Eastlife Spring 2020

With spring flowers, warmer weather and Easter on the horizon, we’re helping you get out of the winter slumber and embrace the great outdoors. Spend the afternoon exploring the sleepy villages of Norfolk or Suffolk, learn to sail on the Broads or punt along the River Cam. Find out more about beach hut hire on the pretty shores of Mersea Island or discover the likes of Ely, Colchester and Ipswich with our travel guides. With spring flowers, warmer weather and Easter on the horizon, we’re helping you get out of the winter slumber and embrace the great outdoors. Spend the afternoon exploring the sleepy villages of Norfolk or Suffolk, learn to sail on the Broads or punt along the River Cam. Find out more about beach hut hire on the pretty shores of Mersea Island or discover the likes of Ely, Colchester and Ipswich with our travel guides.


102Rebecca Goddard Photography

WeddingsCelebrantCeremoniesWritten by Katrina Otter | www.katrinaotterweddings.co.ukAfter the incredible summer of 2018, it’s no surprise that outdoorweddings are becoming increasingly popular. What could bemore romantic than saying your vows in a beautiful garden, wildmeadow or an ancient woodland? And even though legal andreligious ceremonies impose restrictions when it comes to thegreat outdoors, the good news is that if you opt for a celebrantledceremony and the weather is favourable then all of this ispossible because then, you can not only hold your weddingwhenever and wherever you want to, you can also have a trulypersonalised, unique and utterly individual wedding ceremony.Now that’s the ultimate in romance for sure.Wedding celebrants are increasingly popular with many couples(100% of my weddings in 2019 were conducted by celebrants!)and for good reason. Not only do celebrants work with you tocreate a personal ceremony that’s yours and yours alone, theycan also conduct wedding ceremonies at any time and in anylocation…hence their rapid growth in popularity.“Celebrants can’t legally marry you so if youopt for this style of ceremony then you’ll stillneed to attend a registry office to complete theformal paperwork“Celebrants can’t legally marry you so if you opt for this styleof ceremony then you’ll still need to attend a registry office tocomplete the formal paperwork but after that, you can do whatyou like. Celebrants conduct weddings in family gardens, atstunning venues that do and don’t have civil licences and, mostfrequently, in the great outdoors.Rebecca Goddard PhotographyNot only do you then get an unlimited choice of venue, you alsoget a ceremony that will be completely unlike any other. Yourcelebrant will work with you to create your ceremony – you caninclude (or exclude) any religious or symbolic elements that youlike, you can choose any music that you like and in short, youcan do anything that you like! Your celebrant will write a script foryour ceremony that speaks to you and, most importantly, sayseverything about your marriage that you want to say.And this right here, this option to say what’s in your heart andwhat’s important to you in a setting and time of your ownchoosing is why we’re seeing such a significant change in theway couples now say ‘I do’.Katrina Otter is a Cambridgeshire based wedding planner andevent organiser with over 10 years experience. Find out how shecould help you plan your wedding day atwww.katrinaotterweddings.co.uk103


Rebecca Goddard Photography

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