Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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Many years ago as a young undergraduate at Cambridge I came across a

brief reference, in a series of essays written by Gordon Childe, to horsemen

who had moved westwards from the Pontic steppe and had established

themselves in Hungary at the end of the Bronze Age. I was surprised to find that

none of my teachers at Cambridge had any interest in, or indeed much knowledge of,

the subject so I decided to follow it up, as far as I could, from published sources and to

make it my own. That which we discover for ourselves we cherish. So began a lifelong

fascination with the warrior nomads of the steppe.

Some years later, in the early 1970s, I managed to arrange a brief study trip to Hungary,

then still under Soviet control, the first of many visits to Eastern Europe to meet

colleagues and to establish academic links. It was in the National Museum in Budapest,

looking in awe at two great gold stags, brought to northern Hungary by horsemen

from the steppe, that the brilliance and energy of the Scythian world first really

struck home. Thereafter I have dogged the footsteps of the Scythians, in the Ukraine

and the Crimea, and across Central Asia as far as Mongolia. I have also made pilgrimages

to two of the world’s greatest collections of Scythian art, in the State Hermitage

Museum in St Petersburg and the Museum of Historical Treasures in Kiev. This book

is my homage to these remarkable people.

For the most part the story told here is presented as a straightforward narrative

but a small collection of end matter has been added: a list of Scythian kings, a brief

timeline, and a Gallery of Objects in which ten selected items, which best illustrate

Scythian life, are presented—chosen because they are frequently referred to in the

text. There is also a section offering a Guide to Further Reading for those who, I hope,

might wish to begin to dig deeper into the detail.

To an educated Greek, the Scythians were one of the four great peoples of the barbarian

world. They were well known. Scythian archers were frequently depicted on

Attic Black-Figured pottery and historians like Herodotus recorded stories from their


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