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59 / Balanced Care Method Workbook Cognitive Engagement

Social Reminiscing

Explore childhood and young adult

memories; happy events from the past.

Example questions are provided below, but

if you feel like the conversation is lacking

in substance, you can ask questions of

your own. You might ask, “How did your

husband/wife propose?” or “How long were

you engaged?” Keep it light and avoid any

topics that you think may distress the client.

If the client starts to get distressed, steer

the conversation to a different topic. You

might share your own brief anecdotes, but

remember the purpose is to engage your

client in his/her own history. The following are

potential topics and suggested questions.


1. What is your favorite type of vacation

(beach, camping, hiking, safari,etc.)?

2. What is your most memorable vacation?

Were you with your family, friends or were

you alone?

3. What is your favorite holiday? What is your

favorite holiday memory?

4. When you were a young adult, did you like

to travel or spend vacations at home?

Favorite Games:

1. What was your favorite childhood game?

2. Do you have any fond memories of a

particular game you used to play that you

remember from your childhood?

3. Did you prefer board games, card games or

other types of games (Ex. Hide and Seek)?

4. Are you competitive? What do you like

about playing games?

First Pet:

1. What was your first pet? Dog? Cat? Fish?

2. What was his/her name? How did you pick

the name?

3. What memories do you have of your first


4. Did you have other pets? What kind? Did

your pets travel with you? What made your

pet unique?

School Days:

1. Where did you go to grammar school?

High school? College?

2. What are your fondest memories of your

school days?

3. Do you remember any of your teachers?

Did you have a favorite teacher? Why was

he/she your favorite?

4. Did you stay in touch with your friends from

your school days?


1. What was your favorite holiday growing

up? Why?

2. If you could relive one holiday memory, which

one would it be? Why is it so special?

3. Did you celebrate holidays with extended

family? What did you do?

4. Did you travel anywhere special for

particular holidays? With who? Where?

How did holiday celebrations change

throughout your life?

Political Events:

1. Where were you when you learned that

President Kennedy was assassinated?

2. What do you remember about the fall of

the Berlin Wall?

3. What were the most memorable events

during the Civil Rights Movement?

4. When your hear: “Once small step for

man,one giant leap for mankind,” what

memories come to mind?

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