Deliverance Ministry - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

Deliverance Ministry - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

Deliverance Ministry - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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truly crucified with Christ will be a bold witness, because he doesn’t<br />

care what others think <strong>of</strong> him. A dead person will be free in their<br />

worship for the same reason. The reason many Christians are<br />

powerless <strong>and</strong> don’t have the power to raise the dead is because<br />

they haven’t died to receive resurrection power. This power will<br />

raise both the spiritually dead <strong>and</strong> the physically dead. Now let’s<br />

look at the spiritual power in water baptism.<br />

1 Corinthians 10:2 says concerning the children <strong>of</strong> Israel “They<br />

were all baptized into Moses in the cloud <strong>and</strong> the sea.” There was a<br />

water baptism Israel went through when crossing the Red Sea.<br />

They were baptized into Moses (a picture <strong>of</strong> Christ) by passing<br />

through the Red Sea. The point I want to make in this is that the<br />

same waters that baptized Israel also closed behind them to sepa­<br />

rate them from Egypt which represents the world <strong>and</strong> our past sins.<br />

Also, the waters killed their pursuing enemies. Even though you<br />

make heaven by the blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus only, there is a power in water<br />

baptism. John the Baptist was not doing something new. There<br />

were large containers <strong>of</strong> water at the temple that people would dip<br />

in for ceremonial cleansing. This is all through the Law <strong>of</strong> Moses.<br />

Dick Rueben said the best time to pray for someone to receive the<br />

baptism <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit is right out <strong>of</strong> the waters <strong>of</strong> baptism.<br />

There seems to be an outward cleansing that prepares someone to<br />

receive a new level <strong>of</strong> anointing. John Kilpatrick said he has found<br />

that those that are water baptized are less likely to backslide. I just<br />

want to bring home the point that water baptism is part <strong>of</strong> the deep<br />

consecration. I always obey the Bible <strong>and</strong> water baptize all <strong>of</strong> my<br />

congregation. I make sure those that are delivered are water bap­<br />

tized. Now let’s talk about the blood.<br />

The blood<br />

The blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus is the most powerful substance in existence.<br />

This blood was shed for the cleansing <strong>of</strong> the world. The blood is all<br />

we need to make heaven. If our sins are washed away by the blood<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lamb <strong>of</strong> God, we are saved. The blood in the Old Testament<br />

was always applied with a plant known as hyssop. Hyssop always<br />

represents faith. So we apply the blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus by faith. We can<br />

do this by speaking it only, or placing our h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> applying the<br />

blood, or by using the fruit <strong>of</strong> the vine. I have heard <strong>of</strong> people plac­<br />

ing the fruit <strong>of</strong> the vine used in communion on the doorposts all<br />

over their home. This is very powerful. Also, I have heard <strong>of</strong> people<br />

burying communion bread <strong>and</strong> juice in l<strong>and</strong> to consecrate it. This is<br />

also very powerful. There is an applying <strong>of</strong> blood that will deeply<br />

consecrate someone unto God. This can happen when an authority<br />

figure prays this way over someone. I have placed my h<strong>and</strong>s on<br />

some people from their head, shoulders, h<strong>and</strong>s, mind, feet, etc...<br />

applying the blood for a deep consecration. Almost every time they<br />


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