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62 / Balanced Care Method Workbook Social Ties

Social Ties

Social ties – our connections to other people

– keep us healthy. They provide emotional

support, make us feel connected, reduce

depression, sadness, and loneliness and

help limit stress levels. Conversation between

caregivers and seniors, then, is essential to an

active and healthy relationship.

Many people find their social ties become

fewer as they age; friends and family

members move or pass away, and a lack of

independence can hinder the ability to go

on social outings. Yet such ties are important

for our mental and physical well-being. If

your client is very social, facilitate that. If your

client seems to be pulling away from people

or becoming more isolated, encourage him

or her to maintain his or her sociability.

The Balanced Care Method Social

Connection Overview:

• Stimulate conversation

• Daily phone calls or emails

• Visiting with friends or family

• Senior center visits

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