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60 / Balanced Care Method Workbook Cognitive Engagement


1. What do you remember most about your

childhood? Where did you grow up?

2. Did you have a large family? Brothers?

Sisters? What about your extended family?

3. If you could relive one memory of your

childhood, what would it be? Why?

4. What did you used to love to do when you

were a child?


1. What do you remember most about your


2. What was the most significant change

from childhood to adolescence for you?

3. What did you do for fun? Who were your


4. Adolescence can be a challenging time.

What was most challenging for you?


1. What was your favorite kind of music

growing up? Has it changed?

2. Do you have any of your old albums? Who

were your favorite artists?

3. Did you ever go to a concert? Who did you

see? Who would you have liked to see?

4. What were your favorite times to listen to

music? In the car? In the morning? During a

dinner party?


1. Do you like to dance? Did you always like

to dance? What is your favorite kind of


2. Did you go to your high school prom?

What do you remember about it? Who did

you go with?

3. Where did you like to dance? At a party?

On stage?

4. Do you have any particularly fond

memories of an experience when you were



1. Do you remember your first car? What was


2. What was one exciting memory about the

first time you learned to drive? What were

some of the challenges?

3. Where did you used to drive? What other

cars have you owned?

4. What was your favorite thing about being

able to drive? Least favorite?


1. What was your first job? How long did

you work there?

2. Did you ever work at a restaurant or in

retail? What was it like? What other types

of jobs did you have?

3. What was your favorite job? What did

you like about it?

4. What is one good memory you have

about a job you had?

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