Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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bending the bow

9.15 (Right) The silver bowl, with figures covered in gold sheet,

from Gaymanova mogila depicts two scenes each of pairs of

men in conversation (see Gallery, no. 3). The individual shown

here wears his gorytos on his left side, his left hand resting on

his arrows. In his right hand is a whip. Another gorytos containing

a strung bow is by his right knee.

9.16 (Below) The gold beaker from Kul’Oba (see Gallery, no.

1). In this scene both men hold short spears. One has his

shield, probably of leather, by his side. The other wears his

gorytos on his left side with the end of the bow just showing.

depicted on the felt wall hanging from kurgan 5

carries his gorytos with him as he approaches a


Beside the bow Scythian warriors were usually

equipped with a variety of spears and lances,

and with swords and daggers. Among the former,

short spears less than 2 m long were common.

They could be thrown at the commencement

of an engagement or used for thrusting in close

fighting much as the mounted warrior depicted

on the Solokha comb is about to do (Gallery, no.

5). Short spears were also used for hunting. Some


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