Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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bodies clothed in skins

8.21 Stringed musical instrument from kurgan 2 at Pazyryk. The resonator is made from a single hollowed-out

piece of wood. The middle part of the body was covered by a wooden sounding board, while

sounding membranes were stretched over the open part of the body. There were at least four strings, suggesting

that the instrument may have been a kind of harp.

The Scythian love of undiluted wine has been described above (p. 54). The topos of

the drunken Scythian was well known in the Greek world. The phrase ‘get ourselves

as drunk as Scythians’, used by the sixth century poet Anacreon, would have brought

a knowing smile to the faces of his Greek audience. The archaeological evidence

supports the large-scale consumption of Greek wine by the Scythians of the Pontic

steppe. Amphorae are found in some numbers accompanying burials of the elite and

are often found with wine-drinking gear of the kind that would be expected in any

upper-class Greek household. Amphorae are also found at the large inland trading

sites. There can be little doubt that wine drinking was avidly taken up by those able

to obtain supplies. But further away from the Black Sea interface, in Central Asia and

beyond, nomads would have had to rely on koumiss with its significantly lower alcohol

content. The drunken Scythian, then, was most likely a product of contact with

the classical world—yet another example of the debilitating effect which interaction

with supposedly developed societies could have.


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