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8 / Balanced Care Method Workbook Healthy Diet

Omega-3-Rich Foods

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that has

been shown to support heart health and

brain function. 1 to 3 servings a day is advised.

Some omega-3 rich foods to include in

the diet:

• Cold-water, fatty fish

– Salmon

– Tuna

– Mackerel

• Walnuts

• Dark, leafy greens

– Spinach

– Swiss chard

– Kale

– Mustard, turnip, beet,

and collard greens

• Flaxseeds and chia seeds (can sprinkle on

yogurt or salad)

• Omega-3 enriched eggs – Look for

“pastured” or “cage-free” versions

Tea & Water

Plenty of fresh water is good for everyone

and a much better thirst-quencher than

juice. The Balanced Care Method also

encourages drinking several cups of tea

daily. Black tea is fine, but the healthier

option is a decaffeinated jasmine, green

or herbal tea. Try fresh ginger, chamomile

and peppermint teas for a soothing effect,

adding a bit of honey or lemon juice for

more flavor.

It is very important to make sure your client

is drinking enough fluids; according to the

Mayo Clinic, men and women should consume

at least 8 glasses of water a day to avoid

dehydration. More may be necessary if your

client takes medications that have diuretic

or laxative effects. Dehydration can result in

very serious consequences and should be

monitored closely.

Symptoms can include:

• Fatigue

• Headache

• Dry mouth

• Little or no urination

• Muscle weakness

• Dizziness or light headedness

• Confusion and forgetfulness

• Deep rapid breathing or an increased

heart rate

Here are several suggestions to ensure your

client consumes the adequate amount of

fluids each day:

• Encourage your client to drink before he or

she feels thirsty

• Help keep him or her hydrated by having

water or tea nearby for sipping throughout

the day

• Serve water or tea before serving food at


• Foods such as soups and raw fruits and

vegetables are also an excellent ways to

stay hydrated


Many people enjoy a cup of coffee in the

morning before or with their breakfast. While

some believe that coffee is not good for you,

recent studies suggest that moderate coffee

consumption can help stave off Alzheimer’s

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