Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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predatory nomads

4.4 Tagar period bridle fittings, bits, and cheek pieces from the Minusinsk Valley.

Fig 4.4

heads), daggers, and battleaxes. The arrowheads are of various forms, both bilobate

and trilobite, the former being the earlier. Daggers, with handle and blade cast as

one, often have butterfly-shaped guards and flat or ring-shaped pommels. The battleaxes

were cast with short tubes, set at right angles to the blade, to facilitate the

attachment of the handle. Other items found in graves include ring-handled knives,

bronze cauldrons, circular bronze mirrors, bone combs, and a variety of wooden


Horse gear features large in the repertoire. In about 800 bc the bone cheek pieces

of the Karasuk type were replaced by bronze cheek pieces with two or three perforations

for rein attachments. Bits were two-linked with ends terminating in rings or

stirrup-shaped openings and there was also a variety of strap junctions and decorative

pendants. The amount of horse gear recovered and the numerous rock carvings

depicting horses leave little doubt that riding now played a significant part in the life

of the community.

Finally there is the animal art which pervades Tagar culture: isolated animals cast

in bronze for attachment to fabric or wood, animals integrated with the casting of

other objects like mirrors, rattles, or battleaxes, and petroglyphs carved on the stone

slabs retaining the burial mounds. The animals depicted include felines (possibly

snow leopards), argali sheep with recurved horns often standing in characteristic

pose with feet together, and recumbent deer with feet tucked beneath the body, head

raised, and antlers splaying out behind. Less often there are depictions of horses,


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