Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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curled feline bronze plaque 98

deer stone 99

female companions 302

sacrificial horses 298, 301

Arzhan 2 95, 100–3, 101, 201

female companions 302

Arzhan chieftains, Tagar culture


Asarhaddon, Persian king 33, 114

Ashkelon temple of Aphrodite

Urania 34

Ashmole, Elias 1

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1

Assyrian empire 31, 32, 33, 39, 114

Ateas, king 55, 56, 121, 241, 256, 358

Athens and the Scythians:

Pontic grain supplies 124–5, 126

Scythians employed as archerurban

police 52–4

Scythians through the eyes of


timeline 354

see also Aristophanes

Babylonian empire 32, 33, 39

Bactria 175

Bactria Margiana Archaeological

Complex (BMAC) 74

Barinovka settlement, Samara

valley 73, 75

Barnaul Mining Museum, Siberia


Bartatua, Scythian king 33, 114,

259, 358

Bashadar kurgan 2 238

Basse Yeutz wine flagons, France

160–2, 161

Bastarnae peoples 144–5

battleaxes and maces, Scythian

244–5, 245

Bel’sk fortified settlement

(gorodišče), Ukraine 22, 46,

129, 132, 133–5, 133

Belozerka culture 80, 81, 103–4


Berel kurgans, Altai Mountains 20,


kurgan 1 190

kurgan 9 193

kurgan 10 190, 191, 192, 192–3

kurgan 11, female companions


Berezan, Greek colony 38, 124

Bering, Vitus 8

Besschatyr kurgans, Kazakhstan


Bidzilya, V. I. 336

Bisitun carved relief, Iran 25, 41,

41, 203

Black Sea 7, 9–16, 11

Bliznits kurgan 14

blood-brotherhood ritual,

Scythian 217, 218, 260–1,

309, 347

Bolshoi Salbykskii kurgan, Salbyk

valley 89, 196

Bosporan kingdom 142–3, 256,

260, 319

Pontic steppe Scythians and

125–8, 126, 127

timeline 354

Botai settlement, Kazakhstan 72

bows and arrows, Scythian 238–42,

239, 240, 241

Boyer petroglyph, Yenisei valley


depicting shaman 93

Bratoliubivsky kurgan gold finial,

Khersonska region 287

Breyne, Johann Philipp 6

Bundi tribe 135

Callipedae peoples 49

cannabis use, Scythian 46, 210

cannibalism, ritual 308–9, 308

Carpathian basin (Great Hungarian

Plain) 147–67, 148, 149

Celtic migrations 160–7

horse-riding, importance of 159

North European Plain and

Scythian settlement 157

pre-Scythian advances 148–50

relations with the West 156–8

Scythians in the West 150–6, 151

timeline 354

trade in horses 156–7

Transylvanian group 151–2, 152

Vekerzug culture 152, 152–6,

154, 157

view from the West 159–60

Carpathian mountains 147–8, 148,


catacomb-style of burials 139–41,


Rjadovye kurgan 3 299–300,


Catherine the Great, Tzarina of

Russia 9

Celtic migrations, and Scythian art


Celtic war bands 144

cereal cultivation (1800–1200 bc)


chariots 69

Chastye Kurgany kurgans 334

silver beaker 334–5, 334, 335

cheese making, Scythian 222–4

Chernogorovka culture 103

Chersonesos, Greek colony 38–9

Chertomlÿk kurgan, Ukraine 10,

14, 21–2, 136, 139, 140, 219,

297, 305

death riders 307

gorytos (quiver) 242

retainers 302

sacrificial horses 300

silver wine amphora 221, 221,

232, 233, 235, 242, 350–1, 350,


Chian Han dynasty, China 313

Chinggis Khan 66, 67, 327

Chios, and slavery 52

Cicero 45


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