Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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scythian kings

and dynasties

Scythian Kings

Scythian kings are mentioned in various historical sources, most particularly in

Herodotus’ Histories. The following list and the suggested dates was presented by A.

Y. Alekseyev in his paper ‘Scythian Kings and “Royal” Burial Mounds of the Fifth and

Fourth Centuries bc’, in D. Braund (ed.), Scythians and Greeks (Exeter, 2004), 39–55. The

author makes a strong case for Oricus being buried in the kurgan of Solokha (burial

1) around 410 bc, with his brother Octamasades being buried in the same mound

(burial 2) between 390 and 380. He also argues that Anonymous 2 was the first king

buried in Chertomlÿk. The correlation of known kings to other royal burials is more



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