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4 / Balanced Care Method Workbook

Healthy Diet

A major factor that contributes to the

extraordinary health enjoyed by Okinawan

elders is their distinct diet. It is plantbased,

low in fat and animal-based

protein and high in fiber, omega-3 fatty

acids and flavonoids. It includes low to

moderate alcohol intake, plenty of fruits

and vegetables and very low levels of

saturated fat and sodium. The twenty

percent of animal-based calories the

Okinawans do consume come mostly

from cold-water fish or stewed meats

from which the fat has been rendered.

In addition, the fats they eat – fish, soy

products, and cold-pressed canola oil

– are largely monounsaturated (which

helps to lower “bad” cholesterol) and rich

in omega-3 fatty acids.

Thus, the Balanced Care Method

promotes a varied diet rich in vegetables

and fruits, whole grains and other complex

carbohydrates, lean proteins, flavonoid

and omega-3-rich foods, and low in

saturated fats, refined sugars, processed

foods and alcohol. There is room in this

diet profile for most people’s favorite

foods, at least in moderation. Similar to

the Okinawan practice of hara hachibu,

which means eating until only 80% full,

the Balanced Care Method promotes a

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