Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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illustration sources

7, and 8; 7.7 The work uses the results of scientific research, stored in archaeological

funds of the Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Studies of Ufa Federal Research Centre,

Russian Academy of Sciences; 7.8 The work uses the results of scientific research,

stored in archaeological funds of the Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Studies of

Ufa Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences; 7.9 After L. Yablonsky,

‘Scythians and Saka: ethnic terminology and archaeological reality’ in J. Aruz et al.

(op. cit.), 24–31, fig. 2; 7.10 Author: multiple sources; 7.11 Scientific-restoration laboratory

‘Ostrov Krym’, Almaty. Krym Altynbekov, 1996; 7.12 K. Akišev, Kurgan Issyk

(Moscow, 1978); 7.13 K. Akišev (op. cit.); 7.14 After S. Rudenko (op. cit.), fig. 2; 7.15 ©

OUP; 7.16 K. Chugunov; 7.17a and b S. Rudenko (op. cit.), figs 6 & 15; 7.18 Z. Samashev,

“’The Berel kurgans: some results of investigation’, in S. Stark et al. (eds.), Nomads

and Networks (Princeton, 2012), 31–49, fig. 2.3a; 7.19 Z. Samashev; 7.20 Z. Samashev;

7.21 Z. Samashev.

Chapter 8 opener and 8.3: SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 8.1 Marquand

Library of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University. Photo by John Blazejewski.

From Salomon Reinach, Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien (1854) rééditées avec un commentaire

nouveau et un index général des comptes rendus (1892); 8.4 S. Rudenko (op. cit.), fig. 30;

8.5 SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 8.6a and b S. Rudenko (op. cit.), figs. 32 and

33; 8.7 SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 8.8 S. Rudenko (op. cit.), figs. 32 and 33; 8.9

SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 8.10 Yevgeny Paletsky/Wikimedia Commons/

CC-BY-SA-3.0; 8.11a and b SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 8.12 SHM/photo by

Vladimir Terebenin; 8.13 S. Rudenko (op. cit.), figs 23; 8.14 Tamara Talbot Rice (op.

cit.), fig. 30; 8.15 SHM/photo by Alexander Koksharov; 8.16 Robert B. Haas Family

Arts Library, Yale University: Drevnosti (op. cit.); 8.17a and b Museum of Historical

Treasures of Ukraine; 8.18 SHM/photo by Alexander Koksharov; 8.19 SHM/photo by

Alexander Koksharov; 8.20 Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine; 8.21 SHM/

photo by Vladimir Terebenin.

Chapter 9 opener and 9.4: SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 9.1a and b SHM/

photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 9.2 S. Rudenko (op. cit.), fig. 66; 9.3 SHM/photo by

Vladimir Terebenin; 9.5 SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 9.6 S. Rudenko (op. cit.),

fig. 87; 9.7 SHM/photo by Vladimir Terebenin; 9.8 Elena Stepanova, ‘Horses’ harnesses

of the Nomads of Altai of the Scythian time’ (based on material from the burial

mounds of the Pazyryk culture) in the catalogue of an exhibition in Kazan, Eurasian

Nomads: On Their Way to the Empire (St Petersburg, 2012), pp. 103–10, fig. 1 [Степанова Е.

В. Конское снаряжение кочевников Алтая скифского времени (по материалам

курганов Пазырыкской культуры), Кочевники Евразии на пути к империи:


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