Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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1. Two men converse face to face. One, wearing a

headband, sits on a low hillock. He holds a spear;

his gorytos slung on his left side is just visible

behind him. The man facing him kneels on the

ground holding a spear, his arm resting on his


2. A single figure partially kneeling to string his bow.

His own bow can just be seen in the gorytos that he is

wearing on his left side.

3. Two men kneeling facing each other. One man steadies

the head of his partner whilst examining his teeth

or mouth with a finger. Both men wear gorytoi on

their left-hand sides.

4. Two men sitting, one bandaging the leg of the other.

Both are equipped with gorytoi.

There has been much debate about the meaning of the

scene. At its simplest it could be illustrating aspects

of companionship. Another view is that the first two

scenes may depict preparation for battle, with the second

two showing aspects of its aftermath. A more

adventurous hypothesis is that the scene illuminates the

Scythian origin myth (above, pp. 266–7) with Scythes

successfully stringing the bow while his two brothers,

Agathyrsus and Gelonus, are treated for injuries suffered

in their unsuccessful attempts to perform the task. This

interpretation would require the first pair of figures to

be identified as Hercules (with head bowed) explaining

the tasks he wanted his sons to perform. This is not

entirely satisfactory since the myth requires him to give

his instructions to the mother of his children, which is

evidently not the case. Clearly there is much scope here

for inventive imagination.

Beside the interpretation of the scene there is a great

deal to be learned from the depictions of tonsorial styles,

dress, and weaponry (above, pp. 238–51). The depictions

of the hoods, thigh-length belted coats, trousers, and

soft leather ankle boots are well drawn, showing much

of the dress to have been elaborately decorated.


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