Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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scythians in central asia

people were buried without weapons and without items decorated in the animal

style. A study of the skeletal remains, particularly skulls, suggests that the population

may have originated in the southern Ural area. The second group were cremated or

inhumed either as single burials or with several individuals buried together. In some

cases the burials were placed in deep pits beneath kurgans and were accompanied

by weapons, horse gear, and ornaments decorated in animal style. The morphology

of their skulls compares with that of the population living in the eastern steppe and

forest steppe region. The burials from the cemeteries in the Syr Darya delta all belong

to this second group.

If one takes the data together, it would seem that these desert-edge communities

were made up largely of people who came from the east, perhaps from the Altai–

Sayan region, but that west of the Amu Darya they were intermixed with people of

Volga–Ural origin. Some observers have related these differences to tribes mentioned

by the classical sources, assuming the eastern group to be Sakā and suggesting that

the western population were derived from the Massagetae. Given the paucity of the

evidence it is probably safer to leave aside these attributions and regard the differences

simply as reflecting the mobility of populations in the first millennium bc.

The Country of the Seven Rivers

The Semirech’ye region of southern Kazakhstan is a particularly favoured zone, benefiting

from a varying topography. To the south lie the high Tian Shan Mountains,

the melting snows from which feed the seven main rivers which flow northwards to

meet the Ili River that carries the spring flood waters onwards to Lake Balkhash. The

rivers have created fourteen large alluvial fans of deep rich soil above well-drained

gravels. Not far to the south the land rises to the foothills and upland plateaus with

mixed forest interspersed with meadow before the higher mountain slopes with

their stands of conifers and alpine meadows are reached. From the semi-arid areas of

the Ili valley, interspersed with marshland, to the mountain slopes is a mere 60 km.

Thus a community choosing to settle on the alluvial fans would be able to exploit a

wide range of different ecologies easily accessible within a day or two’s journey from

home. Crops could be grown on the fertile soil while the animals were enjoying the

upland pastures, and when the harvests were in the animals could be brought down

for the winter to feed off the stubble and fallow, at the same time providing the much

needed manure.

Several first millennium bc settlements have been excavated on the Talgar fan, not

far from the modern city of Almaty, providing clear evidence that millet, wheat, barley,

and grapes were grown. Millet was more common at first but after about 400 bc


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