Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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bending the bow

of such intricacy would have been costly to make and

thus out of reach of all but the elite.

Helmets were also popular among those

who could afford them. The earliest,

known as Kuban helmets and dating

to the sixth century, were heavy

affairs made of cast bronze. They

fitted tightly to the head covering

the forehead to the eyebrow

line, with cheekpieces to protect

the face, and additional

neck protection. It is usually

assumed that this style of

helmet came from, or at

least derived its inspiration

from, Asia Minor,

but there are striking

parallels with helmets

in use in China from

the Shang dynasty

and later, and direct

influence from eastern

Asia, perhaps via

Mongolia and southern

Siberia, remains a possibility. From the fifth century

head protection based on scale-covered leather hoods

became more common while Greek helmets of Corinthian,

Attic, and Chalcidian type were now becoming

available. Some sixty are known from Scythian burials.

At the same time, metal greaves of Greek style were

adopted, though they were sometimes modified to

9.23 (Top) Helmet with cheekpieces covered with iron scales from

kurgan 2 at Novofedorivka in the Khersonska region.

9.24 (Bottom) Cast bronze helmet from kurgan 2 at Kelermes. Helmets

of this kind have been found in other burials in the Kuban region

but the type probably came from northern China.


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