Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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the scythians as others saw them

effective system that has the potential both to increase the territorial holding of the

successful contestants and to thin out excess population. At the same time tranches

of the community may decide, or be persuaded, to seek a new life overseas.

Many of the Greek cities had comparatively restricted fertile hinterlands which

were intensively cultivated, the more marginal tracts to the point of exhaustion.

Over-cropping by goats on the mountainsides also led to soil erosion. As the urban

population increased there was little scope for improving local productivity and

communities had to rely more and more on imports of food. At the same time social

stress intensified. In such conditions it is understandable that young men, tiring of

increasing restrictions imposed by the society in which they had been brought up,

were prepared to join others of like mind to seek new lands abroad. In consequence

the Greek city states began to organize overseas colonial expeditions.

The new colonies served a multitude of functions, the most important being that

they relieved social tension at home by providing an outlet for the dissatisfied and

the antisocial. Colonies also syphoned off excess population. Some overseas enclaves

began as trading entrepôts, others as settlements of farmers cultivating the land

around the newly founded city, but the trading centres might soon attract settlers

who wished to farm and so the differences became obscured. Once established, a

colony could serve as a valued trading partner for its mother city, providing a ready

market for manufactured goods which could be traded on to the indigenous native

population. In return they could gather foodstuffs for export, either produced by

the colonists themselves or acquired from the indigenous population, and rare raw

materials such as metals and furs and the ever-valuable slaves arriving from further

inland along the existing trading networks. The essence of the Greek colonial model

was symbiosis. To be successful the colony had to have the agreement of the indigenous

people and to live in harmony with them. The return to the native population

was considerable, not least access to a range of exotic goods and a ready market for

their surplus produce. The patronage of the foreigners could also be a powerful tool

in social negotiations and local power struggles.

The first Greek colonies in the Black Sea were set up on the southern, Asiatic,

shore at Trapezus and Sinope possibly as early as the mid eighth century. If they were

as early as this, they would have been forerunners of the main wave of colonization

to follow, traditionally ascribed to the organizing powers of the Ionian city of Miletos.

The early date claimed for the initial settlement at Sinope is supported by the

report that it had to be refounded by the Miletians after an attack and occupation by

the Kimmerians sometime around 700 bc. Thereafter, until about 530 bc, the setting

up of colonies around the shores of the sea continued at some pace: in all, Miletos is

credited with founding ninety cities. If this figure even approximates to the truth, it


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