladesh, said they arein trouble at this peak season as theprices of many printing materials andchemicals have doubled due to the outbreakof coronavirus in China.As the import from China remainhalted, he said they are struggling to getprinting plate, colour, plastic and polythenepaper and various chemicals.Monir said those who are now printingbooks for the Ekushey Book Fairwill not be able to make profit due to theraise in the production cost."The Book Fair won't be affected dueto the crisis of printing materials, butthe publishers will be hit hard as theirprofit margins will drastically fall," headded.Monir said the government and theimporters are looking for alternativemarket sources to import the printingmaterials and chemicals.DNCC takes all-out plans to preventdengue outbreak this yearDHAKA : Dhaka North CityCorporation (DNCC) Chief HealthOfficer Brig Gen Md MominurRahman Mamun yesterday said analyzingall data regarding previousdengue outbreak in the country, massiveprogrammes have been taken tostop spread of the disease this year."To celebrate the birth centenary ofFather of Nation BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahman this year,elaborate programmes have beentaken to prevent dengue outbreakacross the country," he told an advocacymeeting for raising awarenessamong the people of controllingCulex and Aedes mosquitoes.DNCC in the association with theCentres for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) under health directoratejointly organised the meeting incity's KC Hospital, according to a pressrelease received.At the beginning of the meeting, it issaid that in last July, August andSeptember months, the dengue outbreakwas at maximum level in thecountry and probably this outbreakmay increase in the same period of timethis year.Projecting various initiatives taken byDNCC to stop dengue, Deputy ChiefHealth Officer of DNCC Lt Col MdGhulam Mostafa Sarwar said in themeeting that the authorities concernedhave already conducted awarenesscampaigns to this end like previousyear as it is the only alternative to preventdengue outbreak.The campaigns include holding disseminationmeetings at differentregional and central levels, public rallies,broadcasting advertisements andspreading awareness related posts onsocial media about dengue, he added.To accelerate the mosquito eliminationprogrammes, he went on sayingthat purchasing of about 200 foggermachines,238 pulse fog-machines,150manually operated mosquito repellentmachines, 340 plastic hand-operatedmachines, 2 vehicle-mounted foggermachines, 10 motorcycle fogger andhand-operated machines and 20 mistblower or power spray machines is currentlyunderway.


DhAkA: February 19, 2020; Falgun 6, 1426 BS; Jamadi-us Sanni 24,1441 hijri

www.thebangladeshtoday.com; www.bangladeshtoday.net

Regd.No.DA~2065, Vol.17; No.24; 12 Pages~Tk.8.00


Iran sentences alleged

US spies to up to 10

years in prison

>Page 7

art & culture

‘Bunty Aur Babli

2’ to shoot in

Abu Dhabi

>Page 8


Need to beat Zimbabwe

to regain the lost

confidence: Taijul

>Page 9

Nepal to use Saidpur Airport;

greater trade expected

26 days to go

Khaleda Zis

moves HC again

seeking bail

DHAKA : BNP Chairperson Khaleda

Zia on Tuesday filed a fresh petition

with the High Court seeking bail in the

Zia Charitable Trust corruption case,

citing illness, reports UNB.

The petition was moved before the

bench of Justice Obaidul Hassan and

Justice AKM Zahirul Huq, said Khaleda's

lawyer Advocate Sagir Hossain Leon.

It was mentioned in the petition that

the BNP chairperson is seriously ill and

she needs advanced treatment.

"Khaleda is not getting proper treatment

at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib

Medical University (BSMMU). She

wants to go to London for better treatment

if she gets bail."

On December 12, 2019, the Appellate

Division of the Supreme Court turned

down the bail petition of Khaleda Zia in the

graft case. A special court jailed the BNP

chief and three others for seven years in the

corruption case on October 29, 2018.

On August 8, 2011, the Anti-Corruption

Commission filed the Zia Charitable Trust

case with Tejgaon police against four people,

including Khaleda. They were

accused of abusing power in raising funds

for the trust from unknown sources.

The former prime minister has been

in prison since February 8, 2018 after

she was sentenced to jail for five years

in a separate corruption case.

Mother, son reunite in

Patuakhali after 17 years

PATUAKHALI : Seventeen years ago,

Bakul Bala left home without saying

anything in search of her daughter Alo

Rani, who was then 16. She never came

back to her son Thakur Krishna Halder,

who was then 28. Nor did the sister she

went out looking for. In one evening,

Krishna lost them both.

But, as fate would have it, Krishna

finally got back his mother after 17 long

years last Sunday - at Tital Intersection

in Sabujbagh area of Patuakhali district

town, reports UNB.

Bakul Bala was a resident of Talbaria

village in Galachipa upazila of the district.

She has two sons and two daughters in

her family. Her elder daughter, Alo Rani,

was married off at the age of 16.

After several months, the husband

left Alo and fled to India. After that, Alo

also left home in search of her husband

and did not return home.

Ripon Chandara Halder, the grandson

of Bakul, is studying at master's level at

Patuakhali Government College. He is

staying at a hostel in the district town for

his study purpose. He grew up hearing

the stories of his grandmother.

On Sunday, he found an elderly

woman in Sabujbagh area when he was

going to the district town. Interestingly

enough, he found the woman resembling

his grandmother as per the

description that he heard from his parents

in his childhood.


05:16 AM

12:15 PM

04:16 PM

05:58 PM

07:15 PM

6:30 5:55

DHAKA : Bangladesh has agreed to allow

Nepal to use its Saidpur Airport as part of

strengthening trade and connectivity

between the two countries, reports UNB.

Welcoming the Nepalese proposal,

Bangladesh says a technical expert committee

will now look into what types of

flights can be operated between Nepal

and Bangladesh though Saidpur Airport.

"We're expanding the airport.

Currently, 12-14 flights go to Saidpur

Airport (from Dhaka). So, people (who

will be coming from Nepal) can come to

Dhaka easily," Foreign Minister Dr AK

Abdul Momen told reporters while briefing

on the outcome of the bilateral talks

between the two countries on Tuesday.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Dr Momen

had a bilateral meeting with his Nepalese

counterpart Pradeep Kumar Gyawali at

state guesthouse Meghna and discussed

how the two countries can enhance

trade, investment and connectivity,

including use of seaports.

The airport situated on 136.59 acres of

land started its journey as a domestic airport

in 1979. Saidpur Airport is managed

by the Civil Aviation Authority of

Bangladesh, according to Civil Aviation

Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB).

This Airport is located at 2 kms off

Saidpur town and 350 kms off Dhaka,

the capital city of Bangladesh. Biman

Bangladesh Airlines, Novoair and US-

Bangla Airlines are presently operating

their passenger flights from and to

Saidpur Airport, according to CAAB.

Talking to reporters, Nepal Foreign

Minister Pradeep Kumar said they discussed

how the two countries can develop

connectivity, transit, transport and

power sector cooperation. "We'll form a

taskforce which will discuss ways to

develop trade and connectivity."

He said Bangladesh has recently permitted

Indian company GMR to invest in

hydropower in Nepal that will provide

500 MW of power from Nepal to

Bangladesh through Indian company

GMR group. "It'll open a new chapter in

power sector cooperation," he said

adding that Nepal has made every

arrangement to facilitate smooth construction

of the mega project.

Bangladesh and Nepal signed an MoU

on power cooperation last year.

Responding to a UNB question, the

Nepalese Foreign Minister said the two

countries are exploring to sign a preferential

trade agreement (PTA).

"Draft of the PTA is under discussion.

We hope we'll finalise it. Bilateral agreement

on protection of investment is also

on the table. We're expecting that we'll do

it at the earliest," Minister Pradeep

Kumar said adding that it is very important

to protect the foreign investment.

Foreign Minister Dr Momen said they

have discussed connectivity, tourism, climate

and Rohingya issues and ways to

remove trade barriers specially non-tariff


Dhaka's five more areas likely to

get prepaid gas metres from July

DHAKA : The household consumers of

five more areas in the capital are going to

get prepaid gas metres within this year as

Japan International Cooperation Agency

(JICA) has approved an additional funding

for an ongoing project of Titas Gas.

"We've already received JICA approval

for funding installation of 120,000 additional

prepaid gas metres of the project,"

Ali Mohammad Al Mamun, managing

director of Titas Gas Transmission and

Distribution Company Ltd, told UNB.

He said now a process is underway to

receive necessary approval of the

Planning Commission through a revised

development project profile (DPP).

Titas Gas officials said the organisation

is getting ready to implement the prepaid

gas metre project in new five areas of

Dhaka aimed at reducing the wastage of

natural gas. The areas are Paltan, Ramna,

New Market, Khilgaon and Segunbagicha

which are mainly located in the central

part of the city under the DSCC.

"We hope we would be able to get the

Planning Commission's approval on

revised DPP of the project," Mamun said

adding that the Titas Gas has a plan to

install additional 100,000 prepaid gas

metres within the next two years beginning

in July next.

The officials said the Titas Gas, responsible

for natural gas transmission and

distribution across Dhaka city and

adjoining areas, has already installed

200,000 prepaid meters for household

consumers, with an aim to check gas pilferage

and misuse. Under the existing

project, prepaid metres have been

installed in areas mainly under DNCC,

including Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara,

Bashundhara, Badda, Tejgaon,

Cantonment, Kafrul, Khilkhet, Uttara,

and Mirpur. Many consumers of these

areas informed that they have been getting

benefit of the prepaid gas metres as

they now pay less than one-third of the

amount which they paid under nonmetering

system monthly.

As per official data from Titas Gas,

the company has about 2.783 million

consumers in its command area, of

which 2.764 million are household


A sand laden-truck drowned in the Garamara canal of Bogura-Sirajganj local highway as the bridge

collapsed on Tuesday.

Photo : TBT

On the occasion of celebrating International Mother Language Day, a painter painting on the

wall adjacent to Central Shaheed Minar.

Photo : TBT

Set up breastfeeding

corners at all factories

within 2 months: HC

DHAKA : The High Court on Tuesday

directed the authorities concerned to

set up breastfeeding corners at all mills

and factories across the country within

two months, reports UNB.

The HC bench of Justice M Enayetur

Rahim and Justice M Mostafizur

Rahman passed the order.

Labour secretary and Chairman of

Department of Labour were directed to

submit report within 60 days on implementation

of the order, said Advocate

Israt Hasan, who filed a petition in this

regard on October last. On October 24

last year, nine-month-old baby Umair

Bin Sadi and his mother Advocate Israt

Hasan filed the writ seeking a safe

atmosphere for breastfeeding.

Following the writ on October 27, The

High Court issued a rule asking the

authorities concerned to explain as to

why directives should not be given to

set up breastfeeding and baby-care corners

at workplaces, airports, bus stops,

railway stations and shopping malls.

It also wanted to know why the Women

and Children Affairs Ministry should not

be directed to formulate guidelines to

establish breastfeeding corners in public

places and private institutions.

Israt Hasan said that there is a provision

in the Bangladesh Labour Act-2006

for setting up breastfeeding corner in

workplaces, but there is no implementation.

She also said mothers often face

embarrassing situation to breastfeed their

children at public places. So breastfeeding

corners need to be set up in such places so

that they do not feel discomfort to breastfeed

their children.

Coronavirus deals serious blow to

printing industry in high season

DHAKA : The printing industry in

Bangladesh is facing a serious setback

during the peak time of Ekushey Book

Fair as the prices of production materials

and chemicals have gone up following

a supply crunch due to the coronavirus

outbreak in China.

Talking to UNB, publishers said

Bangladesh largely depends on China

for importing most printing materials,

but the export of these items remains

suspended in the wake of the prevalence

of deadly coronavirus that led to

the unusual hike in their prices.

They said the production cost of every

book has increased by 20-30 percent as

the prices imported papers, printing

colours, plates, plastics and most chemicals

have almost doubled.

Vice president of Bangladesh Gyan

and Srijonshil Prokashak Samiti

(BGSPS) Mohammad Gafur Hossain

said the production cost of books during

the country's biggest book fair have

increased due to the hike in printing

materials since China has shut down

its market.

He said they are now buying each

printing plate at Tk 350 against its previous

price of Tk 200. "Now, we've to

purchase printing colour at Tk 250-300

which was earlier Tk 180-200. The

prices of most of the imported printing

materials and chemicals have shot up

significantly due to their shortage in the


Gafur, also the owner of Rhythm

Prakashan Sangstha, said they are currently

publishing at least 30 different

types of new books targeting the book fair.

"We've to spend additional Tk 2,000-

3,000 for each title just because of

increased prices of the printing materials."

He said the government needs to

explore suitable alternative markets to

import the printing materials as it is

uncertain when China will reopen its


Monirul Hoque, owner of Ananya

Prokashoni, one of the biggest publication

houses in Bangladesh, said they are

in trouble at this peak season as the

prices of many printing materials and

chemicals have doubled due to the outbreak

of coronavirus in China.

As the import from China remain

halted, he said they are struggling to get

printing plate, colour, plastic and polythene

paper and various chemicals.

Monir said those who are now printing

books for the Ekushey Book Fair

will not be able to make profit due to the

raise in the production cost.

"The Book Fair won't be affected due

to the crisis of printing materials, but

the publishers will be hit hard as their

profit margins will drastically fall," he


Monir said the government and the

importers are looking for alternative

market sources to import the printing

materials and chemicals.

DNCC takes all-out plans to prevent

dengue outbreak this year

DHAKA : Dhaka North City

Corporation (DNCC) Chief Health

Officer Brig Gen Md Mominur

Rahman Mamun yesterday said analyzing

all data regarding previous

dengue outbreak in the country, massive

programmes have been taken to

stop spread of the disease this year.

"To celebrate the birth centenary of

Father of Nation Bangabandhu

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman this year,

elaborate programmes have been

taken to prevent dengue outbreak

across the country," he told an advocacy

meeting for raising awareness

among the people of controlling

Culex and Aedes mosquitoes.

DNCC in the association with the

Centres for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) under health directorate

jointly organised the meeting in

city's KC Hospital, according to a press

release received.

At the beginning of the meeting, it is

said that in last July, August and

September months, the dengue outbreak

was at maximum level in the

country and probably this outbreak

may increase in the same period of time

this year.

Projecting various initiatives taken by

DNCC to stop dengue, Deputy Chief

Health Officer of DNCC Lt Col Md

Ghulam Mostafa Sarwar said in the

meeting that the authorities concerned

have already conducted awareness

campaigns to this end like previous

year as it is the only alternative to prevent

dengue outbreak.

The campaigns include holding dissemination

meetings at different

regional and central levels, public rallies,

broadcasting advertisements and

spreading awareness related posts on

social media about dengue, he added.

To accelerate the mosquito elimination

programmes, he went on saying

that purchasing of about 200 fogger

machines,238 pulse fog-machines,150

manually operated mosquito repellent

machines, 340 plastic hand-operated

machines, 2 vehicle-mounted fogger

machines, 10 motorcycle fogger and

hand-operated machines and 20 mist

blower or power spray machines is currently



WednesdAY, FebruArY 19, 2020


A science speech centered climate conference was held at the national Museum of science and

Technology yesterday.

Photo : Courtesy

schoolgirl 'gang-raped' in Khulna; one held

KHULNA : A schoolgirl has allegedly been raped by

three youths in Dighalia upazila of Khulna district.

Police arrested a suspect, Shahin, 26, after a case was

filed on Monday over the incident that took place on

February 14, reports UNB.

The victim, a Class-VII student, was also admitted to

Khulna Medical College Hospital in the evening.

Victim's family members claimed that one Shariful

Islam, 30, took some indecent photos of the girl

several times when he used to live in the same rented

house in Chandonimahal area of the upazila.

When the matter came


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303, ZvwiL-10/01/2020 Bs|

kÖx cyZzj P›`ª eg©b| †mvbvixcvov,

igbv wPjgvix, KzwoMÖvg|

to light, Shariful was

driven out of the house.

On February 14,

Shariful called the girl

over mobile phone to

meet him at Fulbari Gate,

saying he would give back

the photos.

When the girl went to

meet him, he took her to

his new house where he along with his two friends-

Shahin and Kajalviolated

her in turns

throughout the night.

After returning home

on February 15, the girl

narrated the incident to

her family members.

However, an influential

group tried to hush up

the matter.

As the girl fell sick on

Monday noon, the family

members along with the

girl went the police

station and filed the case.

Manjur Morshed,

officer-in-charge of

Dighalia Police Station,

said they were

investigating the


500 structures

removed from

railway land

in Jashore

BENAPOLE : A mobile

court on Tuesday

demolished some 500

illegal establishments,

including shops, dwelling

houses and hotelrestaurants,

in Noapara

Railway Station area in

Abhaynagar upazila of

Jashore district, reports


The mobile court, led by

railway divisional land

officer Mohammad

Nuruzzaman, in the

presence of high officials

conducted the drive and

demolished the illegal


The railway authorities

asked the owners of

different establishments



government land to vacate

the land by Sunday.

Additional police were

also deployed to maintain

law and order during the

eviction drive.

A Four day long (17-20 February 2020) workshop on "Curriculum

development workshop in bangladesh, erasmus + Project : enHAnCeenabling

Humanitarian Attributes for nurturing Community based

engineering" began on sunday at council building of bangladesh

university of engineering and Technology (bueT). Institute of Water and

Flood Management (IWFM) of bueT was organized the opening ceremony

of the workshop on sunday at 10 am which will be continued up to 20

February 2020.

Photo : Courtesy

GD-328/20 (4 x 3)

GD-324/20 (5 x 2)

GD-330/20 (5 x 3)

GD-325/20 (3 x 3)

GD-322/20 (5 x 3)

GD-321/20 (6 x 5)


WednesdAY, FebruArY 19, 2020


Freshers reception and farewell program of the department of Islamic History & Culture of the

university of dhaka was held yesterday.

Photo : Courtesy

Air Pollution: All dhakaites at health risk

DHAKA : All the residents of

Bangladesh's capital Dhaka are at

health risk as the megacity ranked top

among cities with the worst air

quality on Tuesday morning, reports


It had an AQI score of 298 at 8am.

The air was classified as 'very

unhealthy' and in this state of air

everyone may experience serious

health effects.

When the AQI value is between 201

and 300, the entire population is

more likely to be affected while

children are advised to limit outdoor

activities in this situation.

India's Delhi and Mongolia's

Ulaanbaatar occupied the second and

third positions in the list of cities with

the worst air quality with AQI scores

of 219 and 215 respectively.

The AQI, an index for reporting

daily air quality, informs people how

clean or polluted the air of a certain

city is, and what associated health

effects might be a concern for them.

In Bangladesh, the AQI is based on

five criteria pollutants - Particulate

Matter (PM10 and PM2.5), NO2, CO,

SO2 and Ozone (O3).

The Department of Environment

has also set national ambient air

quality standards for these

pollutants. These standards aim to

protect against adverse human health


Dhaka has long been grappling with

air pollution. Its air quality usually

improves during monsoon.

GD-326/20 (13 x 4)

GD-319/20 (20 x 4)


WedneSday, FeBRuaRy 19, 2020


Power moves

Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam

e-mail: editor@thebangladeshtoday.com

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Increase cotton

production locally

The export earnings of the country's

readymade garments (RMG) sector

could be substantially greater if the

RMG industries could be backed up

adequately by value-addition through

backward linkage activities. Presently,

nearly the value of 60 per cent of foreign

currencies earned through RMG export are

spent on importing raw cotton, fabric and

yarn to support the RMG industries.

But the greater value of such imports can

be saved through import substitution if

raw cotton, the primary raw material for

RMG sector's linkage industries, is grown

in greater quantities in the country. Such

cotton can be utilised to make yarn and

fabric for the RMG industries locally and,

in that case, value addition in the textile

sector can be so much more and the

amount of the country's retained foreign

exchange earnings from the textile sector

should increase spectacularly .

Raw cotton produced in the country

meets only about 5 per cent of the total

demand. The rest 95 per cent are

imported. Total cotton production in the

country in recent years has been about

14,000 metric tons, on average, annually.

But experts are of the opinion that total

yields of cotton can be fast increased by

extending cotton cultivation in the southwestern

parts of the country.

Bangladesh has very suitable lands and

climate for cotton cultivation. Apart from

the south-western districts of Jessore,

Kushtia, Jhenaidah and Chuadanga, no

activity of the Bangladesh Cotton

Development Board (BCDB) is seen in

other areas to encourage cotton cultivation

among farmers.

Many places of the country are suitable

for cotton cultivation but the potential of

extending cultivation in these areas is not

being tested by BCDB though it was set up

over a decade ago. But the present

worldwide scarcity of cotton and its

soaring prices, has also put into sharp

focus the imperative of growing cotton

within the country to reduce import

dependency for the product and find price

relief as well.

It is believed that greater activism on the

part of BCDB, plus government's

incentives and support prices for cotton

growing , can enthuse a larger number of

farmers to take up cotton cultivation as a

remunerative commercial crop in between

production of foodgrains at many different

parts of the country. Besides, there is also

the prospects of successfully carrying on

cotton cultivation in marginal lands which

are not being farmed intensively at

present throughout the year.

Cost analysis has shown that it would

even make economic sense to release part

of the good cultivable lands to grow cotton

instead of foodgrains. In that case, it might

be necessary to import some quantities of

foodgrains. But the import costs of the

foodgrains are likely to be notably lower in

comparison to the value added earnings of

the RMG sector through import


An action plan needs to be in place for

greater production of raw cotton in the

country. To satisfy growing demand of

cotton with quality, high yielding best

quality clone cotton plant has to be

imported to produce cotton in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and

Exporters Association (BKMEA) says that

production of raw cotton could be

increased manifold in some years from

now through making up a task force to

implement an action plan.

THE government is unravelling; Imran

Khan has disappointed all and sundry and

there is little hope left. The opposition is

gearing up to replace his government. The

PTI has failed only because of itself; it faces

no enemies but from within. The

opposition has already begun talks with

the powers that be. A relationship that

soured over five years has repaired in two

because of the mess that is Khan and the


So many rumours, but one subeditor's

brain. The latter is reeling from

information overload. Indeed, the general

perception is that the PTI is not governing

and the PML-N is about to take over. The

latter does have a spring in its step - and

it's not just due to the extreme cold in

Islamabad giving way to a bit of warmth.

Its senior leadership has a newfound

confidence and their speeches in

parliament are testament to the fact that

the biting humour of the Noonies is back.

They are in a position to once again say

that no one but they can actually govern

this country. And boy, are they rejoicing

when they say it!

They sound believable because the

government is busy firefighting without

much success - its various ministers can't

stop cribbing in public, and do so more in

private; they can't seem to deliver any of

the tough decisions expected of them and

Khan has no ideas or vision needed to set

Pakistan on the right path. But is it all

enough for someone, somewhere to

decide that the chessboard needs to be

swept clean and the game begun anew?

So, say the whispers of those in the know

in Islamabad. The knowledgeable ones

argue that this will take the form of an inhouse

change - either in Punjab or at the

centre. Of course, no one bothers to

explain why Islamabad will be left to them

if they are that incapable of governing, but

then no one in the city of power has the

answer to such silly questions.

Though if those laying out the

chessboard had a sense of humour, they

would ensure that the in-house change is

at the centre - for the PML-N would then

be forced (as is the PTI now) to listen to its

various statements in parliament and in

talk shows about how the incompetence of

the PTI was leading to the rise in energy

prices and how insanely high interest rates

were destroying the economy. And while

the PML-N would be squirming, the PTI

would be back on its high horse (or, shall

one say, container). For only the most

besotted of Noonie lovers can think that if

the shers of Punjab are back in power,

they can avoid taking the harsh decisions

being forced upon the PTI. Perhaps this is

one reason that the party of experience

itself says it is averse to being part of an inhouse

change; it's not just because the

PML-N realises the impossibility of

aRIFa nooR

forming a government with the help of the

PPP (there is no other way to form a

government at the centre) but also

because it knows the flak it will get for

dealing with the impossibly difficult

economic conditions. In other words,

those who bring the PML-N back to

power now would not be doing them a

great favour.

Numbers-wise, Punjab is an easier deal.

Unlike the centre, the PML-N can form a

government in Lahore as easily as did the

PTI; a handful of disloyal PTI members or

an alliance with PML-Q can do the trick

for sure. And why not? For everyone is

Though if those laying out the chessboard had a

sense of humour, they would ensure that the in-house

change is at the centre - for the PMl-n would then be

forced (as is the PTI now) to listen to its various

statements in parliament and in talk shows about

how the incompetence of the PTI was leading to the

rise in energy prices and how insanely high interest

rates were destroying the economy.

CoRnelIa MeyeR

worried about governance in Punjab and

everyone also knows that the tirchi topi

wallay aka Shabaz Sharif can deliver,

while Usman Buzdar is struggling. And

this is being discussed seriously; we all

know that poor governance is the only

reason governments in Pakistan are

manoeuvred out of power (discord in the

civil-military relationship is just a ruse).

Hence, the PTI will now be

outmanoeuvred and the PML-N brought

in! And, once again, just consider the


The PTI at the centre, cribbing that they

were hobbled because of weak numbers

and being robbed of Punjab; they will have

something to blame their failure on. The

PML-N too will be able to blame any

problem on the centre being hostile if

anything goes wrong; but more serious

still, it will have to face considerable

condemnation for having made a deal

with the khalai makhlooq. Remember the

flak the party got for voting for the

extension law; imagine the brickbats

coming their way if they take over Punjab.

It will not be easy for the party to explain it

away! The only advantage of doing this,

frankly, will be if the powers that be want

to discredit both the PML-N and the PTI.

Good governance in Punjab will just be a

sideshow. o wonder then that the PML-N

- while it is busy and cheerfully reading out

loud the writing on the wall for the PTI - is

not willing to commit officially to

anything. Or perhaps because nothing is

final yet.

And apart from all else, would the PML-

N be willing to give the PTI a second lease

of life. Any move to remove the PTI right

now - from the centre or Lahore - may just

give it the legitimacy it needs. Not only

would it remove the stigma of Khan being

'selected', he would be able to galvanise his

support base by arguing that he was

robbed of his turn to rule; he might just

begin sounding effective once again (as do

most politicians once they are in

opposition). After all, isn't this how Nawaz

Sharif began his political journey in the


Source : Dawn

Why oil rebounded last week despite coronavirus doom

Last week proved once more that

markets often react on sentiment

and perceived outlook rather than

to cold, hard facts.

The coronavirus outbreak severely

impacted oil demand, a situation

underlined by forecasts released last

week by both the Organization of the

Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

and the International Energy Agency


The IEA downgraded its demand

predictions for this year by 365,000

barrels per day (bpd) to 825,000 bpd, the

lowest since 2011. It even expected oil

demand to fall by 435,000 bpd during the

first quarter of 2020.

OPEC's downward revisions were less

hefty. The organization predicted oil

demand to grow by 990,000 bpd in

2020, which included a downward

revision of 230,000 bpd.

The two reports were published amidst

negative news of the coronavirus. Its

impact on Chinese oil demand has been

severe, reducing the run rates of refineries

by as much as 3 million bpd. The impact

of the virus will take 1.1 million bpd out of

the market during the first quarter of this

year and 344,000 bpd during the second

in China - all according to the IEA.

The situation has become so grave that

several suppliers are willing to discount

the oil price for their eastbound cargo in

order to retain market share. According

to S&P Global, this mainly affected Brazil,

Russia and Angola.

These numbers make sense when

looking at the impact the spread of

coronavirus has had on global supply

chains, especially in the automotive and

technology sectors. Hyundai closed

factories in Korea, and Chrysler Fiat in

Serbia. General Motors is worried about

its production lines in the US and several

factories in the UK have shortened their

hours due to a lack of parts.

Apple has been particularly impacted,

with several of its factories in China

manufacturing parts or assembling

iPhones having been slow to reopen after

the lunar new year - if at all.

The outlook on the global economy is

bleak. In January the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) downgraded

global economic growth for 2020 by 0.1

percent to 3.3 percent. That was before

worries about the coronavirus emerged.

On Sunday the IMF's managing

director, Kristalina Georgieva, floated a

further reduction in the growth rate by 0.1

- 0.2 percentage points. At the same time,

she warned about making hasty

predictions, because too little was known

at this point about how the virus would

develop. Depending how the economic

These numbers make sense when looking at the

impact the spread of coronavirus has had on

global supply chains, especially in the automotive

and technology sectors. Hyundai closed factories

in Korea, and Chrysler Fiat in Serbia. General

Motors is worried about its production lines in

the uS and several factories in the uK have

shortened their hours due to a lack of parts.

RaMzy BaRoud

impact of the coronavirus unfolds, the

600,000 bpd might well do the trick and

balance markets.

The impact of the virus is twofold, one

lasting and the other one resulting in a

rebound after the worst is over. The

former is the loss in consumption, travel

and tourism during the Chinese lunar

new year, constituting a one-time hit,

which cannot be recovered.

The second effect is the loss of

production in the global supply chain.

Industry will, over time, make up for the

backlog that creates. Down the line it will

probably even result in greater-thanexpected

demand for oil - the premier

fuel for transport - because shipments

will resume, and factories will need to

compensate for the backlog.

So why then was there a hike in the oil

price while the short-term outlook was so

bleak? The development ran against what

was seen in most other commodities,

especially copper. Brent was up by more

than $3.60 per barrel or close to 7 percent

on the week. The price has dropped a

little bit since then, reaching $57.39 per

barrel for Brent in early Asian trading on


The answer is simple. While the shortterm

outlook is negative, analysts and

traders pin great hopes on the upcoming

meeting of OPEC+, a grouping of the

OPEC member countries and their 10

allies lead by Russia.

Ministers will gather in Vienna on

March 5 and 6 and most analysts expect

them to follow the recommendations of a

technical meeting held earlier this month,

which stipulated that the grouping should

cut production by an additional 600,000

bpd. That would go beyond the 1.7 million

bpd by which OPEC+ reduced

production in December of last year. The

full 2.3 million bpd should remain off the

market until June, when another meeting

is scheduled.

Depending how the economic impact

of the coronavirus unfolds, the 600,000

bpd might well do the trick and balance

markets. There are, however, other

factors that could influence

developments. For one, political and

internal tensions in Libya have grinded to

a halt the country's oil exports. If the

Berlin process achieves its desired results

later this quarter, Libyan production, and

with it exports, could resume adding to

the supply glut.

Secondly, analysts will observe how

OPEC+ interacts in March. Saudi Arabia

wanted to bring the March meeting

forward, but Russia denied the urgency.

Source : Arab News

The new war brewing in the Mediterranean

Merely one month after the Israel

Leviathan gasfield began

pumping gas for the first time,

an explosion in a pipeline that pumps

Israeli gas to Egypt brought the

operations to a temporary halt.

The attack on the pipeline in the

northern Egypt Sinai Peninsula on

February 2 was a microcosm of a much

wider conflict that has been brewing for

months, which is likely to escalate into an

unprecedented regional power-play.

It all started with massive natural gas

discoveries off the eastern coast of Israel

and Palestine. Considering that Israel has

robbed Palestinians of their land, it is no

surprise that Palestinians are denied

access to their very own natural resources.

Israel is diversifying beyond exerting

regional economic dominance, to

becoming a major player on the

international geopolitical stage as well.

The EastMed pipeline project, estimated

at €6 billion (Dh23.87 billion), is expected

to cover 10 per cent of Europe's overall

need for natural gas Now, Israel is

working to translate the massive new

discoveries to make Tel Aviv a regional

energy hub.The Middle East is already in

the throes of a major geostrategic war that

has the potential to become an actual

military confrontation. Israel's new gas

wealth promises to be a major aspect of

the region's already existing conflicts.

"We turned Israel into an energy

superpower," Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu bragged during a

cabinet meeting on January 19, in

reference to Israeli Leviathan gas

shipments to Jordan and Egypt, the latter

being temporarily disrupted in the Sinai

attack. For years, Israel has been

exploiting the discovery of massive

deposits of natural gas from the Leviathan

and Tamar fields - located nearly 125km

and 80km west of Haifa respectively - to

reconstruct regional alliances and to

redefine its geopolitical centrality to


The Israeli strategy has, however,

already created potentials for conflict in

an already unstable region, expanding the

power-play to Cyprus, Greece, France,

Italy, and Libya, as well as Egypt, Turkey,

Lebanon, and Russia.

On January 2, Netanyahu was in

Athens signing a gas pipeline deal with

Greek Prime Minister Kyriako Mitotakis

and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades.

The EastMed pipeline is projected to

travel from Israel to Cyprus, to Greece

and, ultimately, to Italy, thus transporting

eastern Mediterranean gas directly to the

heart of Europe.

A few years ago, this scenario seemed

unthinkable, as Israel has, in fact,

imported much of its natural gas from

neighbouring Egypt.

Israel's Tamar field partly rectified

Israel's reliance on imported gas when it

began production in 2003. Shortly after,

Israel struck gas again, this time with far

greater potential, in the massive

Leviathan field. On December 31, 2019,

Leviathan began pumping gas for the first

time.Leviathan is located in the

Mediterranean Sea's Levantine Basin, a

region that is rich with hydrocarbons.

"Leviathan is estimated to hold over 21

trillion cubic feet of natural gas - enough

to fill Israeli power-generation needs for

the next 40 years, while still leaving an

ample supply for export," wrote Frank

Musmar in the BESA Centre for Strategic

Studies website. Israel is diversifying

beyond exerting regional economic

dominance, to becoming a major player

on the international geopolitical stage as

well. The EastMed pipeline project,

estimated at €6 billion (Dh23.87 billion),

is expected to cover 10 per cent of

Europe's overall need for natural gas. This

is where things get even more interesting.

Turkey believes that the deal, which

involves its own regional rivals, Cyprus

and Greece, is designed specifically to

marginalise it economically, by excluding

it from the Mediterranean's hydrocarbon

boom. Ankara is already a massive energy

hub, being the host of TurkStream which

feeds Europe, with approximately 40 per

cent of its needs of natural gas coming

from Russia. This fact has provided both

Moscow and Ankara not only with more

than economic advantages but with

geostrategic leverage as well. If the

EastMed pipeline becomes a reality,

Turkey and Russia will stand to lose the

most. In a series of successive, and

surprising moves, Turkey retaliated by

signing a maritime border deal with

Libya's internationally-recognised

Government of National Accord (GNA),

and by committing to send military

support to help Tripoli in its fight against

forces loyal to General Khalifa Haftar.

"Turkey will not permit any activity that

is against its own interests in the region,"

Fuat Oktay, Turkey's vice-president, told

Anadolu News Agency, adding that, "any

plan that disregards Turkey has

absolutely no chance of success."

Source : Gulf news



FEBrUArY 19, 2020


Climate anxiety likely to stress out the human race

Matthew Taylor

Over the past few weeks Clover Hogan has found herself

crying during the day and waking up at night gripped by

panic. The 20-year-old, who now lives in London, grew

up in Queensland, Australia, cheekbyjowl with the

country's wildlife, fishing frogs out of the toilet and

dodging snakes hanging from the ceiling.

The bushfires ravaging her homeland over the past

few weeks have taken their toll. "I've found myself

bursting into tears … just seeing the absolutely

harrowing images of what's happening in Australia - it

is overwhelming and terrifying."

Hogan said her lowest point came when she heard

about the death of half a billion animals incinerated as

the fires swept through the bush. "That was the moment

where I felt my heart cleave into two pieces. I felt

absolutely distraught." The physical impact of the

climate crisis is impossible to ignore, but experts are

becoming increasingly concerned about another, less

obvious consequence of the escalating emergency - the

strain it is putting on people's mental wellbeing,

especially the young.

Psychologists warn that the impact can be debilitating

for the growing number of people overwhelmed by the

scientific reality of ecological breakdown and for those

who have lived through traumatic climate events, often

on the climate frontline in the global south..

Until two years ago Dr Patrick Kennedy-Williams, a

clinical psychologist from Oxford, had spent his career

treating common mental health difficulties including

anxiety, depression and trauma. Then something new

started to happen. Climate scientists and researchers

working in Oxford began to approach him asking for

help. "These were people who were essentially facing a

barrage of negative information and downward trends

in their work … and the more they engaged with the

issue, the more they realised what needed to be done -

and the more they felt that was bigger than their

capacity to enact meaningful change," he said. "The

consequences of this can be pretty dire - anxiety,

burnout and a sort of professional paralysis."

Kennedy-Williams began to research the topic and

realised it was not just scientists and researchers who

were suffering. "There is a huge need among parents,

for instance, who are asking for support on how to talk

to their kids about this."

When Kennedy-Williams began focusing on young

people he assumed most would be older teenagers or at

least have started secondary school. But he soon

discovered worrying levels of environment-related

stress and anxiety in much younger children.

"What I was most surprised by is how young the

awareness and anxiety starts. My own daughter was just

six when she came to me and said: 'Daddy, are we

winning the war against climate change?' and I was just

flummoxed by that question in the moment. It really

showed me the importance as a parent of being

prepared for the conversation, so we can respond in a

helpful way."He says there is no way to completely

shield young people from the reality of the climate

Elizabeth Wathuti, a climate activist remarked 'We won't die of old age, we'll die from climate change'.

Photo: Aitor Baez

crisis, and argues that would be counterproductive even

if it were possible. Rather, parents should talk to their

children about their concerns and help them feel

empowered to take action - however small - that can

make a difference.

A key moment for Kennedy-Williams came with the

realisation that tackling "climate anxiety" and tackling

the climate crisis were intrinsically linked. "The positive

thing from our perspective as psychologists is that we

soon realised the cure to climate anxiety is the same as

the cure for climate change - action. It is about getting

out and doing something that helps.

"Record and celebrate the changes you make. Nobody

is too small. Make connections with other people and at

the same time realise that you are not going to cure this

problem on your own. This isn't all on you and it's not

sustainable to be working on solving climate change

24/7."This certainly resonates with Hogan, who has set

up Force of Nature, an initiative aimed at helping young

people realise their potential to create change. Hogan's

group aims to target people aged 11-24 with a crash

course in the climate crisis that helps them navigate

their anxiety and realise their potential to get involved,

take action and make a stand. "This is only the

beginning," said Hogan. "We're going to see massive,

massive widespread climate crisis in every country

around the world, so it's about developing the

emotional resilience to carry on, but in a way that

ignites really dramatic individual initiative."

Beyond climate anxiety - the fear that the current

system is pushing the Earth beyond its ecological limits

- experts are also warning of a sharp rise in trauma

caused by the experience of climate-related disasters.

In the global south, increasingly intense storms,

wildfires, droughts and heatwaves have left their mark

not just physically but also on the mental wellbeing of

millions of people. For Elizabeth Wathuti, a climate

activist from Kenya, her experience of climate anxiety is

not so much about the future but what is happening

now. "People in African countries experience ecoanxiety

differently because climate change for us is

about the impacts that we are already experiencing now

and the possibilities of the situation getting worse," she

said. She works with young people through the Green

Generation Initiative she founded and sees the effects of

eco-anxiety first-hand. A common worry she hears

among students is: "We won't die of old age, we'll die

from climate change."Extreme climate events can

create poverty, which exacerbates mental health

problems, and Wathuti says she has seen stress,

depression and alcohol and drug abuse as some of the

side-effects of climate anxiety and trauma in her

country.Even in the UK, a recent study by the

Environment Agency found that people who experience

extreme weather such as storms or flooding are 50%

more likely to suffer from mental health problems,

including stress and depression, for years afterwards.

More than 1,000 clinical psychologists have signed an

open letter highlighting the impact of the crisis on

people's wellbeing and predicting "acute trauma on a

global scale in response to extreme weather events,

forced migration and conflict".

Kaaren Knight, a clinical psychologist who

coordinated the letter, said: "The physical impacts

related to extreme weather, food shortages and conflict

are intertwined with the additional burden of mental

health impacts and it is these psychologists are

particularly concerned about."

She added that fear and trauma "significantly reduced

psychological wellbeing", particularly in children. "This

is of huge concern to us and needs to be part of the

conversation when we talk about climate breakdown."

One of the high-profile signatories of the letter, Prof

Mike Wang, the chair of the Association of Clinical

Psychologists UK, said: "Inaction and complacency are

the privileges of yesterday … Psychologists are ready

and willing to help countries protect the health and

wellbeing of their citizens given the inevitable social and

psychological consequences of climate change."

This rallying of the psychological profession around

the climate crisis has led to experts around the world

forming groups to research and treat the growing

number of people caught up in the unfolding crisis,

attempting to help them move from fear and paralysis

towards action.

But even for those who are following this advice, the

scale of the emergency is taking its toll. Kennedy

Williams - who has set up his own group, Climate

Psychologists, specialising in climate anxiety - said he

and his colleagues were not immune from the

psychological impacts of the crisis.

"This is such a universal thing that [we] have all been

through our own set of climate-related grief and

despair, and we talk about riding the wave between

hope and despair … it is absolutely as real for us as it is

for anyone else."It's OK to explore learning together. If

your child asks a question you can't answer

immediately, respond by saying: "What a great

question. Let me look into that so I can answer it

properly." Try to validate, rather than minimise,

children's emotions If children express anxiety, it's

much better to say: "It's OK to feel worried. Here is what

we can do about it," than to say: "Don't worry. It's all

fine." But always try to support this emotion with

suggestions for positive action.

Negative information hits harder Bad or

threatening facts tend to resonate more strongly -

and therefore stick in the mind. So try to balance one

piece of negative news with three pieces of positive

news. Have some examples of good climate-related

news ready - for example, successful conservation


For younger children, keep it local and tangible

Suggest litter picks and school events. For teenagers,

encourage them to stay connected at a wider level - help

them write to their MP, take part in protests and join

local communities and campaigns.

Set practical goals as a family and follow through

Record and celebrate your climate successes together

(even a piece of paper on the fridge door). Reinforce the

message that small actions can make a big difference.

The dwindling numbers of chinstrap penguin

Jonathan Watts

Colonies of chinstrap penguins have

fallen by more than half across

islands in Antarctica, prompting

scientific concern that "something is

broken" in the world's wildest


After more than a month counting

chicks in the South Shetland Islands,

researchers suspect global heating is

behind the sharp fall in numbers of

the distinctive birds, which get their

name from a black line that runs

below the beak from cheek to cheek.

Using drones and handheld

clickers, the team of four scientists

from Stony Brook University in the

US found only 52,786 breeding pairs

on Elephant Island, 58% fewer than

in the last survey in 1971. Travelling

on a Greenpeace expedition, the

scientists also conducted a penguin

census in the snow, fog and freezing

rain of Low island, where preliminary

figures indicated a similar scale of

decline in what is believed to be the

largest chinstrap population in


It was the same story on Livingston

island, where the team braved

choppy seas to land by the rocks of

Hannah Point and conduct a count

that was far down from previous


The full tally from each island will

not be released until the expedition is

completed, but the researchers said

the trend was clear and disturbing;

chinstrap colonies are shrinking,

leaving space for another species of

penguin, the gentoo, to move in.

"This shows something in the

marine ecology is broken, or has

drastically changed since the 1970s,"

said Noah Strycker, a scientist and

author, during a research camp amid

tens of thousands of penguins on

Low island.

Breeding success rates remain

consistent, he noted, which means

the cause of the chinstrap decline is

something that affects the birds after

they become juveniles.

Scientists believe the most likely

cause is climate disruption. Humandriven

heating has pushed up winter

Chinstrap Penguins on Elephant Island, Antarctica.

Photo: Christian Aslund

temperatures on and around the

Antarctic peninsula by 5C above preindustrial

levels - one of the fastest

rises in the world. Recently, the

region recorded a new high of 18.3C,

smashing the previous record of


Sea-ice is forming later and melting

earlier, which is weakening the

Antarctic food chain. The ice is vital

for phytoplankton, which fatten up

the shrimp-like krill on which the

chinstraps feed.

"While several factors may have a

role to play, all the evidence we have

points to climate change as being

responsible for the changes we are

seeing," said Dr Heather Lynch, one

of the expedition's lead researchers.

The research confirms separate

findings from other less remote areas

that suggest the Antarctic has

"climate winners and losers". The

orange-beaked gentoo appears to be

replacing the chinstrap, a specialist

that depends on krill and ice. The

gentoo is described by some

scientists as the "pigeon of the

penguin world" because it a

generalist with a varied diet that

includes fish and squid and an ability

to thrive in a wider range of


But there are far more losers than

winners. Most penguin species are

suffering from the warming

climate. Two years ago, scientists

warned 70% of king penguins could

either disappear or be forced to find

new breeding grounds by the end of

the century. An earlier study found

60% of the Adélie penguin habitat

in Antarctica could be lost.

With krill declines of up to 40% in

some areas of the Southern Ocean,

there are concerns of a knock-on

effect on other predators, including

whales and leopard seals. The

sharp fall in chinstrap numbers has

prompted calls for the bird to be

classified as a species of concern. In

2012, satellite population estimates

found numbers were down about

39% between 2003 and 2010.

Greenpeace said the decline of the

chinstraps highlighted the need for

stronger climate action and greater

wildlife protection in the world's

most remote corners.

"Governments must respond to the

science and agree a strong Global

Ocean Treaty at the United Nations

this spring, that can create a

network of ocean sanctuaries to

protect marine life and help these

creatures adapt to our rapidly

changing climate," Louisa Casson,

oceans campaigner at Greenpeace,


In October, the Antarctic Ocean

Commission will discuss three

sanctuary proposals, which were

rejected last year.

Algae being grown in the lab are made into a fabric for the designer.

Photo: Charlotte McCurdy

Turning algae into living fabrics

James Tapper

Mushroom, pineapple and

algae: it sounds like the

topping for a rather unusual

pizza. In fact, they could be

the crucial ingredients in the

wardrobe of the future as

growing numbers of

designers try to create

fashion that doesn't harm

the environment.

Examine a garment's care

label and you may find that

it was made out of pineapple

stalks or cactus leaves, or a

tote bag was woven with

thread made from banana

trees. From mushroom

leather to algae T-shirts, the

search is on for alternative

materials with smaller

carbon footprints. And the

latest result are carbonnegative

clothes made with

algae that absorb carbon

dioxide from the air.

"Fashion is part of the

problem but it's also part of

the solution," said Nina

Marenzi, founder and

director of the Sustainable

Angle, a not-for-profit

organisation which

promotes green textiles at its

annual Future Fabric Expo.

"We begin with materials

and making them

sustainable, and if fashion

supply chains can change,

then we start to address


The New York designer

Charlotte McCurdy has

made a see-through

bioplastic mac using algae -

specifically algae powder

used in vegan food products.

She worked with glass

casters to find a way to heat

the algae and cool it in a

controlled fashion to make it

transparent. The material is

carbon-negative because the

algae draw carbon out of the

atmosphere, meaning the

coat acts as a carbon sink.

"Follow the carbon -

where did it come from?"

she said. "Has it come from

carbon taken out of the

atmosphere millions of

years ago and put in the

ground? We talk a lot about

what happens to materials

after we use them, but not

where they come from in the

first place."Post Carbon Lab

is using the same principle

with another algae

prototype - clothes that

photosynthesise. The startup

in London has created

photosynthesis coating, a

layer of living algae on the

fabric of garments that

absorb carbon dioxide and

emit oxygen, turning the

carbon into sugar. One large

T-shirt - nearly a square

metre of material -

generates about as much

oxygen as a six-year-old oak

tree, according to the cofounder

Dian-Jen Lin.

The start-up has been

working with designers and

industry to translate its

photosynthesis coating into

a marketable product, and

Lin said it could be used in

shoes, backpacks, curtains,

pillow cases, umbrellas and

building canopies.

The care instructions were

rather different to normal

clothes, she said. Wearing

algae was not without its

perils. "You can't put it into

your dark wardrobe. It

needs light and carbon

dioxide, so you have to put it

in a well-ventilated area, like

the back of your chair."

Washing machines would

harm the algae, so "it's

handwash only - you have to

be a bit careful. I wouldn't

recommend this coating for

your underwear but maybe

for a windbreaker or a


Lin and her co-founder

Hannes Hulstaert are

testing the limits of the

coating, which she says can

be applied to almost any

garments, either as a full

coating or a print. "But it

might change colour if it's

really upset, if it didn't like

the light or temperature,"

Lin said. "Most of the

organisms are in the green

shade. In the healthy state

they are dark brownish

green, orangeish green.

When it's unhappy it might

turn yellow, orange, brown,

purple or white or


However, it seems

remarkably resilient. "We've

had samples for three years

which have come back to

life," Lin said. Other textiles

include Piñatex, made from

pineapple leaves and used

by Hugo Boss and H&M,

and Mycotex, a substance

grown from mushrooms.

Cactus is the next plantbased

leather to emerge, the

creation of Desserto.


WeDNeSDAY, FeBRUARY 19, 2020 6

Satota Store, Muktijoddha Corner and digital

attendance inaugurated in Chilmari

Pabna Deputy Commissioner Kabir Mahmud chaired a preparatory meeting to celebrate 100 birth

anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the district on


Photo: Abdul Hamid Khan

Preparatory meeting to celebrate

'Mujib Borsho' held in Pabna

Abdul hAmId KhAn, pAbnA Correspondent:

A preparatory meeting organized by

district administration to celebrate 100

birth anniversary of the Father of the

nation bangabandhu sheikh mujibur

rahman was held in pabna on

tuesday. the meeting was chaired by

deputy Commissioner Kabir mahmud

at the deputy Commissioner's

Conference room.

deputy Commissioner Kabir

mahmud in his speech said that all

kinds of billboards, festoons, arcades

have been removed in the city as part of

cleaning pabna to celebrate 'mujib

borsho'. he further said that the official

AzAm pArVez, rAngpur Correspondent:

deputy Inspector general

of police (dIg) of the rangpur

range devdas bhattacharya

made annual inspection of

district police reserve office

on monday. during the time,

rangpur superintendent of

police of rangpur district,

mr. biplob Kumar sarkar

gave a warm welcome to the


later a parade performed

by contingents and band

members of rangpur district

police, headed by Additional

superintendent of police (b-

Circle) maruf Ahmed was

held. during the time, dIg in

his speech urged all the

policemen to remove the

negative perception of the

people about the police during

this "mujib borsho",

highlighting the ideology of

the greatest bangali of all

programs for the celebration of 'mujib

borsho' are set to begin on march 17.

From that day through the year-long

spectrum program, celebrations will be

celebrated in every upazila of pabna

like the rest of the country.

pabna zila parishad Chairman

rezaul rahim lal said in his speech

that the policy makers and the heads of

all offices should be watchful to make

the 'mujib borsho' celebrations

successful. we should properly

organized and respectfully implement

each program.

Among others, district Council Chief

executive officer Kazi Atiur rahman,

time, Father of the nation

bangabandhu sheikh

mujibur rahman. he also

expected service must be

provided to the people by



professionalism and sincere


during the time, Abu maruf

hossain, superintendent of

police (Administration and

Crime) rangpur, md. Fazle

pro-VC of pabna university of science

and technology, dr. Anwarul haque,

Additional deputy Commissioner

(public), shahed parvez, Additional

superintendent of police shamima

Akhter, deputy director of local

government Afroza Akhtar, Additional

deputy Commissioner (revenue) )

mokhlesur rahman, Additional

district magistrate zahid nawaz,

executive engineer of local

government engineering department,

pabna Km badshah mia and president

of pabna newspaper Council,

journalist Abdul matin Khan were also

present at the occasion.

Rangpur Range DIG made annual inspection

of district Police Reserve Office



on hoisting



flag held in


Abul KAlAm AzAd, IshwArgAnj


A mobile workshop was

held to raise public

awareness on hoisting the

national flag correctly in

Ishwarganj uapzila of

mymensingh on tuesday.

the workshop was

inaugurated by uno zakir


Among others, Assistant

Commissioner (land)

sayeda parveen, freedom

fighter Abdul hai, senior

upazila fisheries officer

Asm sanowar russell, up

Chairman shafiqul Islam,

Anwar parvez, Agriculture

officer sadhan Kumar

guha mazumder, Family

planning officer Kamal

hossain, secondary

education officer Ashraful

Islam, pIo shafiqul Islam

and press Club president

Abul Kalam Azad were also

present at the occasion.

Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) of the Rangpur Range Devdas

Bhattacharya and Rangpur Superintendent of Police, Biplob Kumar

Sarkar were present during a parade of annual inspection of district Police

Reserve Office on Monday.

Photo: Azam Parvez

elahi, superintendent of

police (Additional special

branch), rangpur and a large

numbers of officers and police

members were also present at

the occasion.

Ishwarganj UNO Zakir Hossain addressed a mobile workshop to raise

public awareness on hoisting the national flag correctly in Ishwarganj

uapzila on Tuesday.

Photo: Abul Kalam Azad

Police in a drive arrested three drug dealers along with 240 bottles of

phensedyl and a motorcycle in Adamdighi uapzila of Bogura on Monday


Photo: Soikat Khan

golAm mAhbub, ChIlmArI




muktijoddha Corner and

digital attendance for

students were inaugurated

in Chilmari upazila on


Kurigram deputy

Commissioner mst.

sultana parveen

inaugurated the satota

store, muktijoddha Corner

and digital attendance at

patrokhata riajul jannat

dakhil madrasha in the

upazila. later a meeting

was held which was chaired

by madrasha managing

Committee president sm

tofazzal hossain. Among

others, upazila parishad

Chairman shawkat Ali

sarker bir bikrom,

Additional deputy

Commissioner md

sujuddaula, upazila

nirbahi officer Awm

MoU signed between

district administration

and Nandail Gram

Unnayan Committee

ArAbIndA pAul, nAndAIl


A memorandum of

understanding (mou) was

signed between district

administration and 35 gram

unnayan Committees of

nandail upazila to create a

developed, safe, child-friendly

and prosperous ideal village

with the theme 'mujib borsho

2020'and 'Amar gram Amar

sohor' organized by nandail

world Vision bangladesh,

nandail Ap (Area program) in

the upazila on tuesday.

deputy Commissioner md

mizanur rahman presidents

of 35 gram unnayan

Committee signed the



understanding at the upazila

parishad hall room. during

the time, upazila parishad

Chairman hasan mahmud

jewel, upazila nirbahi officer

muhammad Abdur rahim

sujan, municipal mayor md.

rafiq uddin bhuiyan,

Assistant Commissioner

(land) mahmuda Akhter and

raju william rosario from

world Vision were among

others also present at the


world Vision bangladesh

nandail Ap manager suman

ruram moderated the


3 held with

240 bottles of

phensedyl in


soIKAt KhAn, AdAmdIghI


police arrested three drug

dealers along with 240

bottles of phensedyl and a

motorcycle in Adamdighi

uapzila of bogura. on

tuesday morning, a case

was filed against them under

the special powers Act and

sent to jail.

the arrestees were

identified as jony Ahmed,

21, son of Abdur rahman of

Chupinagar village of

shahajahan upazila of

bogura, naim 19, son of

mokhlesar rahman of the

same village and Al Amin,

19, so of tajmal hossain.

officer-in-charge of

Adamdighi police station

jalal uddin said the three

drug dealers were going to



Chapainawabganj with a

Apache tVs motorcycle

without a number and a

school bag filled with

phensedyl. through secret

news, a patrol police stopped

the motorcycle in the night

at boro Akhira Charmatha

place in the highway and

searched the school bag.

later 240 bottles of

phensedyl were found inside

the bag. the motorcycle was

also seized.

Kurigram Deputy Commissioner Mst. Sultana Parveen as the chief guest

inaugurated Satota Store, Muktijoddha Corner and digital attendance at

Patrokhata Riajul Jannat Dakhil Madrasha in Chilmari upazila on


Photo: Golam Mahbub

raihan shah, Chilmari

model police station

officer-in-Charge md.

Aminul Islam, upazila

parishad women Vice

Chairman Asma begum,

project Implementation

officer Kohinur rahman,

ramna up Chairman

Azgar Ali sarkar and

madrasha super md.

Abdul Aziz Akanda were

also present at the


deputy Commissioner

mst. sultana parveen said

that honesty is the main

tool for creating a civilized

society. to establish an

honest, sincere, upright

and socially conscious

individual life, we must

develop ourselves on the

basis of honesty. she said

that the war of liberation

would play a vital role in

nurturing the present and

future generations in the

spirit of the unity and

giving accurate history.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between district

administration and 35 Gram Unnayan Committees of Nandail upazila

on Tuesday.

Photo: Arabinda Paul

Social group of work on poverty

alleviation projects of

marginalized people formed

rohulAmIn rAzu, melAndAhA Correspondent:

the process of forming social groups for

poverty alleviation of the marginalized

people of mahmudpur union of melandah

upazila of jamalpur district has been

completed. the meeting was held in the hall

of mahmudpur union parishad on monday

which was chaired by of rdA, deputy

project director and joint director of

bogura sheikh mehedi mohammed.

melendah upazila nirbahi officer tamim

Al Yameen addressed the occasion as the

chief guest. Among others, melandaha

upazila Cooperative officer md shahadat

hossain, mahmudpur up secretary md

nurul Islam, deputy Assistant engineer md.

Kabir hossain, rana Chowdhury, golam

hossain, Abu walid, shahjalal, sanowar

hossain and Atiqul Islam were also present

at the occasion.

dr. mohammad riazul Islam, project

Associate officer and deputy project

director, rdA bogura conducted the


Awami League nominated candidate for Gaibandha-3 by-elections

Umme Kulsum Smriti addressed a mass assembly in Palashbari upazila

on Tuesday. Palashbari Upazila Awami League President and Municipal

Administrator Abu Bakar Pradhan presided over the function while

among others, Former MP and Former Upazila Awami League

President Alhaj Tofazzal Hossain Sarkar, Upazila Awami League

General Secretary Shamikul Islam Sarkar Lipon and Vice President

Shahidul Islam Badsha were also present at the occasion. Photo: TBT

Sweet potato cultivation regaining its glory in Manikganj

mAnIKgAnj: the cultivation of sweet

potato is regaining its lost glory in manikganj

that was disappeared from the district,

reports bss.

department of Agriculture extension

(dAe) sources said a total of 170 hectares of

land was brought under sweet potato

cultivation in all seven upazilas in the district

with a production target of 3,172 metric tons

during the current season.

the harvesting of sweet potato has already

been started and is appearing in the markets.

the sweet potato cultivators are happy to

getting its high price in the markets.

dAe sources said once manikganj district

was famous for sweet potato cultivation.

sometimes sweet potatoes were cultivated

about five thousand hectares of land in the


but the producers did not get their desired

prices of their products and declined the

cultivation of the potatoes. An elderly sweet

potato cultivator wahed Ali (70) of dalla

village of singair upazila of the district said

'we had to sell taka 30-35 per mound of

sweet potato before some years. we did not

get our production cost selling it in the


now sweet potatoes are using as one of the

best vegetables. now per Kg. sweet potato is

being sold at taka 25-30 in the markets'.

even early harvesting sweet potato was sold

at taka 40-50 per Kg. in the markets, he




FEBRUARY 19, 2020


Iran sentences alleged US spies

to up to 10 years in prison

Residents in central England and Wales braced Tuesday for more flooding as rivers peaked in the

wake of a weekend storm that brought up to 6 inches (150 mm) of rain to an already waterlogged


Photo : AP

UK issues severe flood alerts as

storm-swollen rivers surge

Residents in central England and

Wales braced Tuesday for more flooding

as rivers peaked in the wake of a

weekend storm that brought up to 6

inches (150 mm) of rain to an already

waterlogged region.

Environment agencies in England

and Wales on Tuesday declared 10

severe flood warnings, meaning there is

an immediate danger to life, for the

rivers Severn Trent, Wye and Lugg.

More than 180 less severe flood warnings

were also in place, reports UNB.

Storm Dennis - the second major

storm of the winter-blew through the

U.K. on Saturday and Sunday, bringing

wind gusts of up to 90 mph (145 kph)

Bloomberg makes

debate stage, facing

Dem rivals for 1st


Billionaire Mike Bloomberg

has qualified for the upcoming

Democratic presidential

debate, marking the first

time he'll stand alongside

the rivals he has so far avoided

by bypassing the early

voting states and using his

personal fortune to define

himself through television


A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist

poll published

Tuesday shows

Bloomberg with 19% support

nationally in the Democratic

nominating contest,

reports UNB.

The former New York City

mayor, who launched his

presidential campaign in

November, will appear in

Wednesday's debate in Las

Vegas alongside former Vice

President Joe Biden, Sens.

Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth

Warren and Amy Klobuchar

and former South Bend,

Indiana, Mayor Pete

Buttigieg. Fellow billionaire

and philanthropist Tom

Steyer is still hoping to qualify.

Bloomberg's campaign

said that it was seeing "a

groundswell of support

across the country" and that

qualifying for Wednesday's

debate "is the latest sign that

Mike's plan and ability to

defeat Donald Trump is

resonating with more

Americans." "Mike is

looking forward to joining

the other Democratic candidates

on stage and making

the case for why he's the best

candidate to defeat Donald

Trump and unite the country,"

Bloomberg campaign

manager Kevin Sheekey said

in a statement.

The Democratic National

Committee recently changed

its rules for how a candidate

qualifies for the debate,

opening the door for

Bloomberg to be on stage

and drawing the ire of some

candidates who dropped out

of the race for failing to

make prior stages. The

candidates were previously

required to receive a certain

number of campaign

contributions to qualify, but

Bloomberg, who is worth an

estimated $60 billion, is not

taking donations.

and heavy rain that flooded roads, railways,

homes and businesses. The fierce

weather upended travel plans for thousands

of British families trying to get

away on the mid-winter school break.

It turned rivers including the Severn

and the Wye, which normally

meander through picturesque countryside,

into raging torrents. The River

Wye reached the highest level ever

recorded in the central England town

of Hereford.

Dave Throup, a manager in the

region for the Environment Agency,

tweeted; "I've seen things today I would

not have believed. ... This is not normal

flooding, we are in uncharted territory."

The storm has killed at least three

people in Britain, including a 55-yearold

woman who was swept away by

floodwaters in the central English town

of Tenbury.

The high seas churned up by the

storm left an abandoned cargo ship, the

MV Alta, crashed up upon the shores of

County Cork, near Ballycotton, southern


The storm also left a trail of flooding

and power outages across northern

Europe, including in southwestern

Sweden. In Denmark, 100 people who

had been evacuated late Monday due to

fears that a levee might collapse began

returning home Tuesday.

UN says Libyan rival

forces resume talks

to save cease-fire

Libya's warring sides resumed Tuesday

U.N.-brokered talks aimed at salvaging a

fragile cease-fire in the North African country,

the U.N. said in Geneva, reports UNB.

The current cease-fire was brokered by

Russia and Turkey on Jan. 12. It marked the

first break in months of fighting for control of

the Libyan capital, Tripoli. But both sides

have repeatedly violated the cease-fire.

Oil-rich Libya is split between rival governments,

each backed by an array of foreign

countries apparently jockeying for influence

in order to control Libya's resources.

A U.N.-supported but weak administration,

led by Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj,

holds only a shrinking area of western

Libya, including the capital. It's been

fending off an offensive since last April by

forces loyal to Gen. Khalifa Hifter. The

military commander is allied with a rival

government that controls much of Libya's

east and south, including key oil fields

and export terminals.

The U.N. support mission in Libya said

five military representatives from each

side have met Tuesday in Geneva, more

than a week after they ended their first

round of negotiations without striking a

deal that would help end the fighting in


In the previous round of talks, the U.N.

mission said there was "broad consensus"

between the two sides on "the urgency for

Libyans to safeguard the sovereignty and

territorial integrity" of the country, and to

"stop the flow of non-Libyan fighters and

send them out of the country." Hifter's

forces rely on military assistance from the

United Arab Emirates and Egypt, as well

as France and Russia. On the other side,

Turkey, Italy and Qatar support the

embattled Tripoli-based government.

Powerful tribes loyal to the eastern the

commander Hifter have also largely

stopped the country's oil production, after

they seized last month several large oil

export terminals along Libya's eastern

coast as well as its southern oil fields.

The country's National Oil Corporation,

which dominates Libya's critical oil

industry and is based in Tripoli, said losses

from the oil closures have reached

more than $1.6 billion as of Monday.

The daily oil production has since the closure

fallen to 135,745 barrels a day from

about 1.2 million. It put the daily losses at

close to $59 million.

Libya has the ninth largest known oil

reserves in the world and the biggest oil

reserves in Africa.

The corporation reiterated its warning that

the blockade is quickly depleting fuel that

supplies Libyan power stations.

The Geneva talks come amid intensified

diplomacy among world powers seeking to

end the conflict that has ravaged Libya for

nine years and increasingly drawn in foreign

powers. European Union foreign ministers

agreed Monday to launch a new maritime

effort focused on enforcing the U.N arms

embargo around the North African country.

Libya has been in turmoil since 2011, when a

civil war toppled long-time dictator Moammar

Gadhafi, who was later killed.

A UN-supported but weak administration, led by Prime Minister Fayez

Sarraj, holds only a shrinking area of western Libya, including the capital.

It's been fending off an offensive since last April by forces loyal to Gen.

Khalifa Haftar.

Photo : Internet

Iran sentenced eight environmental

activists, including an Iranian who

reportedly also has British and American

citizenship, to prison sentences

ranging from four to 10 years on

charges of spying for the United States

and acting against Iran's national security,

the judiciary said Tuesday, reports


According to the judiciary

spokesman, Gholamhossein Esmaili,

an appeals court issued the final verdicts.

Two of the activists, Morad Tahbaz

and Niloufar Bayani, got 10 years each

and were ordered to return the money

they allegedly received from the U.S.

government for their services.

Tahbaz is an Iranian who also holds

U.S. and British citizenship.

Iran does not recognize dual or multiple

nationalities, meaning Iranians it

detains cannot receive consular assistance

from their other countries. In

most cases, dual nationals have faced

secret charges in closed-door hearings

before Iran's Revolutionary Court,

which handles cases involving alleged

attempts to overthrow the government.

Esmaili, the judiciary spokesman,

said two other activists, Houman Jokar

and Taher Ghadirian, each got eightyear

sentences for allegedly "collaborating

with the hostile government of


Another three of the activists, Sam

Rajabi, Sepideh Kashan Doust and

Amirhossein Khaleghi Hamidi, were

sentenced to six years in prison each.

The eighth activist, Abdolreza Kouhpayeh,

got four years. All the activists

were arrested in early 2018.

A ninth activist who was arrested at

the time, Kavous Seyed Emami, an

Iranian-Canadian naional, died while

in custody under disputed circumstances

in February 2018. His widow

then was blocked from flying out of

Iran, but later made it out.

Iran is also holding others with ties to

the West, including Nazanin Zaghari-

Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian woman sentenced

to five years on allegations of

planning the "soft toppling" of Iran's

government while traveling in Iran

with her young daughter.


of Libyan

oil exports

costs over

1.6 bln USD

Libya's National Oil Corporation

(NOC) on Monday

said that the suspension

of oil exports due to

closure of oil fields and

ports has caused a loss of

more than 1.6 billion U.S.

dollars so far, reports


"National Oil Corporation

(NOC) confirms a

drop in production as a

result of the blockade of

ports and pipelines to the

current level of 135,745

barrels per day, as of Monday

February 17, 2020,

with losses exceeding 1 billion

USD at 1,616,886,132

USD," the NOC said in a


"NOC renews its call for

all blockades to be lifted to

allow the corporation to

resume production immediately,

for the sake of

Libya and its people," the

statement said.

Tribal leaders in eastern

Libya have recently closed

oil ports, accusing the UNbacked

government of

using oil revenues to support

armed groups against

the east-based army.

The United Nations

Security Council recently

adopted Resolution 2509

to extend the ban on the

illicit export of petroleum

from Libya, including

crude oil and refined

petroleum products, till

April 30, 2021.

Libya has been suffering

escalating violence and

political instability ever

since the fall of its leader

Muammar Gaddafi in


Iranian businessman Siamak Namazi

and his 81-year-old father Baquer, a

former UNICEF representative who

served as governor of Iran's oil-rich

Khuzestan province under the U.S.-

backed shah, both are serving 10-year

prison sentences on espionage charges.

Iranian-American Robin Shahini was

released on bail in 2017 after staging a

hunger strike while serving an 18-year

prison sentence for "collaboration with

a hostile government." Shahini has

since returned to America and is now

suing Iran in U.S. federal court.

Former FBI agent Robert Levinson,

who vanished in Iran in 2007 while on

an unauthorized CIA mission, remains


Earlier this month, Iran's supreme

court confirmed the death penalty for

Amir Rahimpour, who was convicted of

spying for the C.I.A. Iranian state

media have alleged that he had shared

details of the Islamic Republic's nuclear

program with the American spy

agency. Esmaili said at the time that

Rahimpor would soon be executed.

Iran has in the past has sentenced

alleged American and Israeli spies to

death. The last such spy executed was

Shahram Amiri, who defected to the

U.S. at the height of Western efforts to

thwart Iran's nuclear program. When

he returned in 2010, he was welcomed

with flowers by government leaders

and even went on the Iranian talk-show

circuit. Then he mysteriously disappeared.

He was hanged in August 2016, the

same week that Tehran executed a

group of militants and a year after Iran

agreed to a landmark accord to limit

uranium enrichment in exchange for

the lifting of economic sanctions.

Tensions remain high between Iran

and the U.S. since President Donald

Trump unilaterally withdrew America

from Tehran's nuclear deal. A U.S.

drone strike in January killed Iranian

Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem

Soleimani in Baghdad, prompting

Tehran to retaliate with a ballistic missile

strike on Iraqi bases housing American


Iran sentenced eight environmental activists, including an

Iranian who reportedly also has British and American citizenship,

to prison sentences ranging from four to 10 years on charges

of spying for the United States and acting against Iran's national

security, the judiciary said Tuesday.

Photo : AP

Engineer to Olympian: Quintero

ready for karate in Tokyo

More than five years ago, one of Spain's most

successful karate athletes was splitting his

time between practice, graduate school and

his day job as an aeronautical engineer.

Before training and studying at night,

Damian Quintero spent hours analyzing

faulty airplane parts and working on complex

calculations to determine whether the

parts were safe enough to go back into

planes, reports UNB

With little time left in his day, he couldn't

fully dedicate himself to the sport he loved.

"It was a difficult time," the 35-year-old

Quintero told The Associated Press after a

recent training session in Madrid. "I was

doing my masters, working and practicing.

All at the same time. I looked like a walking

cadaver." That all changed in 2015, when

karate made the short list for the Tokyo


"I took a leap, leaving a good job and a

good salary," said Quintero, who was born in

Argentina and moved to Spain with his family

when he was 5 years old. "When karate

became an Olympic sport in 2016, it was

time to start training hard."

Now, nearly five months before the Tokyo

Games, Quintero is a full-time karateka and

a top contender for the gold medal in Japan.

He is set to enter karate's inaugural Olympic

tournament as the world's No. 1-ranked athlete

in the kata category, in which athletes

perform solo and are evaluated on their

offensive and defensive techniques.

"It will be historic. That makes me even

more excited about going there and doing

well," Quintero said. "Not only for me - winning

a medal would mean the greatest

achievement of my career - but for all the

karatekas who will be there trying to showcase

our sport to the whole world."

A good showing will be key for karate,

which made it to the Tokyo Games but is not

expected to be included in the program for

the 2024 Paris Games. The sport was not

originally selected by French organizers,

though the final decision by the International

Olympic Committee isn't expected until

December. "We don't really know what happened,"

Quintero said. "Some people blame

the IOC, others the Paris 2024 organizing

committee. All we can do is try to put on a

good show in Tokyo. Then we will look at

things, like television ratings and media

exposure, and if they aren't good, we will be

the first ones to look back and say that we are

not meant to be in the games. But we have to

wait and see."

If the sport is dropped, it would mean a

huge blow for Quintero and other karatekas

around the world.

"There's been a huge difference since the

sport became part of the Olympics," he said.

"Now karate is my job, I have a sponsor, I get

help from the Spanish Olympic Committee

and the government. If it goes back to the

way it was before, probably people again will

have to start splitting time between practice

and study and work if they want to keep

competing at a high level."

Before the sport's inclusion, Quintero himself

said he considered retiring so he could

focus on his career as an aeronautical engineer

- airplanes were always another great

passion of his. He stuck to karate, though,

and by 2015 he had taken over the No. 1 spot

in the world rankings. He won the world title

in 2014 and became a 10-time European

champion, an unprecedented feat for Spanish


Daughter of man

accused of killing 8

describes his abuse

The daughter of a Mississippi man on trial in

the shooting deaths of eight people testified

Monday that he was abusive and beat her frequently,

reports UNB.

My'Khyiah Godbolt took the stand at a

courthouse in Magnolia, the Daily Leader

newspaper reported, to testify against her

father, Willie Cory Godbolt.

Godbolt, 37, is charged with capital murder,

accused of fatally shooting eight people,

including the deputy who arrived at his inlaws'

home over the Memorial Day in 2017.

Godbolt's 12-year-old daughter told jurors

that he "was very mean" and beat both her

and her mother often.

Godbolt appeared agitated, shaking his

head and pursing his lips together tightly

when she described an attack on her with a

plastic bat once when they were practicing

baseball outside. She testified that he became

angry when she asked to take a break and

beat her repeatedly with the bat. She called to

relatives for help, and he responded by

threatening her. "If you ever embarrass me

like that again, it's going to be worse," she

quoted her father as saying. Godbolt has

pleaded not guilty to four counts of capital

murder, four counts of murder, one count of

attempted murder, two counts of kidnapping

and one count of armed robbery. He has

remained in custody since his arrest on May

28, 2017, hours after the shootings.


WeDNeSDAy, FeBRUARy 19, 2020


the Ride

The inspiring story of a BMX champion who

overcame an abusive childhood through the

love and life lessons of his interracial foster


Gallery of

the day

This year’s featured stars include Balan, Pednekar,

Sunny Leone, John Abraham, Vicky Kaushal, Varun

Dhawan, Ananya Panday, Kartik Aaryan, Anushka

Sharma, Kiara Advani, Kriti Sanon, Parineeti Chopra,

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Tiger Shroff.

Release Date










: 6 December 2019 (USA)

: Alex Ranarivelo

: Alex Ranarivelo, Hadeel


: Shane Graham, Ludacris,

Sasha Alexander

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: Action

: 98 minutes

: 6 December 2019 (USA)

: English

: ESX Entertainment

StoRylINe :

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don't have a

Synopsis for this

title yet.

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contribute! Just

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in the Synopsis

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|Source: IMDb]

Bollywood film ‘Bunty

Aur Babli 2’ to shoot

in Abu Dhabi

Rani Mukerji and Siddhant

Chaturvedi will spend a week

in the country.

Bollywood actors Rani

Mukerji and Siddhant

Chaturvedi will film in Abu

Dhabi this month for their

new comedy ‘Bunty Aur Babli

2’, and will spend more than a

week in the region.

“We are shooting a highlight

con in Abu Dhabi. The

landscape of Abu Dhabi just

Rani Mukerji and Saif Ali Khan.

gives a lot of scale to the film

and the team is going to spend

around 10 days shooting the

con and also some parts of the

film. We want to make ‘Bunty

Aur Babli 2’ a cool entertainer

for all,” said director Varun in

a statement.

Produced by Yash Raj Films,

‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’ will

introduce ‘Gully Boy’

sensation Chaturvedi and a

new face Sharvari. The first

installment, released in 2005,

featured Mukerji and

Abhishek Bachchan as a

quirky pair who conned

people for a living. The sequel

will feature Mukerji and actor

Saif Ali Khan as the original

con couple. The two have

featured in hits including

‘Hum Tum’ and ‘Ta Ra Rum


It isn’t the first time that

Abu Dhabi has served as a

filming location to Bollywood

films. Producers Yash Raj

Films also filmed ‘Bharat’

starring Salman Khan and

Katrina Kaif last year in the


Other action films including

‘Dishoom’ and ‘Bang Bang’

were also shot in Abu Dhabi.

Produced by Aditya Chopra,

‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’ will be

directed by debutant Varun,

who worked as an assistant

director in YRF’s blockbusters

‘Sultan’ and ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’.

It is scheduled to release in

June this year.

|Source: gulfnews]

Bengali actor and

former MP

tapas Paul dead

KOLKATA: Veteran Bengali actor and

former Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Paul

died of cardiac arrest early Tuesday, family

sources said.

He was 61.

Paul, who had gone to Mumbai to visit his

daughter, complained of chest pain at the

Mumbai airport during his return to

Kolkata and was rushed to a hospital in

Juhu but died around 4 am, they said.

He had been suffering from heart

ailments and been to hospitals several times

for treatment during the past two years.

A two-term MP from Krishnanagar and

MLA from Alipore, he is survived by his

daughter and wife.

Paul remained away from films after CBI

arrested him in the Rose Valley chit-fund

scam in December 2016 and was given bail

after 13 months.

A romantic hero, having endeared himself

to the Bengali audience since his debut film

Dadar Kirti in 1980, Paul became a known

household name because of his lead roles in

Saheb (1981), Parabat Priya (1984),

Bhalobasa Bhalobasa (1985), Anurager

Choyan (1986) and Amar Bandhan (1986).

He was awarded the Filmfare Award for

Saheb (1981).

Veteran Bengali actor Ranjit Mallick

described Paul's death as "untimely".

"I am yet to come to terms with the news.

He was like my younge ..

Source : indiatimes.com

Karan Johar thought I’d be

apprehensive doing another Netflix

film : Kiara Advani on Guilty

Kiara Advani returns to Netflix with Guilty, her

second outing with the streamer after Lust

Stories, and the actor says filmmaker Karan

Johar thought she would be apprehensive

about coming on board for another project on

the OTT platform.

Kiara made her debut in 2014 with Fugly,

but found acclaim with Johar’s directorial

segment in the 2018’s anthology.

“I was in the car with Karan when he told me

he has heard a narration and it’s a very strong

role. He said it’s the most thrilling script he had

heard. He wanted me to hear it and told me it

was on Netflix.

“But he thought I may have an apprehension

in my mind because I had signed films like

‘Kabir Singh’ and ‘Good Newwz’ but in my head,

the platform doesn’t matter. What matters is the

content,” Kiara told reporters here.

Having seen the reach of web, the actor said

she had no qualms about returning to the

Kiara Advani opens up about Netflix film Guilty.


“As an actor you want to reach out to as

many people as possible. Fortunately, the

script that came to me was ‘Guilty’. ‘Lust

Stories’ was a game changer for me. So there

was never a second thought about doing

‘Guilty’. It seemed like a perfect opportunity.”

Directed by Ruchi Narain, Guilty explores

the different versions of truth that emerge

when a small-town girl accuses the college

heartthrob of rape.

Kiara said the story of the film is layered and

hence it cannot be classified as a thriller.

“Yesterday I called Karan and asked him,

‘What do I say (about the trailer)’ and he said

something that I wrote down because it aptly

describes the film.

“Basically, consent is a victim of perception.

And it’s true because what may be consensual

to you might not be consensual to someone

else.” Ruchi, known for writing screenplays of

films such as Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi and

Calcutta Mail, said while sexual assault has

always been a relevant issue, there is a lot more

conversation and awareness around it today.

“There is a lot of talk and awareness about it

these days, about any kind of assault and who

do you believe. What interested me the most in

telling this story was that when you read an

article, there are opinions and a lot of things

are academic. But life is about human beings

Photo: Instagram/kiaraadvani)

and everybody is coming from a (certain)

place, they have their own agenda.

“So when an issue like this happens, there

are different reasons to believe and to not

believe. So how do you really know? That’s the

question which bothers and plagues all of us.

Everyone has a point of view and it is, in some

way, relevant. It is a story about human

complexities,” Ruchi added.

|Source: indianexpress.com]

H o R o S c o P e


(March 21 - April 20) : A friend, perhaps

a woman, could well be upset or even

angry with you today, Aries. Money

might be involved in some way. There may be

nothing you can do to reassure her at this time, so it's

best to give what reassurances you can and then back

off. Whatever has gone wrong, she's probably

overreacting, and eventually she'll see that.


(April 21 - May 21) : Is your boss a woman,

Taurus? If so, stay out of her way today. To

put it mildly, she isn’t in a good mood.

Work hard, be very sweet to everyone, and make copious

use of your innate diplomacy. You may be on the

receiving end of some sharp words, but by remaining

focused and continuing your routine in your usual

efficient manner, you should avoid any major blowups.


(May 22 - June 21): Travel may cause

more problems than it's worth today,

Gemini. You may forget some vital items

when packing or there could be too little time to get

everything ready. Your plane could be delayed or

something valuable lost. Try to short-circuit potential

problems. Use a checklist when packing, keep valuables

close to you, and take lots of books and CDs in case you

have to wait out a delay. In spite of it all, have fun!


(June 22 - July 23): Finances may cause

an upset between you and a friend

today, Cancer. Perhaps this person owes

you money and can't pay it back, or vice versa. If this

is the case, try to work out some kind of arrangement

that suits you both. There's always a way to create a

win-win situation if you don't both get so angry that

your objectivity is totally wiped out.


(July 24 - Aug. 23): A social event could put

you in touch with someone who's carrying

around a lot of bitterness and anger, Leo.

This probably won't be very pleasant for you, as this

person could well see you as the perfect listening post for

all their problems. Don't feel trapped! Be polite but make

your excuses as soon as you can. There are other friends

present whose company you'll enjoy a lot more!


(Aug. 24 - Sept. 23): The workplace could

be very hectic today as a colleague prepares

to leave on an important business trip,

Virgo. Nerves could be strained and tempers short. Try to

stay focused and get everything necessary done without

making yourself crazy. You may be the one who keeps

everyone else from going crazy, although you might

consider hiding in the closet yourself. Say a prayer of

thanks when your colleague finally rides off in the taxi.


(Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): You may have a

wonderful day today, Libra. Your

imagination, intuition, and creativity are all

high, and inspiration for new artistic works could be filling

your heart and brain. You'll be all too happy to discuss

your ideas with anyone who shows an interest. The one

dark spot in the day might be that a child, close friend, or

lover goes into a snit because he or she feels ignored.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22): A chance to take a long

journey, perhaps to a distant state or foreign

country, could suddenly present itself to you

today, Scorpio. This trip is apt to be far more significant than

a simple vacation. It may be career related or involve an

opportunity to expand your education. It could also concern

a relationship. Whichever it is, you're likely to make the trip

and it will probably change your life in subtle ways.


(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21): You’ll find that a

sensitive mind that’s open to everything

and every possibility is exactly the thing

you need at this time in order to be successful in

reaching all the goals you’re working toward,

Sagittarius. You’ll find that your sense of duty and need

for plans and solid goals are key elements for getting to

where you need to be. Gather information and create a

plan of attack that is well thought out.


(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20): An argument with your

partner could have you feeling very

disheartened and somewhat depressed

today, Capricorn. Yet you probably are too shaken up to feel

like discussing it with him or her. Spend the day keeping

yourself busy and working off your frustration. Forget about

it for a while, Capricorn. This should enable you to see the

situation more objectively.


(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19): Although you may have

been feeling somewhat out of sorts for the

past few days, Aquarius, today you could feel

as if you just got a new lease on life. You’re in

excellent physical, mental, and emotional shape, so you

should be raring to go. Both immediate and long-term goals

should be easy to achieve while your energy is strong today.

Begin working on them; don't put them off. This high level

of motivation should continue for a while.


(Feb. 20 - Mar. 20): Children or possibly

some close friends or a love interest could

be upset today, Capricorn. The financial

coffers aren't full enough to afford something they think

they absolutely have to have right now. You might find

yourself having to soothe their feelings, reassuring them

that "not now" doesn't necessarily mean "never." If they

don't respond, don't keep pushing. They'll have to come

to terms with the situation in their own way.




Taijul remained concerned about Zimbabwe, stating that they need to play well against the Southern

African nations to grab the victory.

Photo: BCB

Need to beat Zimbabwe to regain

the lost confidence: Taijul

Sports Desk: Bangladesh left-arm

spinner Taijul Islam insisted that the

Tigers need to win the one-off Test

against Zimbabwe to regain the

confidence that was severely dented by

the six straight defeats in the longer

version format of late, reports BSS.

Out of the six defeats, five came at the

innings. To be more precious

Bangladesh lost the last three matches

against India and Pakistan by innings


However, all of the five innings

defeats came at abroad while the match

in which they didn't taste innings defeat

came at the home against low ranked


Bangladesh could feel some sort of

relief that Zimbabwe was not boasted

by the threatening spinners like Rashid

Khan who led Afghan's astonishing

victory against the Tigers.

But Taijul still remained concerned

about Zimbabwe, stating that they need

to play well against the Southern

African nations to grab the victory.

At the same time he also looked

relieved to play at home condition after

a series of defeats in Test cricket.

"Doesn't matter who the opponent iswe

must win a Test," Taijul said on

Tuesday after Bangladesh's practice


"It is very important to win the Test.

If we can win, our confidence level will

be enhanced, which at the moment is

really crucial for us."

He continued: "When we play at

home condition, it gives us some relief.

But at the same time everybody wants

us to win when we play at our home. I

think it is natural to do well at home."

Taijul's career-best 8-39 came

against Zimbabwe, a performance that

made him the premium spinner of the

side alongside Shakib Al Hasan.

So naturally his name came to the

fore when Bangladesh play against

Zimbabwe. It's however a thing that

Taijul disliked most as he said that he

also took wickets against other


"It's not that I only picked up

wickets against Zimbabwe. Against

other opponents too, I took wickets.

As I said earlier, you have to land the

ball in the right areas, whatever the

opponent is. If you can't bowl well,

even the Zimbabwe batsman would

hit you," he remarked.

The two teams so far played 16 Tests

between them of which, Zimbabwe still

had the upper-hand with seven

victories while Bangladesh won six

matches. Three of the Tests ended in a


Most of Bangladesh victory came at

the recent past when Zimbabwe lost its

aura. However, still the South African

nation beat Bangladesh in Sylhet in


Many of the Bangladeshi fans saw the

Zimbabwe victory in 2018 as an

accident but Taijul said Zimbabwe won

the match because Bangladesh played


Recalling that memory, Taijul

warned his teammates to come up with

good if they want to beat Zimbabwe in

the one-off Test, slated to begin on

February 22 at Sher-e-Bangla National

Cricket Stadium.

"The defeat was not an accident or

not an upset. We had played badly in

that Test and therefore we lost the

match. Then we played well in the next

Test and won it to draw the series.

There is nothing like accident. In

cricket you have to play well to win the

game," Taijul concluded.

Hamilton, Messi share men’s

Laureus award

Sports Desk: Formula One champion

Lewis Hamilton and football superstar

Lionel Messi shared the Laureus

sportsman of the year award at

Monday's ceremony in Berlin, reports


Hamilton, 35, a six-time world

champion and Barcelona star Messi,

32, share the award for their

achievements in 2019.

This is the first time a footballer has

won the award and also the first

occasion in the event's 20-year history

when the jury reached a tied decision.

"I am honoured to be the first to win

this award being a sportsperson

coming from a team sport," Messi said

from Barcelona via a video message.

US gymnastics superstar Simone

Biles, who won five titles at the 2019

world championships in Stuttgart to

leave her with a record 25 world gold

medals, took the Laureus sportswoman

of the year award for the third time.

"It means the world to me, this is my

third Laureus award and I'm really

grateful," said Biles in a video message.

South Africa, who won the 2019

World Cup, were named team of the

year, beating Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool

and the US women's football team.

Springboks captain Siya Kolisi was

joined on stage by six South African

team-mates to collect the trophy.

"With this group of players, we came

together for the love of the game with

one goal and fought so hard for each

other," Kolisi told the audience in


"We gave everything we had to win

the trophy and hopefully inspire kids

for generations to come."

Snowboarding sensation Chloe Kim,

19, won the action sportsperson award

after taking gold medals at the world

championship halfpipe and X Games

super pipe.

Oksana Masters, who was born with

limb impairments caused by radiation

from Chernobyl and was later adopted

in the US, won the sportsperson with a

disability award.

The 30-year-old won five gold medals

and a silver at the world para nordic

skiing championships and also took the

cross-country overall world cup title.

She also won silver medals in the

road race and time trial H5 at the para

cycling road world championships.

Colombia's Egan Bernal, 22, who

became the youngest rider to win the

Tour de France for 110 years, won the

breakthrough award after winning the

world's top cycling race in what was

only his second three-week classic


"I'm really happy, this is a big result

for me in my career," the Colombian

said in a video.

German F3 driver Sophia Floersch

scooped the comeback of the year

award for racing once again at the

Macau Grand Prix last November, a

year after a crash on the same circuit

left her with a spinal fracture.

Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton and football superstar Lionel Messi shared the Laureus

sportsman of the year award.

Photo: AP

AC Milan

eye Euro

spots after

Torino win

Sports Desk: AC Milan

closed in on the European

places in Serie A after Ante

Rebic fired them to a 1-0

win over Torino on

Monday, reports BSS.

Rebic swept home Samu

Castillejo's low pull back in

he 25th minute to consign

to draw Milan level on 35

points with Hellas Verona,

who currently occupy the

final Europa League spot

on goal difference.

Rebic's winning goal was

his sixth in seven games in

all competitions, a run that

comes after failing to score

at all in the first half of the


The Croatian's strike

helped the hosts bounce

back from last week's

derby disappointment

against Inter Milan to

continue a positive run

under coach Stefano Pioli

that also saw them unlucky

not to beat Juventus in the

Coppa Italia semi-final

first leg last week.

They have lost just once

since the turn of the year -

to title-chasing Inter - and

are playing well enough to

aim for European football

next season.

However the Champions

League will likely be

beyond them thanks to the

10-point gap between them

and fourth-placed


Rebic's winning goal was

his sixth in seven games in

all competitions, a run that

comes after failing to score

at all in the first half of the


Torino meanwhile are

inching closer to the

relegation zone after their

fifth straight defeat, a

slump that shows little sign

of ending.

They are just five points

from the drop despite

bringing in Moreno Longo

to replace Walter Mazzarri

earlier this month.

Australia ready for frosty

reception on SA return

Sports Desk: Australian coach Justin

Langer and limited-overs captain Aaron

Finch said on Monday they were looking

forward to playing in front of South African

crowds on their first tour since the

sandpaper scandal of 2018, reports BSS.

Former captain Steve Smith and batsman

David Warner, who were both banned for a

year for their role in ball-tampering during

the third Test in Cape Town, are both in the

team that will play three Twenty20

internationals and three one-day

internationals against South Africa, starting

with the first T20 game at the Wanderers

Stadium on Friday.

"We love coming to South Africa," said

Langer at the team's arrival press


"We've got so many good memories for so

long. It was obviously a very hard tour last

time but the way our guys have moved on, it

gave us a great opportunity to reassess where

we're at in Australian cricket."

Langer said last year's tour of England was

"a great dress rehearsal" for the likely

reception Smith and Warner will face,

especially from an expected capacity crowd

at the Wanderers.

"It was a tough (England) tour for those

two guys," said Langer. "I was really proud of

the way they let their bat do the talking and

were great ambassadors off the field, so

hopefully they'll be looking forward to

getting back into it and playing good cricket

here."Finch said his team knew what to

expect when they stepped on to South

African grounds.

"South African crowds are very passionate

and very vocal. We're expecting that. David

loves that banter coming from the crowd. It

gets him into the game. I don't think it's

going to make much difference to our group.

We're going to play cricket with a smile on

our face," he said.

Langer said there had been plenty of talk

about the culture of the Australian team

following the 2018 tour.

"We've talked about making Australians

proud of us again, earning that respect, not

only from the Australian public and our past

players but also across the world," he said.

"Changing cultures is purely about

behaviour," he said.

"We're playing really good cricket, the

numbers will tell you that, we're also playing

it in great spirit.

"I'm very hopeful we can continue to do

that because that's how we all want to see

cricket played. We've done it for 18 months

now, there's absolutely no reason why that

can't continue."

Finch said the Australians were confident

they could do well on their tour but said he

had been impressed by the way South Africa

played in a high-scoring T20 series against


"I followed that really closely. It was a great

series to watch. Obviously the bat

dominated more than the ball. For South

Africa to having a changing side and play so

well was impressive. All the guys in their side

had an impact on the game at various times."

Australian coach Justin Langer and limited-overs captain Aaron Finch said

on Monday they were looking forward to playing in front of South African

crowds on their first tour since the sandpaper scandal of 2018. Photo: AP

Lampard asks for Chelsea fight after

smash and grab United defeat

Sports Desk: Chelsea manager Frank

Lampard told his side the "fight starts

now" for a place in the Champions

League next season after suffering a 2-

0 smash and grab defeat at the hands of

Manchester United on Monday,

reports BSS.

The Blues had two goals disallowed

by VAR reviews and were furious Harry

Maguire was not sent-off for an off-theball

kick out at Michy Batshuayi before

he headed in United's second goal after

Anthony Martial's opener.

Lampard cut a frustrated figure as the

flaws in both boxes which have seen his

side win just four of their last 14 league

games were exposed once more against

ordinary opposition.

"The fight starts now," said Lampard.

"It's not worth me going on about it

now but the reality was there for us to


"If we're not going to take chances

then we're not going to win games.

When you dominate large periods you

have to take your chances."

Victory lifts United up to seventh and

within three points of Chelsea in fourth,

while fifth could now even be good

enough to qualify for the Champions

League next season pending

Manchester City's appeal again a twoseason

ban from European

competition. However, even United

boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer admitted he

had not been impressed by the visitors'


"When you win 2-0 here you are

delighted," said Solskjaer.

"Then again I didn't think we played

well, particularly with the ball in the

first half. We were cumbersome, slow,

passing wasn't great but we got the first

goal then we hung in there."

Lampard made a bold call before

kick-off by again dropping the most

expensive goalkeeper in football

history, Kepa Arrizabalaga, to the

bench in favour of the 38-year-old

Willy Caballero.

Batshuayi also started with Tammy

Abraham ruled out by injury and

Lampard's anger at missing out on a

striker in the January window was

borne out by a poor night for the

misfiring Belgium forward.

But the course of the game could have

been very different had Maguire not

escaped unpunished for kicking

Batshuayi after the two collided in front

of the dugouts.

"I know I caught him and I felt he was

going to fall on me and my natural

reaction was to straighten my leg to

stop him," said Maguire.

"I apologised to him and it was nice

that the referee saw sense." - One-way

traffic - Chelsea's sense of injustice

increased when Willian was harshly

booked for diving as he went down

under a challenge from Bruno

Fernandes looking for a penalty.

United had not made Caballero make

a single save before going in front a

minute before the break when Martial

planted a brilliant header into the far

corner from Aaron Wan-Bissaka's


There was still time for Batshuayi to

miss another chance before half-time

when he skewed wide from a narrow


The one-way traffic continued at the

start of the second period as Mount hit

the post and a brave block from Wan-

Bissaka deflected Pedro's goal-bound

effort behind.

But even when Chelsea did get the

ball in the net through substitute Kurt

Zouma, the goal was ruled out by VAR

for a push on Brandon Williams by

Cesar Azpilicueta.

Fernandes was unable to make much

of an impact from open play in his

second United appearance since a œ47

million ($62 million) move from

Sporting Lisbon. However, the

Portuguese international is a huge

threat from set-pieces and nearly

caught Caballero out with a free-kick

that crashed back off the post.Moments

later, Fernandes provided his first

assist for the Red Devils with a corner

which Maguire powered home.

Lampard had seen enough from

Batshuayi and handed Olivier Giroud a

rare appearance off the bench for the

final quarter.

IPL’s Kings XI Punjab buy

Caribbean Twenty20 side

Sports Desk: The owners of Kings XI

Punjab have bought a Caribbean

Premier League side, becoming the

second Indian Premier League club to

own a Twenty20 franchise in the West

Indies, reports BSS.

Punjab took over St Lucia Zouks, led

by former West Indies captain Darren

Sammy, on Monday. In 2015 the

Kolkata Knight Riders purchased

Trinidad and Tobago.

"We are excited at the opportunity to

invest in one of the most exciting

sporting tournaments in the world, and

we have been impressed by the

vibrancy of CPL over the last seven

years," Punjab co-owner Mohit

Burman said on a St Lucia Zouks media

release. The eighth edition of the CPL

will be held from August 19 to

September 26.




IuB implements a Seminar on Preventing

Terrorism and Extremism

Islami Bank Central Hospital inaugurated neonatal Intensive Care unit (nICu) service. Yousif

Abdullah Al-Rajhi, Vice Chairman of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and Islami Bank Foundation

inaugurated the service recently as chief guest at Islami Bank Central Hospital, Kakrail, Dhaka.

Professor Md. nazmul Hassan, Ph.D, Chairman of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) and

Islami Bank Foundation (IBF) presided over the program. Professor Dr. Qazi Shahidul Alam, Vice

Chairman of IBF and Director of IBBL, Dr. Tanveer Ahmad, Chairman, Executive Committee of IBF

and director of IBBL, Dr. Areef Suleman, Md. Qumrul Hasan, Professor Dr. Mohammad Saleh Jahur

and Professor Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam, Directors of IBBL and Members of IBF, Md. Mahbub ul Alam,

Managing Director & CEO and JQM Habibullah, FCS, Deputy Managing Director & Company

Secretary of IBBL attended the program as special guests. SAM Salimullah, Executive Director of IBF

addressed welcome speech. A total of 10 newborns can be provided medical care at the nICu with

modern technologies imported from the uSA, Germany, new Zealand and Japan. Photo: Courtesy

RFL introduces'Bangla in 68 years' campaign

Independent University, Bangladesh

(IUB) hosted a Seminar titled

'Preventing Terrorism and Extremism

through Community Engagement' at

the university's own campus in

Bashundhara, Dhaka orecently. Anti

Terrorism Unit (ATU) of Bangladesh

Police, School of Environmental

Science and Management (SESM) at

IUB and Community Development for

Peace jointly organized the Seminar.

The objective of this Seminar was to

create awareness against terrorism and

extremism and thereby involve

community & society for making a

social movement to stop all this, a press

release said.

Md. Moniruzzaman, Additional

Deputy Inspector General, ATU

presented the Key Note in the Seminar.

In his presentation, he gave an

overview of terrorism & extremism and

explained that youth are most

vulnerable both in terms of getting

involved with these devastating

activities and being victimized of these

attacks. Therefore, he urged upon the

students to remain alert and talk to

their families and peer groups so any

inappropriateness can be faced


Later, Mohammad Abul Kashem,

Additional Inspector General, ATU

delivered his speech and emphasized

on relevant issues that might misguide

our young generation. As no religion

supports destructive activities, he

requested the students to study more

on these issues and involve community

to support for a homogenous


A Matin Chowdhury, Chairman,

Board of Trustees, IUB; Prof. Milan

Pagon, Vice Chancellor (Acting), IUB;

Ms. Penny Morton, High

Commissioner (Acting) of Australia in

Bangladesh; Kanbar Hossein - Bor,

British Deputy High Commissioner to

Bangladesh; Md. Didar Ahamed,

Deputy Inspector General, ATU and;

Md. Haider Ali Khan, Additional

Deputy Inspector General were also

present and spoke on the occasion.

They stated that terrorism and

extremism is now a global problem and

all countries across the world are

working tirelessly to resolve it. Only law

enforcement agencies alone cannot

stop militancy and terrorism. In the

long run, there is a need for different

stakeholders' involvement, like

educational institution and societyas a

whole to prevent it.

Prof. Md. Abdul Khalek elaborated

IUB's role and activities in

preventingterrorism and militancy.

Following the presentation, the floor

was open for question-answer session

where students raised various

concerned issues. Md. Moniruzzaman

answered all questions and assured to

provide all required support to IUB for

making a terrorism free society.

During the next phaseof the event, a

mini workshop was held where

faculties & students separated in ten

different groups and made their

presentations. Deans, senior members

of the faculty & administration and full

house of students attended the daylong


RFL, country's leading

conglomerate, has launched an

awareness campaign titled 'Bangla in

68 years' on the occasion of the

International Mother Language Day, a

press release said.

The aim of the campaign is to create

awareness among the people about

unnecessary mixing of words of

different languages with strange

pronunciations and expressions into

bengali language and encourage them

to speak in bengali completely.

RN Paul, Managing Director of RFL

Group, briefed about the campaign

through a press conference held at

Badda's Premier Plaza on Tuesday.

Addressing the occasion, RN Paul

said, "Our achievement of mother

Language is going to be steppedin 68

years but many of us are not speaking

in banglafluentlyfor 68 seconds.

Therefore, we have distorted our

language through strange

pronunciation and mixing of words of

different language. So we have taken

the initiative to encourage the people

especially young generation to speak in

Bengali language completely."

He also said, "RFL is a local

conglomerate. Most of our brands have

received good response from the

customers for standard quality. We

know that language movement sowed

the seeds for the independence of

Bangladeshand everybody should

come forward to maintain standard of

our mother tongue."

RashedUl Alam, Head of Marketing

of Durable Plastic, said, "We have

arranged a competition through online

under the campaign. Anyone can join

here by sending his or her video with

68 second speech in Bengali language


The topics will be on

Bengali language, book fair,

21stFebruary and language movement.

We will award 10 people among the


Under the campaign, RFL is also

running various awareness message

through social media and its various

retail outlets including Best Buy and

distribute leaflet among the people.

The campaign will be continued till

25th February.

Zeaul Haque, Assistant General

Manager (Public Relations) of PRAN-

RFL Group, EsfaquelHoque, Senior

Brand Manager ofDurable

Plasticamong others, were also present

at the occasion.

Independent university, Bangladesh (IuB) hosted a Seminar titled 'Preventing Terrorism and

Extremism through Community Engagement' at the university's own campus in Bashundhara, Dhaka

on Monday.

Photo: Courtesy

Southeast Bank Limited (SEBL) has inaugurated integrated Vending Station for providing Prepaid

Meter Recharge Service to the subscribers of Dhaka Electricity Supply Company Limited (DESCO)

recently.The vending station service has been inaugurated by Dr. Sultan Ahmed, Secretary, Power

Division, The Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. This service will be available for the

customers on round the clock basis. M. Kamal Hossain, Managing Director of Southeast Bank, Mst.

Maksuda Khatun, Additional Secretary, Chairman, DESCO, Brig. Gen. Md Shahid Sarwar, ndc (Rtd.),

Managing Director of DESCO were present on behalf of their respective organizations. Kazi Azizur

Rahman, Deputy Managing Director of Southeast Bank and other officials from both the organizations

were also present at the ceremony.

Photo: Courtesy

A team led by CID's ASP Mohammad Iqbal Hossain seized huge quantities of fake drug cartoons, plates

and dye from SB Laboratories Limited from Arambagh in the capital on Sunday. Photo: Courtesy

Asian markets fall as virus hits earnings, growth

Asian markets tumbled Tuesday

after Apple warned the new

coronavirus had hit output and

demand in China, fuelling fears over

the wider impact of the epidemic on

corporate earnings and economic

growth, reports BSS.

Investors looked past a positive

lead from European bourses to focus

on the spiralling fallout from the

virus that has so far killed more than

1,800 people and infected nearly

72,500, mostly in mainland China.

As well as denting company bottom

lines, the virus has sparked panic

buying, economic jitters and the

cancellation of high-profile sporting

and cultural events.

"Best to buckle in as we could be in

for a bumpy ride (over) the next few

weeks," said Stephen Innes of


"I'm struggling to find any research

report that doesn't suggest (COVID-

19) could significantly affect short

term earnings."

Apple suppliers in Asia were hit by

the tech giant's warning that it would

miss its quarterly revenue forecast

because of the virus, dragging

markets lower. Tokyo's benchmark

Nikkei 225 index closed down 1.4

percent - its fourth straight session in

the red - a day after data showed the

economy shrank in the December

quarter, even before the effects of the

virus hit Japan.

Hong Kong was down 1.3 percent

as banking heavyweight HSBC

reported a 33 percent fall in 2019

pre-tax profits alongside an

announcement that it was cutting

35,000 jobs. Mainland China's

benchmark Shanghai Composite

Index recovered earlier losses to

close up 0.1 percent.

Elsewhere, Singapore fell 0.4

percent as investors digested the

government's decision to cut its

economic growth forecast for this

year as the virus batters the city

state's tourism and trade. Seoul was

off 1.5 percent and Taipei lost one

percent. Sydney shed 0.2 percent.

Investors have taken some comfort

from a slowdown in new infections

outside hardest-hit Hubei province,

which Chinese officials say is a sign

that the outbreak is under control.

But World Health Organization

chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

said the trend "must be interpreted

very cautiously".

IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said

Sunday there could be a cut of

around 0.1-0.2 percentage points to

global growth but stressed there was

much uncertainty about the virus's

economic impact.

Further moves by China's central

bank on Monday to cushion the

world's second-largest economy

against the health crisis appear to

have done little to allay concerns.

European markets were higher

after Eurogroup chief Mario Centeno

predicted the coronavirus would

have a "temporary" impact on the

eurozone and the WHO warned

against over-reacting about the


US markets were closed for a


China is the world's biggest

importer and consumer of oil, and

crude prices have been particularly

sensitive to the epidemic that has

spread to nearly 30 countries and


Global oil demand will suffer its

first quarterly drop in a decade as the

virus lashes China's economy and its

impact ripples throughout the world,

the International Energy Agency

warned last week. Brent Crude fell

one percent and West Texas

Intermediate was down 0.7 percent.

Gold, seen as a safe haven in times

of uncertainty, was up 0.4 percent.

Asian markets mixed: Japan skids;

China helped by rate cut

Markets were mixed in Asia on

Monday, with Japan's benchmark

slipping 0.8% after the government

reported the economy contracted

6.3% in annual terms in the last

quarter. China's shares got a boost

after the central bank stepped in to

help the economy with a rate cut,

extra buying of securities and tax

cuts, reports UNB.

The Nikkei 225 in Tokyo was at

23,507.63 by late morning, while

Sydney's S and P ASX/200 edged 1%

lower to 7,120.00. South Korea's

Kospi was flat, at 2,242.50, while the

Hang Seng in Hong Kong climbed

0.5% to 27,953.73.

The Shanghai Composite index

jumped 1.3% to 2,955.07 after the

central bank and finance minister

announced a slew of measures to

support the economy as the country

battles an outbreak of a new virus

that has killed 1,770 people and

infected nearly 70,000.




Project Director Shahadat Hossain Majumdar handed over the cheque for

compensation of the land acquired in Madaripur district for the project

establishment titled Sheikh Hasina Tant Polli (1st Phase) in Madaripur on

Tuesday. During the time, Madaripur Deputy Comissioner Wahidul Islam,

Executive Engineer of Bangladesh Handloom Board ADC (Revenue)

Madaripur, Mohammad Sadakatul Bari, Shibchar UNO, Land Acquisition

Officer, Madaripur and other officials were among others also present at

the occasion.

Photo: TBT

Vaccination campaign for Cholera,

diarrhoea starts today

DHAKA : A six-day vaccination campaign will be kicked off

today in the city aiming to immune people from Cholera and

diarrhoea diseases. The information was given at a press

conference organised at the auditorium of Directorate

General of Health Services (DGHS) at Mohakhali in the

capital yesterday morning.

The vaccination campaign will be conducted in the city's

Mohammadpur, Adabor, Darus Salam, Kamrangirchar,

Hazaribagh and Lalbagh area's ward numbers 9, 10, 14, 22-

25,29-34 and 55-57 under Dhaka North City Corporation

(DNCC) and it will continue till February 25.

The vaccination will be given to the children and people,

aged one year and above, from 8am to 4pm everyday at 360

centres including City Corporation's permanent vaccination

centres. However, some vaccination centres will remain open

till 7pm for the convenience of the workers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of

Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has

decided to provide cholera vaccines to the country people

under National Cholera Control Plan to eliminate the

disease by 2030.

'Gazipur Unnayan Kartripakkha

Bill' placed in JS

SANGSAD BHABAN : A bill titled 'Gazipur Unnayan

Kartripakkha Bill 2019' was placed in Parliament on Tuesday

to turn the fast-growing Gazipur city into a planned, liveable

and environment-friendly urban area, reports UNB.

State Minister for Public Works and Housing Sharif

Ahmed placed the Bill and it was sent to the respective

scrutiny committee. The

committee was asked to

submit its report within 30


Gazipur Unnayan

Kartripakkha (Gazipur

Development Authority-

GDA) will be like Chittagong

Development Authority

(CDA), Khulna Development

Authority (KDA) and

Rajshahi Development

Authority (RDA).

GD-323/20 (7 x 3)

GD-329/20 (4 x 4)

28.10.1213.877.09.002.20 (FP)

GD-327/20 (10 x 4)

GD-320/20 (12 x 4)

WEDNESDAy, DhAKA, FEBrUAry 19, 2020, FALGUN 6, 1426 BS, JAMADI-US-SANNI 23, 1441 hIJrI

Dhaka North City Corporation conducted drive against illegal settlements from the Gulshan-1

area on Tuesday.

Photo : Star Mail

BNP wants to create

issue over Khaleda’s

illness: Quader

DHAKA : Awami League

general secretary and road

Transport and Bridges

Minister Obaidul Quader

yesterday said BNP wants to

create a political issue over

the illness of BNP

Chairperson Begum

Khaleda Zia.

"BNP wants to do politics

over every matter that is

why they are out to create a

political issue over the party

chief Begum Zia's physical

condition," he told a joint

meeting with leaders of

Khulna divisional units of

AL at the party's central

office Bangabandhu Avenue


Quader said BNP

secretary general Mirza

Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

could be an experienced

politician but in fact, he is

not a physician.

so, how would he give

decision about the treatment

of Begum Zia, he questioned.

About the issue of

BNP chairperson Begum

Khaleda Zia's bail, Quader

said it is the jurisdiction of

the court to give her bail.

Ecnec clears nine projects

involving Tk 13,639 cr

DHAKA : The Executive

Committee of the National

Economic Council (Ecnec)

on Tuesday approved nine

projects involving Tk 13,639

crore, including a Tk 6,014-

crore project to enhance the

capacity of Mongla seaport,

reports UNB.

The approval came from

the weekly Ecnec meeting

held at the NEC conference

room with Ecnec

Chairperson and Prime

Minister sheikh Hasina in

the chair.

"The Ecnec meeting today

approved nine projects with

an estimated cost of Tk

13,639.01 crore," said

Planning Minister MA

Mannan while briefing

reporters after the meeting.

Of the cost, Tk 8,886.44

crore will come from the

national exchequer, while Tk

4,459.41 crore as foreign

loan and the remaining Tk

293.16 crore from the own

fund of the organisation concerned

(rajshahi City

Corporation), he said.

The road Transport and

Highways division placed

three projects, while the

shipping ministry and the

Fisheries and Livestock ministry

brought two projects

each, and the water

resources ministry and the

Local government division

placed one project each, he

said. All the nine projects

approved at the Ecnec meeting

are fresh ones.

Talking about the project

titled 'Increasing Capacity of

Mongla Port', the Planning

Minister said the Mongla

Port Authority will implement

the project aiming to

ensure modern facilities for

the users of this port located

in Bagerhat.

The project will be implemented

by June 2024 at a

cost of Tk 6014.62 crore.

Of the project cost, Tk

1,555.21 will come from the

goB fund, while the rest Tk

4,459.41 crore as foreign

loan (Indian LoC), said


According to the factsheet

of the Planning Commission,

the major project operation

The Sunken Forest of

Lake Kaindy


Kaindy Lake is a 400 meter long lake in

Kazakhstan’s portion of the Tian shan

Mountains located 129 km from the city

of Almaty. The lake was created after an

earthquake in 1911 that triggered a large

landslide blocking the gorge and forming

a natural dam. subsequently, rainwater

filled the valley and created the lake.

The lake is famous for its scenic beauty

particularly the submerged forest and the

imposing trunks of spruce trees that rises

out of the lake water. Above water, the

sunken trees appear as large masts from

lost ghost ships, or perhaps the spears of

a mysterious army hiding and waiting for

the right time to emerge.

The water is so cold (even in summer

the temperature does not exceed 6

degrees) that the great pines still remain

on the trees, even 100 years later. Because

of the clear mountain water, you can see

deep into the depths of the lake. In winter,

the surface of the lake freezes over and

during this time, Lake Kaindy becomes a

great spot for trout fishing and ice diving.

included construction of

container terminals with all

facilities at jetty No-1 and 2,

container handling yards

and container delivery yard

with all facilities, strengthening

the security system and

automation and improving

roads and yards.

Finance Minister AHM

Mustafa Kamal, road

Transport and Bridges

Minister Obaidul Quader,

Planning Minister MA

Mannan, Agriculture

Minister M Abdur razzaque,

Information Minister

Mohammad Hasan

Mahmud, LgrD and

Cooperatives Minister Md

Tazul Islam, Education

Minister Dr Dipu Moni,

Industries Minister Nurul

Majid Mahmud Humayun,

Commerce Minister Tipu

Munshi, Fisheries and

Livestock Minister sM

rezaul Karim, Environment,

Forest and Climate Change

Minister Md shahab Uddin,

Land Minister saifuzzaman

Chowdhury, among others,

attended the meeting.

2,475 books

released in

Ekushey Book

Fair so far

DHAKA : In the ongoing

Ekushey Book Fair, the country's

largest literature festival,

poetry volumes continue to

rule as 720 of the total 2,475

books released so far.

Novel books came second

with the publications of 399

books while short story books

in third position so far with

the publications of 338 books,

the Bangla Academy sources

said. Of those, books of essay

got fourth position with 135

publications while children

novels were fifth with 108


Besides, 88 Liberation War

related books, 75 about

Bangabandhu, 80 biographies,

47 researches, 52 science

books, 44 travel books,

54 history books, 41 science

fictions, 27 translation and 11

drama related books were

released in this fair so far.

This year, around 873 units

have been allocated for 560

publishing houses and organisations

to sell and exhibit

their books and publications.

On Tuesday, presence of

the visitors was remarkable

throughout the day.

The fair will be open for the

visitors from 3pm to 8pm

every day. On holidays, it will

be open from 11 am to 8:30

pm and on February 21 it will

open at 8 am and continue till

8:30 pm.

ACC to receive

graft allegations

directly from


DHAKA : Bangladeshi

expatriates, who have been

living in different parts of

the world, now can be able

to place allegations of corruption

or irregularities to

the Anti-Corruption

Commission (ACC) directly.

The national anti-graft

agency at a meeting yesterday

decided to receive allegations

from the

Bangladeshi expatriates,

ACC director (public relations)

and spokesman



Bhattacharya said.

The expatriates are not

able to register their allegations

to the ACC by using

the "106" hotline, which was

earlier introduced by the

national anti-graft watchdog

to receive graft allegations

from commoners.

To resolve the technical

problem, Pranab said, the

Commission decided to

receive calls through a

mobile phone. "That's why

the Bangladeshi expatriates

can now place their allegations

by dialing my mobile



+8801716463276- any

time," he added.

Overtourism harming

‘Char Bijoy’s’ pristine


PATUAKHALI : An unhealthy competition

between travel agencies and irresponsible

behaviour of tourists have endangered

the natural ecosystem of newlyemerged

island 'Char Bijoy' in the Bay of

Bengal, about 40 kms southeast off the

Kuakata sea beach, reports UNB.

The 5,000-acre island is home to thousands

of migratory birds and countless red

crabs. When the crabs crawl out of the

ground, the entire island seems from afar

that it is covered in a red carpet. The flocking

of so many birds in the island at the

same time gives it a picturesque look.

As the name of this island found traction

in mass media, its popularity began to rise

and 'Char Bijoy' added a new dimension to

the tourist attraction of Kuakata.

As more and more tourists arrive at

Kuakata, the local travel agencies have

resorted to an unhealthy completion to

take as many tourists to the island as possible.

The absence of any directive from

the Tourism Ministry about visiting 'Char

Bijoy' made their job even easier.

With the arrival of so many tourists, the

areas inhabited by red crabs and flocked

by migratory birds in 'Char Bijoy' have

come under threat. The unwanted disturbance

has shrunk those areas for the crabs

and birds while their numbers have also

begun falling sharply.

While visiting 'Char Bijoy', the irresponsible

behaviour of tourists was seen firsthand

by the UNB correspondent.

The curious tourists wanting to catch a

glimpse of the birds create a ruckus where

the avian travellers gather. Not only that,

the loud noise from the sound boxes they

bring is a constant annoyance for the


These tourists often enter the sanctuary

of migratory birds with speedboats and

scare the birds by running after them. As a

result, the number of migratory birds visiting

'Char Bijoy' has decreased dramatically

with the arrival of the tourists.

Even, the presence of red crabs has fallen

as tourists walk and stomp over the

ground where the crabs live.

When the island emerged from the Bay

in 2017, it created a lot of interest among

tourists to see the pristine 'Char Bijoy'

which was discovered first by fishermen.

The fishermen called it 'Hairer Char'. On

December 23 of that year, the then deputy

commissioner of Patuakhali visited the

island and proposed the name of 'Moon

Island' due to its shape.

since the island was discovered in

December, which is known as the month

of victory, it was named 'Char Bijoy' after

local travel agencies and tourists rooted for


Chattogram City Corporation Mayor and general secretary of the Metropolitan Awami League

AJM Nasir Uddin addressed a view exchange meeting with reporters at the Chattogram Press

Club on Tuesday.

Photo: S M Akash

If anyone needed the mayor

post, he could have told me

directly: CCC Mayor


Chattogram City Corporation Mayor and

general secretary of the Metropolitan

Awami League AJM Nasir Uddin said that

'if anyone needed the post of mayor, he

could have told me directly, I would have

given it freely" said AJM Nasir Uddin. The

mayor made the remarks while addressing a

view exchange meeting with reporters at the

Chattogram Press Club on Tuesday.

He further said that, the propagandists

who are claiming a picture of me along with

Bangabandhu's murderer's brother, I do not

know him and even never met him. It is very

sad to take shelter in such a conspiracy to

withhold the nomination for mayor. such

propaganda is not desirable at all. With

whom I have no involvement. The mayor

added that in the photo shown, at the call of

Akram Khan, former Chhatra League leader

of Chattogram University, I went to inaugurate

a shop in the oxygen area. speaking of

hardships in my mind, one of the issues

where I was very troubled was that I took

part in the protest march in Chattogram

College after the assassination of

Bangabandhu. Extreme propaganda and

lies have been made on Facebook.

He said that,I started politics in the worst

of times, and the Bangabandhu massacre

shook me. Then after 1975, for the first time

in January, we four or five boys brought out

a procession together. We passed through

Chandanpara with the slogan, Joy Bangla,

Joy Bangabandhu. At that time, the army

came and surrounded the whole area.

I have no arrogance, outrage and anger, I

am a political activist, a field worker. I came

to this position from the field today, faced

death many times, was brutally attacked

while trying to make Chattogarm College

campus free from shibir activists. Torture

was my daily companion. Prime Minister of

the country and Bangabandhu's daughter

has given me the responsibility of general

secretary of the city Awami League. Then I

was fortunate to get the opportunity to serve

as mayor. Promising to work 100 percent to

make Awami League nominated candidate

M rezaul Karim Chowdhury win the election,

the mayor said, I want to everyone that

the way you worked for me, also work for the

candidate chosen by prime minister, I will

give my 100 percent to make him win.

Chattogram Press Club President Ali

Abbas chaired the meeting while among

others Vice-President of Bangladesh Federal

Journalists Union riaz Haider Chowdhury,

Chattogram Press Union President

Mohammad Ali, general secretary of the

press union Md. shamsul Islam, Press Club

general secretary Chowdhury Farid and

Chattogram reporters Forum President

Kazi Abul Mansur were among others also

present at the occasion.

Power sector received

Tk 52,260 cr as subsidy

in 10 years: Nasrul


The government provided

Tk 52,260 crore as subsidy

to power sector in the last 10

years, state Minister for

Power, Energy and Mineral

resources Nasrul Hamid

told parliament on Tuesday,

reports UNB.

The minister said this in

reply to a query from Awami

League MP Didarul Alam

from Chattogram-4.

Nasrul said the average

cost of generating per unit of

electricity for both public

and private sectors is Tk 13-

14 (furnace oil based), Tk

25-30 (diesel based) and Tk

2.5-3 (gas based).

However, he said, the cost

of per unit supply of electricity

at the bulk level of Power

Development Board is Tk

5.82 and its average sales

price at the bulk level is Tk


responding to a question

from AL MP

shahiduzzaman sarker

from Naogaon-2, the state

minister said gas is currently

being imported as LNg.

At present, the LNg,

equivalent to about 590 million

cubic feet is imported


Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam, Executive Editor : Sheikh Efaz Ahmed, Managing, Editor: Tapash Ray Sarker, News Editor : Saiful Islam, printed at Sonali Printing Press, 2/1/A, Arambagh 167, Inner Circular Road, Eden Complex, Motijheel, Dhaka.

Editorial and News Office: Bangladesh Timber Building (3rd Floor) 270/B, Tejgaon I/A Dhaka-1208. Tel : +8802-8878026, Cell : 01832166882; Fax: + 880244611604, Email: Editor : editor@thebangladeshtoday.com, Advertisement: ads@thebangladeshtoday.com, News: newsbangla@thebangladeshtoday.com, contact@thebangladeshtoday.com, website: www.thebangladeshtoday.com

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