Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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copper and tin mining 73

domestication of cattle, sheep,

and goats 71

ecological zones 63, 64

Final Bronze Age (1200–850 bc)


horse domestication 71–2

horse riding, earliest evidence

for 72–3

horses 70–3, 82

Late Bronze Age continuum

(1800–1200 bc) 73–6, 74

steppe corridor 62–5

steppe landscape 60, 62

temperature and rainfall 54

temperature range and

vegetation 62

Eusebius 30

Exampaeus (holy ways) great

cauldron 270

Ezekiel, prophet 106

Fellbach-Schmilden carved deer,

Germany 163, 165

Filippovka kurgans, Kazakhstan

26–7, 177–8, 177, 178, 179

Frolov, Petr 9, 16

Frolov collection, tiger 9

Gabler, F. V. 16

Gaugamela, Battle of (331 bc) 175

Gaumata, Persian rebel leader 41,


Gaymanova mogila, silver bowl,

Ukraine 21, 201–2, 203, 242,

243, 247, 336–7, 336, 337

Gelonus, city 46, 135, 333

gender fluidity, and the Scythians


Genesis 34

Georgievskaya petroglyph

depicting shaman 93

Gerrhos region kurgans 293–5, 294

Gnurus, Scythian king 358


gods and goddesses, Scythian


Goestosyrus (Apollo) 267, 268

‘golden man’/‘golden princess’ of

Kazakhstan 24

gorytos (quiver) 243

Chertomlÿk kurgan, Ukraine

241–2, 242

Solokha kurgan, warrior king

burial, Ukraine 254, 255,

344–5, 344

Tobolsk belt buckle 5

Goths 325, 326

Great Bliznitsa kurgan, Taman

Peninsula 142–3, 142, 143

Great Hungarian Plain 63, 107–9,

147–60, 149, 247, 322, 323

puszta 107–9

see also Carpathian basin

Greeks and the Scythians:

Black-Figured pots depicting

Scythians 52, 52, 53

Black Sea (Pontos Axiemos/Euxine)

exploration 29–30

coexistence between 44–6, 47

colonial interactions 124–9, 125,

126, 127

colonization of the Black Sea

littoral 35–9, 36

cultural interactions 11, 13, 14, 15,


goldsmiths and craftsmen 331

Pontic grain supplies 124–5

Red-Figured plate depicting

Scythian archer 28, 53

Red-Figured pottery 131

timeline 354

vapour baths 210

see also Athens and the


Griaznov, Mikhail 18, 23, 24,


Griffins, gold-guarding 50, 51

Gyges, Lydian king 33

Hallstatt culture 108, 155, 156, 157

funerary rite developments and

steppe influences 159–60

haoma plant 39

headhunting 261, 262

Hecataeus 44, 46

Hellanikos of Lesbos 45, 46

Hercules 266, 267

herd management and animal

husbandry, Scythian 220–2

Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg

2, 14

Herodotus of Halicarnassus

(Histories) 10, 11, 14, 30, 31,

34, 41, 43, 45–7, 48–52, 55, 58,

105, 106, 111, 114, 115–17, 121–2,

123, 128, 135–6, 144, 152, 154,

169, 199, 209, 210–11, 216–17,

219, 220, 222, 230, 246, 255,

256–7, 259, 260, 261–2, 266,

268, 269–70, 272, 279, 282,

292–3, 306–7, 308, 343, 357

Hesiod 30

Histrani of Thrace 55

Histria, Greek colony 38

Hladkivschyna kurgan 2 warrior,

Cherkesta 250

Homer 30

horse sacrifice and burials 136, 155,


Alexandropol kurgan, Ukraine


Arzhan 1 95–8, 298, 301

Arzhan 2 100–2

Chertomlÿk kurgan, Ukraine


Kelermes kurgan 1, Kuban

region 300–1

Pazyryk cemeteries, Altai

Mountains, Kazakhstan 231,

232, 301

Pazyryk kurgan 36 301

horses and horse gear 70–3, 82,



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