Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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coiled feline motif, Scythian 284–5,


Colaxais 266

Colchis 30

copper mining 73

covered wagons, Scythian 211, 211,

214–16, 215

cremation graves, Hallstatt culture


Cyaxares, Median king 114, 259

Cyropolis, Persian garrison town


Cyrus the Great, Persian king

39–41, 44, 170, 175, 256, 262

Dacians 319, 320–2

daily life, Scythian 199–227

Andrieis/Enarees (effeminates)

219–20, 268, 272, 273

body tattooing 207–9, 208,

209, 265

cannabis use 46, 210

cheese making 222–4

clean in body and mind 209–16

covered wagons 211, 211, 214–16,


dress and display 201–9, 202,

203, 204

furniture and cooking utensils

213, 213, 214

gender fluidity 218–20

goats and cattle 222

hairstyles 211

herd management and animal

husbandry 220–2

horse training 221, 221

hunting 225, 225

leather and wool working 207

mare milking 222

music 226, 226, 227

permanent houses 212–13

saunas 210

sheep 222, 223

social structure 216–17


wine 227

women’s skin cleaning 210–11

work and play 220–7

yurts and gers 211–12, 212

Darius, Persian king 24, 40, 41,

41–3, 122, 175, 203, 231, 256

de Wilde, Jacob 2, 3

death, burial, and ritual, Scythian

46, 46, 291–309

across the steppe 307–8

burial grounds of the kings


catacomb-style graves 139–41,

152, 299–300, 299

consigned to the earth 300–4,

301, 303, 304

death riders 307

displays of grief 297

feasting 297, 306

female companions 302

gift giving 298

preparing the body 295–6

preparing the grave 298–300,

298, 299

processions 297–8

purifications 306

raising the mound 304–6

retainers 302

ritual cannibalism 308–9, 308

ritual mutilation 297

royal and aristocratic

distinctions 295

sarcophagi 300

Scythian sources 292–3

a year later 306–7

see also horse sacrifice and burials

deer and stag motifs, Scythian 283,


defended enclosures (gorodišče),

Pontic steppe 22

Bel’sk, Ukraine 22, 46, 129, 132,

133–5, 133

Kamenskoe fortification,

Ukraine 22, 129–31, 130

deities, Scythian images of 276–82

Demidov, Alexis 6

Demosthenes 54

Diodorus Siculus 144, 258, 266

Dioskouroi cult 282

DNA evidence, Yamnaya culture


Dnepropetrovska ceremonial pole

top, Ukraine 275

‘dragon-pairs’ 162

dress and display, Scythian 201–9,

202, 203, 204

Du Brux, Paul 332

Dugdamme/Lygdamis, Kimmerian

king 33

Dutch East India Company 2

dzud, Mongolia 66

effeminate males (‘female

sickness’), Andrieis/Enarees

219–20, 272, 273

and the hereditary priesthood


Eleusinian cult 143

Elizavetinskaya kurgans:

six-wheeled wagon 304, 305

Elizavetovskaya settlement, Don

delta 127, 127, 129, 131

shaft graves 137–9

Enarees/Andrieis 219–20, 272, 273

and the hereditary priesthood


Ephesus temple of Artemis 33, 35

Ephoros 48

Equus caballus 70

Equus hernionas (Onager) 70

Equus hydruntinus 70

Eumelus, Bosporan pretender 258

Eurasian steppe 61–82

Atlantic wind systems and

currents 64

cereal cultivation (1800–1200

bc) 73–6

climate 65–70


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